Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Had 3 more females stolen either yesterday of today . cunts took females and grow bags and tipped soil out on the ground. Was 8 kms from last site. This makes it the 3rd time this season I've been ripped off. All the time and energy these growers use to find other peoples plants they could use to grow there own. Time to find a new area .
I think they are watching you or squatting in the forest somewhere with their own campsite


Well-Known Member
Hillbilly country....if theres 2 ppl doing the ripping together you can gauruntee they prob fuck each other..and are brothers
I hear you, but goddamn, hell Im a country raised motherfucker myself, but I havent ever even thought about some shit like that. Thats fucked up theres so many useless cunts in one place.

How big of an area you plant in mate @bobqp ? Could it be the same people?

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
I hear you, but goddamn, hell Im a country raised motherfucker myself, but I havent ever even thought about some shit like that. Thats fucked up theres so many useless cunts in one place.

How big of an area you plant in mate @bobqp ? Could it be the same people?
Yeah just in jest i say that mate
I mean i cant even see the point of taking something thats not yours ...never mind not mature or ready as well but just that i wanna sleep at night with no guilty conscience
The fucktards


Well-Known Member
Yeah just in jest i say that mate
I mean i cant even see the point of taking something thats not yours ...never mind not mature or ready as well but just that i wanna sleep at night with no guilty conscience
The fucktards
You are probably right though. Inbreeding got them all fucked up

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Had 3 more females stolen either yesterday of today . cunts took females and grow bags and tipped soil out on the ground. Was 8 kms from last site. This makes it the 3rd time this season I've been ripped off. All the time and energy these growers use to find other peoples plants they could use to grow there own. Time to find a new area .
Jump on Google earth.

Buy a cheap Kayak/ tinny and use a river.- probably the best option TBH, then they pretty much have to own em to and not like .l'Il be sussing a water way out this way over summer for a new grow spot.

Walk further and dont leave any trail. (you know the drill). people hate walking walk uphill for an hr...


Well-Known Member
Its a great area to live and and raise a family but if you grow pot outdoors then its one of the worst spots in NSW almost as worse as nimbin. Lots of nice growers in nimbin but also lots of pot thieves. That spot was my favourite area for the last 6 years. Last year they even stole my motion cameras out bush. Fuckn inbred cunts they are. Still have a good amount of plants and varieties still growing but just means I lost 3 pounds at the end of the season . hopefully this is the last time this year I make a post about rippers. Can let them get me down just move to the next patch and start warterin them (:


Well-Known Member
Jump on Google earth.

Buy a cheap Kayak/ tinny and use a river.- probably the best option TBH, then they pretty much have to own em to and not like .l'Il be sussing a water way out this way over summer for a new grow spot.

Walk further and dont leave any trail. (you know the drill). people hate walking walk uphill for an hr...
I've been given access to a 12000 acre farm with approval to grow 15 plants on the property so I have 15 females 6 inch tall plants on there as a backup incase the rainforest doesn't work for me this year such as rippers police and bush fires etc. I envy you boys in Tassie with your wilderness and nicer growers (:

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I've been given access to a 12000 acre farm with approval to grow 15 plants on the property so I have 15 females 6 inch tall plants on there as a backup incase the rainforest doesn't work for me this year such as rippers police and bush fires etc. I envy you boys in Tassie with your wilderness and nicer growers (:
nicer? lol..they will rip u if they can.


Well-Known Member
Spent the arvo watering other spots. Plants are powering on big time .by the end if this month should be 5 to 6 feet if I don't tip them. Looks like its going to be a good season for me after all (: bict if your reading this don't fret about your plants because if you get the weather we are having then your plants are gunna be huge.


Well-Known Member
Spent the arvo watering other spots. Plants are powering on big time .by the end if this month should be 5 to 6 feet if I don't tip them. Looks like its going to be a good season for me after all (: bict if your reading this don't fret about your plants because if you get the weather we are having then your plants are gunna be huge.
Getting shitty weather atm having a real bad spring. Nothing like last year. Last year we were having 21 average day temps and 11-13 night. Straight sunshine.