Buck why are Hillary supporter so soft between the ears with any significant hit. Sends the campaign spinning out of control..
With the new FBI investigation under way why so many flipped sides
Now while back all you did was post polls Hillary had in some states double digits but now there like 1 - 2 points off
If you understand polling then guess what your fucking sweating and so is Hillary..
Obviously you must suck at canvasing, because its not working
When we look at there is 4 critical states New Hampshire trump up by 5 points .lets look at Virginia what was once all Hillary now Trump has a 3 point lead ..
Pennsylvania Hillary is only up 2 points up lol Panic time ??? Don;t you think he has a chance of winning YES he does
Then we go to Colorado She has got to hold Colorado 1 point difference there omg do you see whats happening ?? A democratic state of Colorado is 1 point ahead and flipping to Republican
Does he have a chance of winning Colorado ??? Fucking right he does .
You can say what ever you like its does not mean he is going to lose
Ohio TRUMP North Carolina which was always Hillary at best is a tie now her presidency has slipped away Why the hell wold a president even try to help her lol ?
she needs all the help she can get , plain and simple
Florida back and forth and probably trump will win it
You know if he just wins New Hampshire he is the next president
So think what you like but truth be told Hillary is worried and so should you
Buck you better brace for impact he does not even need to win Colorado
All of a sudden is quiet in the politics section haha as most democrats are looking like this behind there PC or Phone lol View attachment 3823533
Buck why are Hillary supporter so soft between the ears with any significant hit. Sends the campaign spinning out of control..
With the new FBI investigation under way why so many flipped sides
Now while back all you did was post polls Hillary had in some states double digits but now there like 1 - 2 points off
If you understand polling then guess what your fucking sweating and so is Hillary..
Obviously you must suck at canvasing, because its not working
When we look at there is 4 critical states New Hampshire trump up by 5 points .lets look at Virginia what was once all Hillary now Trump has a 3 point lead ..
Pennsylvania Hillary is only up 2 points up lol Panic time ??? Don;t you think he has a chance of winning YES he does
Then we go to Colorado She has got to hold Colorado 1 point difference there omg do you see whats happening ?? A democratic state of Colorado is 1 point ahead and flipping to Republican
Does he have a chance of winning Colorado ??? Fucking right he does .
You can say what ever you like its does not mean he is going to lose
Ohio TRUMP North Carolina which was always Hillary at best is a tie now her presidency has slipped away Why the hell wold a president even try to help her lol ?
she needs all the help she can get , plain and simple
Florida back and forth and probably trump will win it
You know if he just wins New Hampshire he is the next president
So think what you like but truth be told Hillary is worried and so should you
Buck you better brace for impact he does not even need to win Colorado
All of a sudden is quiet in the politics section haha as most democrats are looking like this behind there PC or Phone lol View attachment 3823533
You mean can't read you do not even have to know how to read just have to look at the polls it clearly shows Clinton is sliding Big time
For those reading this who don't believe a word of it, I'll just say it bluntly: If you really think the political elite are willing to leave the outcomes of important elections up to the will of the people, you are incredibly stupid.
You do not live in a democracy. You live in a totalitarian regime that operatesunder the illusion of democracy.
Most of what you believe about current events and U.S. history is blatantly false. Most of what you believe about the course of near-future events is completely wrong. You, like almost everyone else, suffer fromnormalcy bias. You are also highly susceptible to social shaping of your beliefs and values, meaning you accept almost anything as true as long as most of the people around you validate the same conclusion.
As a result, you, like almost everyone else,are viewed as a pawn by the political class. In their minds, your only purpose of existence is to bea vessel of convenient manipulationto go to the polls in sufficient numbers that the ruling elite can proclaim they have been "duly elected" and therefore wield seemingly legitimate power over you.
The false flag attacks like the one pre-announced for Monday only serve tomanipulate your emotionsinto supporting their agenda. And if the ruling elite have to murder a few thousand Americans with a dirty bomb, a chemical weapon or scripted nuclear accident terrorism event, that's fine with them. Anything to stay in power is justified in their minds, no matter how destructive or cruel.
FEAR is their weapon to demand your obedience. They control your mind by staging violence, staging wars, staging terrorism and so on.
You mean can't read you do not even have to know how to read just have to look at the polls it clearly shows Clinton is sliding Big time
Right now, you can pick a poll that supports your belief. Aggregated polling sites universally point to a close race but Clinton's by a safe margin.
You asked what happened to Democrats that post here. We are still here. Not much to talk about until Tuesday night. It's kind of dumb to think that anything said on this site matters anyways.
I still have an question to you that remains unanswered. Why do you get so angry about women that openly name the man who raped her? From the outburst of rage you expressed last night regarding the woman that Trump raped, some people would say that you have something in your history that you should talk about.
Is this what you are afraid of?
For those reading this who don't believe a word of it, I'll just say it bluntly: If you really think the political elite are willing to leave the outcomes of important elections up to the will of the people, you are incredibly stupid.
You do not live in a democracy. You live in a totalitarian regime that operatesunder the illusion of democracy.
Most of what you believe about current events and U.S. history is blatantly false. Most of what you believe about the course of near-future events is completely wrong. You, like almost everyone else, suffer fromnormalcy bias. You are also highly susceptible to social shaping of your beliefs and values, meaning you accept almost anything as true as long as most of the people around you validate the same conclusion.
As a result, you, like almost everyone else,are viewed as a pawn by the political class. In their minds, your only purpose of existence is to bea vessel of convenient manipulationto go to the polls in sufficient numbers that the ruling elite can proclaim they have been "duly elected" and therefore wield seemingly legitimate power over you.
The false flag attacks like the one pre-announced for Monday only serve tomanipulate your emotionsinto supporting their agenda. And if the ruling elite have to murder a few thousand Americans with a dirty bomb, a chemical weapon or scripted nuclear accident terrorism event, that's fine with them. Anything to stay in power is justified in their minds, no matter how destructive or cruel.
FEAR is their weapon to demand your obedience. They control your mind by staging violence, staging wars, staging terrorism and so on.
Well if its anything like Jane doe , anyone can clearly say then its all BS i believe in Facts not here say
For those reading this who don't believe a word of it, I'll just say it bluntly: If you really think the political elite are willing to leave the outcomes of important elections up to the will of the people, you are incredibly stupid.
You do not live in a democracy. You live in a totalitarian regime that operatesunder the illusion of democracy.
Most of what you believe about current events and U.S. history is blatantly false. Most of what you believe about the course of near-future events is completely wrong. You, like almost everyone else, suffer fromnormalcy bias. You are also highly susceptible to social shaping of your beliefs and values, meaning you accept almost anything as true as long as most of the people around you validate the same conclusion.
As a result, you, like almost everyone else,are viewed as a pawn by the political class. In their minds, your only purpose of existence is to bea vessel of convenient manipulationto go to the polls in sufficient numbers that the ruling elite can proclaim they have been "duly elected" and therefore wield seemingly legitimate power over you.
The false flag attacks like the one pre-announced for Monday only serve tomanipulate your emotionsinto supporting their agenda. And if the ruling elite have to murder a few thousand Americans with a dirty bomb, a chemical weapon or scripted nuclear accident terrorism event, that's fine with them. Anything to stay in power is justified in their minds, no matter how destructive or cruel.
FEAR is their weapon to demand your obedience. They control your mind by staging violence, staging wars, staging terrorism and so on.
tell us more about how the holocaust was a hoax, twilightbud aka drdestiny aka purpletrainwrecker aka slipup420 aka 2anonymous aka darth vapour aka drfever.