'The Irony Is Delicious..'


Well-Known Member
i meant it was a business in the sense that most of those involved in it can be bought and sold
ahhh, I see...
my bad for getting worked up over it
I can't remember being this stressed out over the government
and I am the most laidback guy on this site, probably
not right now though, I feel like just closing shop, speeding home, locking the fuckin doors, sparking up the fattest bowl and playing some racing games or something...


Well-Known Member
ahhh, I see...
my bad for getting worked up over it
I can't remember being this stressed out over the government
and I am the most laidback guy on this site, probably
not right now though, I feel like just closing shop, speeding home, locking the fuckin doors, sparking up the fattest bowl and playing some racing games or something...
Don't speed home or you'll get shot by a cop.


Well-Known Member
I hate politics, normally I could care less.
But trump has talked shit to china, iran, Iraq, japan, mexico, north korea, etc.
thinks more countries should be nuclear capable..
this is frightening to me, and baffling at the same time that others don't see it.
View attachment 3826858
Dude, most of the voters yesterday saw what you saw.

The people who voted for Trump were more interested in throwing a brick through the window of the establishment's house than voting for a qualified president. They said many times they liked Trump's "say what's on his mind" kind of rhetoric. Even though they did not understand what it meant.

As I recall, he praised North Korea or am I wrong about this?


Well-Known Member
They were winning regardless...
Ah there it is. I was hoping one of you would be so kind as to step up the level of crazy conspiracy theories. I have a request, can you please show me how Hillary Clinton was tied in with the Illuminati?

Thanks, that would just make my day.


Well-Known Member
Don't speed home or you'll get shot by a cop.
Nah, i'm a white dude
sad but true, and not funny
No only in America they make nukes. and only country ever to use them on people
Nuclear power can be used for energy .
Its not my fault you played in there sand box one time and now your there enemy

that is the real reason about holding these countries back because of the chance of them using Nukes on you Right
what sandbox??
do you have any concept on how a fusion bomb works?
or what happens afterwards?
we are ALL in the same goddamn sandbox, that's the same selective obtuseness that india and china have with their air pollution.
if you explode a fusion bomb anywhere on the planet we are FUCKED.
we aren't talking the puny fission bomb that we dropped on japan, this is a whole different story.
Hell even the daisycutter bomb is more powerful than the original fission bomb.
a thermonuclear explosion ain't no joke.


Well-Known Member
Dude, most of the voters yesterday saw what you saw.

The people who voted for Trump were more interested in throwing a brick through the window of the establishment's house than voting for a qualified president. They said many times they liked Trump's "say what's on his mind" kind of rhetoric. Even though they did not understand what it meant.

As I recall, he praised North Korea or am I wrong about this?
nah, it was more stirring shit up, like this.


this is the one that is scary.




Well-Known Member
Nah, i'm a white dude
sad but true, and not funny

what sandbox??
do you have any concept on how a fusion bomb works?
or what happens afterwards?
we are ALL in the same goddamn sandbox, that's the same selective obtuseness that india and china have with their air pollution.
if you explode a fusion bomb anywhere on the planet we are FUCKED.
we aren't talking the puny fission bomb that we dropped on japan, this is a whole different story.
Hell even the daisycutter bomb is more powerful than the original fission bomb.
a thermonuclear explosion ain't no joke.
First, a daisy cutter is nowhere near as powerful as a fission bomb. By several orders of magnitude. That's not even counting radiation poisoning.

Second, America has done many fusion bomb tests and the world has survived. What's not survivable is a serious exchange of warheads.

Third, a nuclear war would be rough on one's stock portfolio so we try to shovel money at world leaders who threaten to to use them. See our foreign policy with nuclear nations like Israel, India and North Korea.

I don't think even the Chump would try it.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well, the N Korean leader is kind of a maniac. so there is that. But good job on pulling up the earlier stuff from the primaries. I wasn't paying much attention to any of those clowns at the time.

So, I'll get china to make him disappear. Then I'll start a trade war with China.

Yeah, sounds good. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Ah there it is. I was hoping one of you would be so kind as to step up the level of crazy conspiracy theories. I have a request, can you please show me how Hillary Clinton was tied in with the Illuminati?

Thanks, that would just make my day.
Actions speak louder than words...


esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Power comes from the barrel of a gun. -Chairman Mao Tze Tung

Allowing just anyone to build nuclear weapons is the height of national Insecurity.

Please get an education on the subject before frothing at the mouth.
I thought it was justice from the barrel of a gun or was that bon Jovi. Mao Zedong said " change must come through the barrel of a gun"

He also spoke of wan gu or not progress and stubbornness and propagana, stuff that's verry pertinent to what's been going on but I'm more of an MLK guy then a bloody revolutionary especially here and now.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i've played mmo games online for a long time. every time they make a major change in any game i've ever played, the doomsayers come out of the woodwork predicting the death of the game, if a game thats even vaguely similar comes out, thats the stone that buried this game.
sound familiar? the country survived 4 years of jimmy carter, and 8 years of obama, it can take 4 years of trump without blowing the fuck up.
no one has to be happy about it, just man up and do the job that needs to be done to survive the next 4 years


Well-Known Member
i've played mmo games online for a long time. every time they make a major change in any game i've ever played, the doomsayers come out of the woodwork predicting the death of the game, if a game thats even vaguely similar comes out, thats the stone that buried this game.
sound familiar? the country survived 4 years of jimmy carter, and 8 years of obama, it can take 4 years of trump without blowing the fuck up.
no one has to be happy about it, just man up and do the job that needs to be done to survive the next 4 years
The selection of a president is like changing a mmo game. Got it. :roll: