What Will Donald Trump Do Tonight?

What Will Donald Do?

  • Epic meltdown

    Votes: 19 95.0%
  • Gracious Concession

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He will 'tweet' his concession speech at 3:30AM (4 hts. late), mentioning rigged elections, Benghazi, emails, dead voters, 2nd ammendment action, Obama's campaigning and that Hillary won like Fidel Castro.

He will then retire to the Cayman Islands after attempting a leveraged buyout of the islands and declaring US bankruptcy.

He will write a book, 'America Ass Fucked Me' but no one will buy it at $39.95

He will travel to Russia to renege on his troll and cyber attack bill, but will bring home a new lower mileage wife.
How ironic if Hillary will blow Trump away tonight!

Keep dreaming people Trump will be partying it up and grabbing as many pussy as he wants because he won woo hoo
he well separate all the lefties and move them south be prepared :) and start packing
you a idiot lou

i iz ?

  1. the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics.
    synonyms: syntax, sentence structure, rules of language, morphology;
    "the editors of this newspaper need a refresher course in grammar"
    • a particular analysis of the system and structure of language or of a specific language.
    • a book on grammar.
      plural noun: grammars
      "my old Latin grammar"