President Donald J Trump .

Oh hell no sky,you haven't made a single right call yet,1st you saddled your pony on Bernie " non aggression pact " sanders,then you hitched your wagon to corrupt Hillary Clinton ,no no no no not this day girl.

all your pals will be back in Tijuana in 6 months looking O faced like this moron lol

If your really interested in what I have to say Panhead, then you'll know I said 'what goes around comes around' Clinton just paid her debt on Bernie.

I can't wait for Trumps turn..and I'll be here to remind you, plus it's only 4 years and we had too much fun during this election process.

So many little campaign time.

Why not? You guys elected an unqualified boob as president, based on hope and he trashed this country for eight years.

Be careful what you wish:
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In any case, good or bad, it's worth it to never have to see that crooked c**t again, unless they're perpwalking her in an orange jumpsuit.

Bet there's some major buyer's remorse from many of her benefactors that just watched everything they paid for, dissolve right in front of their eyes.

There's probably a bullet with her name on it, when she won't return their "donations".
In any case, good or bad, it's worth it to never have to see that crooked c**t again, unless they're perpwalking her in an orange jumpsuit.

Bet there's some major buyer's remorse from many of her benefactors that just watched everything they paid for, dissolve right in front of their eyes.

There's probably a bullet with her name on it, when she won't return their "donations".

Make certain you Trump Gold Members post pics and swag from the victory dinner @Illinois Enema Bandit if the sheister even has it.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming cabinet of has-beens..Gingrich, Guiliani..Tubby Bridgegate. That's the way forward if there ever was:lol:
when I voted today I took a side arm & matching 357 carbine just in case blm wanted to flex .

The best is yet to come when President Trumps special prosecutor reopens the email fiasco,finds intent & collusion with the Clinton foundation,then seizes all Clinton assets,even the $1.8 billion Hillary transfered to quatar last week to hide .

Book em Dano as Hawaii 5 0 used to say ;)
no truer words have ever been said.
Hmmmm...Interesting to see some here still baiting others and calling names...How about giving Trump a chance? Did anyone LISTEN to his initial acceptance last night? He was calm, clear, mature and opened up to all saying we ALL need to come together!

I think there are some here that just enjoy the drama! *understatement*

I myself will just wait a watch, give Trump a chance! What else can you do!

Stop name calling and get together in a positive manner!
