Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

got high 1st time at 12 years old in 1972 grew my 1st crop in 74 didn't know better i actually shoved seeds down dead goldfish throats 4 of them then stuck all of them in a gallon milk carton damned if they didn't grow like crazy eventually just cut the bottom out of the container and stuck it in the ground they got about 4ft and some lowlife snatched 2 of them so i yanked the rest and smoked them pretty damn good for a 14 year old i'm 55 now and still going
got high 1st time at 12 years old in 1972 grew my 1st crop in 74 didn't know better i actually shoved seeds down dead goldfish throats 4 of them then stuck all of them in a gallon milk carton damned if they didn't grow like crazy eventually just cut the bottom out of the container and stuck it in the ground they got about 4ft and some lowlife snatched 2 of them so i yanked the rest and smoked them pretty damn good for a 14 year old i'm 55 now and still going
I used smelt lol. And no it didn't work, the raccoon's raided the patch and dug the whole thing up :(.
I saw old farts, I'm 48, so close to "old fart status" lol. I've been growing since about 1986 in Cali back in the day, Later I then relocated to Oregon about 15 years ago and began learning to grow indoor. Here's a pic from 1987 of my garden when I was 19.


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Yea last night the media was whining about the narket futures being down 500 points and how our IRAs were going to hell in a handbasket. Well as I write this the market is up 270 points. Hah, sing about enjoying the ride... The media is an ASS



...and not only the eyes of the Chief may see the Worship Words!
