• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Obama Doctrine

King Bong

New Member
The Obama Doctrine is the pre-emptive strike against life or possible life in the womb.
While Obama admits uncertainty about when life begins ("That...that is...above my pay grade.") The Obama Doctrine insures that the uncertainty is dealt with unilaterally ( without the fathers consent) and fatally through government funded abortion carried out by the Democrats main lobby group "Big Abortion" and Planned Parenthood.
"In order to thwart the threat from within the womb we will strike not only in the womb but in some cases outside of the womb should the abortion go wrong."
The Obama Doctrine is much more efficient at klling the unborn than was the old "coat-hanger abortion" method of the past. The Doctrine insures mass killing of these fetuses that only our government can hone to such a high killing-efficiency ratio.
Congressman Ron Paul, an OB/GYN doctor who has delivered many thousands of babys and "have never seen a case where the mothers life was in danger" by giving birth has made the "mothers life in danger" point a moot one.
The focus is on killing either that mass of non viable tissue or what is (more likely) actual life in the womb.
The right to life guaranteed by our Constitution for an individual unborn possible baby is no guarantee.
"We are Democrats. We are Liberals. We are the party of death to the innocents."


Well-Known Member
Unrelated to your rant, but I'm always surprised to see conservatives/republicans on RollitUp (and other pot boards), it's like you don't realize that the republican party/conservative movement is the reason for the beginning and the continuation of the war on drugs..

Anyway, I thought the "Above my pay grade" comment was pretty clever, as it implies that Obama doesn't presume to know what only God can decide..


Well-Known Member
Unrelated to your rant, but I'm always surprised to see conservatives/republicans on RollitUp (and other pot boards), it's like you don't realize that the republican party/conservative movement is the reason for the beginning and the continuation of the war on drugs..
With all due respect, the above statement is untrue. The Marijuana Tax Act was passed in 1937 in a Democratic Congress and signed into law by a Democratic President. Harry Anslinger, the first Drug Czar and chief anti-cannabis proponent, kept his post into the LBJ administration. The truth is both parties quickly saw the political benefits of cannabis prohibition and escalated it as time went on.

As a party, the Democrats have not done a fucking thing to end cannabis prohibition. Jimmy Carter mentioned it during his term of office, but came under such a mountain of criticism from all sides, he was quickly silenced and did not do anything to reverse the situation.
Anyway, I thought the "Above my pay grade" comment was pretty clever, as it implies that Obama doesn't presume to know what only God can decide..
The comment was an example of the Chosen One's unwillingness to clarify his position on a difficult and divisive issue. In usual fashion, he punted to avoid criticism or scrutiny. Just like all those 'present' votes in the Illinois State Senate. It's evidence of a weakness of character and political cowardice.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, the above statement is untrue. The Marijuana Tax Act was passed in 1937 in a Democratic Congress and signed into law by a Democratic President. Harry Anslinger, the first Drug Czar and chief anti-cannabis proponent, kept his post into the LBJ administration. The truth is both parties quickly saw the political benefits of cannabis prohibition and escalated it as time went on.

As a party, the Democrats have not done a fucking thing to end cannabis prohibition. Jimmy Carter mentioned it during his term of office, but came under such a mountain of criticism from all sides, he was quickly silenced and did not do anything to reverse the situation.

The comment was an example of the Chosen One's unwillingness to clarify his position on a difficult and divisive issue. In usual fashion, he punted avoid criticism or scrutiny. Just like all those 'present' votes in the Illinois State Senate. It's evidence of a weakness of character and political cowardice.

As a former resident of Chicago, Illinois (birth up until 2 months ago) I can personally attest to the reality that whenever there is a controversial issue OBAMA JUST DOESN'T VOTE.

And thank you for pointing out how BOTH parties have lovvveedd the war on drugs.. people really need to get over this two party crap- both are responsible for everything wrong in our country.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, the above statement is untrue. The Marijuana Tax Act was passed in 1937 in a Democratic Congress and signed into law by a Democratic President. Harry Anslinger, the first Drug Czar and chief anti-cannabis proponent, kept his post into the LBJ administration. The truth is both parties quickly saw the political benefits of cannabis prohibition and escalated it as time went on.

