Just finished sealing up the garage. (Pics)

great setup yea right his hoods are sitting flush to the roof big no no in growing thers fucking wires everywere the outtake is made out of wood lets see this shit burn i could go on and on i am just waiting for this house to burn down and the sad thing is he takes his fucking kids in there should be taking out the fucking back and shot be4 he burns and kills his family nice work op nice work
If he's doing something that's soo wrong let's see what you have that is sooo right.
The proof that it's working are in those pics that are surrounded with all that wrong shit.
Just curious why you have such a hard on for Him? every second pic in this forum has something wrong or fucked up going on, can't figure out why u unleashed on a guy growing sum awesome plants with a perfect canopy and beautiful leaves?...
If he's doing something that's soo wrong let's see what you have that is sooo right.
The proof that it's working are in those pics that are surrounded with all that wrong shit.
Just curious why you have such a hard on for Him? every second pic in this forum has something wrong or fucked up going on, can't figure out why u unleashed on a guy growing sum awesome plants with a perfect canopy and beautiful leaves?...
Thanks man, but don't sweat it, some people just seek attention by speaking unknowledgeable garbage and hoping to trick the foolish and unsuspecting few into following their misdirection, only to get others to find themselves soaking in failure, probably so that he can later turn on them too and make them look like they are simply too stupid to apply the wonderful and marvelously simple information and direction that he has supplied them with. So it's like he's on a high horse, except that the horse is a "DONKEY".
I had one of these cloner and still have it I get find that one little mistake and I could lose the lot. So I decided to find a better way and mate put me on to a very good way. I have done over 50 clones this way and 100% success and have not lost one of them. I do them in strait coco and just dip the end of clones in clonex they just so healthy. Its not the fastest way but I think its one of the bets. These are 3.2 weeks DSC01538.JPG DSC01539.JPG
I had one of these cloner and still have it I get find that one little mistake and I could lose the lot. So I decided to find a better way and mate put me on to a very good way. I have done over 50 clones this way and 100% success and have not lost one of them. I do them in strait coco and just dip the end of clones in clonex they just so healthy. Its not the fastest way but I think its one of the bets. These are 3.2 weeks View attachment 3821930 View attachment 3821931
Awesome! :clap:
Dryer vents are only 4 inches in diameter, that might work for a small to medium sized grow tent but not for very much else.
Yeah, I run 8-10" ducts, plus it would look like you are washing clothes non stop, vent noise, unles you had a muffler on it. In the cold, huge steam cloud 24/7. I run out the chimney in cold zones and hot zones idk would have to get real crafty. Glades and floating nft in a cut... #theory