As a party, the Democrats have not done a fucking thing to end cannabis prohibition. Jimmy Carter mentioned it during his term of office, but came under such a mountain of criticism from all sides, he was quickly silenced and did not do anything to reverse the situation.

The comment was an example of the Chosen One's unwillingness to clarify his position on a difficult and divisive issue. In usual fashion, he punted to avoid criticism or scrutiny. Just like all those 'present' votes in the Illinois State Senate. It's evidence of a weakness of character and political cowardice.
While the Marijuana Tax Act was the beginning of pot's federal criminalization, at the time of it's passage all states already had laws prohibiting the sale and usage of marijuana.

In 1930 only 16 states had laws prohibiting marijuana, by 1937 all states had adopted some form of legislation restricting its use, how did this change come on so quickly? The main force behind the law's passage in state and federal law was the Treasury Department's Bureau of Narcotics*. The bureau's efforts took two forms: cooperating in the development of state legislation affecting the use of marijuana and providing facts and figures for journalistic accounts of the "problem".

And who created the Bureau of Narcotics? Republican Herbert Hoover with a majority Republican congress by an act (46 Stat. 585) on June 14, 1930.

So there you go, a branch of the treasury department appointed by a republican majority whipped up a propaganda storm that played to "traditional American values" and pushed marijuana laws onto a population entrenched in the great depression. Once all the states had adopted anti-marijuana policies, it's not hard to see how an obscure tax law could be passed by either party with little ado.

Further more, Anslinger was appointed by Republican Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, his niece, Martha Denniston, was Anslinger's wife.

All history aside, I was speaking of the the actual commencement of our modern "War on Drugs" as coined by Richard Nixon, and continued (with gusto) by every republican president since. And while the democratic party has been complicit in it's inaction against the drug war's injustice, I can't seem to recall any democratic presidents who have been as outspoken against drugs in general, and marijuana specifically, as their republican counterparts. But don't get me wrong, I understand that both parties will milk the war on drugs as long and for as much as they possibly can, using it as political leverage obviously has quite a bit of history for both parties. But republicans, even the one's who've partaken of the herb, consistently and methodically demonize drug use and increase penalties for it's use.

In the end, and what promoted me to post my observations, is that I don't believe the republican mantra is congruent with marijuana use, and it is insulting to me to see people who support the Grand Old Party smoke it. You don't deserve to partake of which you deny others by way of you and your parties actions. (And if I was going to be a stickler for details, I'd say that goes double for abortions and gay sex, both of which members of the republican party are free to have.. and as evidenced by occasional "slip up".. do.. but love to preach their loathing for both at every opportunity.)

As for Obama, I said the quote was clever, not that I supported him, I don't support either, I had my right to vote stripped by way of the War on Drugs for felony possession of marijuana...

*The Puzzle of the Social Origins of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937


Well-Known Member
In 1914, the City of El Paso, Texas, enacted the very first ordinance against cannabis possession in the United States as a means of better controlling and suppressing Mexican immigrants. At the time, Texas and El Paso were both firmly in the Democratic column.

Saying 16 states already had prohibition on the books may be correct, but you ignore the political dominance of the Democratic party in those states. The deep South was staunchly Democrat until 1964. The states which opted to prohibit cannabis did so as means of oppressing blacks, with their evil and seductive jazz music, and Mexican Immigrants.

In 1937, FDR FEDERALIZED cannabis prohibition in direct contradiction to the 10th Amendment.

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk which read "The Buck Stops Here." The Chosen One passed that buck and has a habit of doing so when the going gets tough. I do not trust such a man to stare down Vlad the Invader of Russia or "I'm a dinner jacket" of Iran.

King Bong

New Member
IF Obama knew God and the Scriptures he would know when life begins.

Your bringing up the pot issue alongside the life & death abortion issue just shows that you value your pot more than you do a human life.
You smoke weed all day and then complain that someone is restricting your smoking pot each day.

Anyone seeking a reason to continue the pot prohibition need only look at your "values" and reasoning exampled by your responses to this thread.
No wonder they call it "dope".


Well-Known Member
In 1914, the City of El Paso, Texas, enacted the very first ordinance against cannabis possession in the United States as a means of better controlling and suppressing Mexican immigrants. At the time, Texas and El Paso were both firmly in the Democratic column.

Saying 16 states already had prohibition on the books may be correct, but you ignore the political dominance of the Democratic party in those states. The deep South was staunchly Democrat until 1964. The states which opted to prohibit cannabis did so as means of oppressing blacks, with their evil and seductive jazz music, and Mexican Immigrants.

In 1937, FDR FEDERALIZED cannabis prohibition in direct contradiction to the 10th Amendment.

Harry Truman had a sign on his desk which read "The Buck Stops Here." The Chosen One passed that buck and has a habit of doing so when the going gets tough. I do not trust such a man to stare down Vlad the Invader of Russia or "I'm a dinner jacket" of Iran.
I think we both agree that neither the democratic nor the republican parties stand for the same ideals now that they did in 1914. The rise of conservatism with Reagan's term in office sealed the love affair of the republican party and the war on drugs.


New Member
How dare you rant against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is all about PLANNING so you don't have an unwanted pregnancy.

Planned Parenthood gives away free condoms which is an act of prevention. They educate, and prevent so there is less need to abort. Birth control pills can be obtained there at little to no cost. It is on the women to be the one to take the responsibility to make sure she doesn't get pregnant. Men can not be trusted with this task. Sorry men, don't mean to offend, but I would never in a million years trust a man to make sure I didn't get pregnant.

Planned Parenthood is also the place where women can go for their yearly pap smear and be able to afford it if they have no insurance. Doctors office pap $275.00 vs planned parenthood pap $18.00.

I wish people with penis' would stay out of womens issues. Maybe if men had to have a sample scrapped off their dick and analyzed once a year they might be more understanding.

If you have a penis and you ejaculate without the intent of reproduction then you are commiting an abortion. What is a sperm if not half a baby? Everytime you bop your bologna you are killing thousands of potential babies. Every man that has ever jacked off please report to the nearest jail and turn yourselves in. Ejaculation is a choice that you make. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Unrelated to your rant, but I'm always surprised to see conservatives/republicans on RollitUp (and other pot boards), it's like you don't realize that the republican party/conservative movement is the reason for the beginning and the continuation of the war on drugs..
1914 is the beginning. Democrats ran the show in Texas in 1914.
I think we both agree that neither the democratic nor the republican parties stand for the same ideals now that they did in 1914. The rise of conservatism with Reagan's term in office sealed the love affair of the republican party and the war on drugs.
Reagan worked with a Democratic Congress through both terms of office. What did the Democrats do to reverse it? Bill Clinton had eight years, two of those with a Democratic majority.

I hate having to defend Republicans, but laying the blame at their feet is unfair. Reagan may have created 'Just Say No,' but the Democrats did not stop him. The Democrats did nothing to reverse the damage caused by Reagan's escalation of the War on Drugs.

Both parties are equally complicit, but the Democrats started it.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
IF Obama knew God and the Scriptures he would know when life begins.

Your bringing up the pot issue alongside the life & death abortion issue just shows that you value your pot more than you do a human life.
You smoke weed all day and then complain that someone is restricting your smoking pot each day.

Anyone seeking a reason to continue the pot prohibition need only look at your "values" and reasoning exampled by your responses to this thread.
No wonder they call it "dope".
If you knew GOD ?

KING of Religious NUT JOBs

YouTube - John McCain on The View 9-12-2008 part 2 of 3


Well-Known Member
1914 is the beginning. Democrats ran the show in Texas in 1914.

Reagan worked with a Democratic Congress through both terms of office. What did the Democrats do to reverse it? Bill Clinton had eight years, two of those with a Democratic majority.

I hate having to defend Republicans, but laying the blame at their feet is unfair. Reagan may have created 'Just Say No,' but the Democrats did not stop him. The Democrats did nothing to reverse the damage caused by Reagan's escalation of the War on Drugs.

Both parties are equally complicit, but the Democrats started it.
Sad isn't it? So manipulated by our two party system that we need to go back through nearly one hundred years of history just to find that both their heads rest firmly on the same beast..

I concede to your point as I have exhausted my resources, and really, my faith in our democratic republic. I guess the only question that remains is; Who will end it?

Sorry for hijacking your thread King_Bong, feel free to tell us how the abortion epidemic should be handled. I am indeed curious.


New Member
Unrelated to your rant, but I'm always surprised to see conservatives/republicans on RollitUp (and other pot boards), it's like you don't realize that the republican party/conservative movement is the reason for the beginning and the continuation of the war on drugs..

Anyway, I thought the "Above my pay grade" comment was pretty clever, as it implies that Obama doesn't presume to know what only God can decide..
Mr. Echo? Is that you?

King Bong

New Member
MissMoffitt: Planned Parenthood is a taxpayer funded business enterprise that makes HUGE profits from abortion. They make $ from the death of fetuses. They don't give condoms or anything else away for "free"-taxpayers pay for those "free" rubbers".
For you to say that whacking off is "abortion" is totally and factually incorrect. There is no life to abort in wacking off.
No, the "issues" are of the unborn, NOT of the mother. It is your unadulterated selfishness, blindness, disregard for our Constitution that force you to blather that this is a woman only "issue". You bring life and death down to an "issue". very very sad.

Alpha: No one was more promiscuous than I was in my youth. However, knowing that i wanted no children I took the personal responsibility and my respect for life and had a vasectomy.
The answer is NOT adoption..the answer is preventing pregancy in the first place.

Life is nothing but a blood sport to you people, be it abortion or euthanasia. You defend blood and death of the innocent. You are murderers and as all you Bible scholers here know, "..murderers... cannot inherit the Kingdom Of God."

Yes Garden, I DO know God. I DO know His name. I serve Him, not blood and death as you do.


New Member
Unless you actually have a vagina you don't get to have opinions about vaginas.

I do know a lot of people who used planned parenthood for PREVENTION of pregnancy.

EDUCATE and PREVENT means you don't need to ABORT.

Since you are so against abortion or even pregnancy prevention, I would like to know how many crack babies you have adopted?

I guess in your world it's much better for people to have kids that they don't want and can't support so the can; beat them to death, shake them to death, "forget" them in a hot car on a long summer day, drown them, bury them in shallow unmarked graves. Yes those are much better alternatives.

LIke I said no vagina = no right to decide what vaginas are doing.

Planned parenthood is also about womens health issues, have no insurance, think you might have a yeast infection, urinary infection, maybe a lump in your breast, you can go to planned parenthood and see a doctor about those things.

Abortion is the smallest percentage of what they do.


New Member
Yeah, you're right.
I gotta get this damned yeast infection taken care of. It's stinkin' up the entire house!

Oh yes it's funny to you. I hope the next time you use your little penis that you get one of those yeast infections that you mock. They are way less than pleasant.

Doctor office call $120.00

Planned parenthood office call - free

Yes I said free because believe or not, the majority of people who used their services have jobs and pay taxes, they just can't get the free welfare and have no health insurance.

Like I said before, if men had to get their penis scraped once a year to make sure they didn't have cancer, they would be a lot more understanding.

Most of the time the people that speak out so loudly against issues like that, are hiding the same issue in their own past.

I love the way when your arguement fails, in an epic manner no doubt, that you revert to second grade and start mocking health issues. Way to be a grown up. :clap:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Yes Garden, I DO know God. I DO know His name. I serve Him, not blood and death as you do.
clearly you don't know GOD.. cause everybody knows GODS a she and not a "HIM"

nice try....

But I can tell you how you can know god... ?

first stop thinking.. everythingyo have left... that is GOD..

BUT you probably can;t even stop thinking for 1 second..

Go ahead.. stare at the second had of a clock.. see how long you can stare at the second hand without being interrupted by a thought..

Prayer and Jesus worship is the first and foremost interruption that stops one from KNOWING god..

I clearly tell you... without any doubt

stop thinking.. and GOD is there waiting for you..

and you will never have to tell anybody, especially yourself that you know" GOD... ever again ...
