6% of democrats in florida are voting for trump

I think black turnout evaluations should wait until after the 8th. Every black guy I know is voting, but then they're all my age and totally understand where we came from in the '50's and '60's.

right now, many pollsters (like the ABC tracking poll) are predicting hispanic turnout to be 8% of the electorate, down from 10% in 2012.

meanwhile, in florida, hispanic turnout is at 14%, up from 10% in 2012.

we could be a bunch of crybabies and complain that it's rigged, but instead we recognize it for the simple conservative estimate that it is.
I think black turnout evaluations should wait until after the 8th. Every black guy I know is voting, but then they're all my age and totally understand where we came from in the '50's and '60's.
That's fine. I do believe that the numbers will be down though. Fortunately, as Buck has stated with Hispanics, trump has pissed off so many different voting blocks that this won't matter as much as it would during a "normal" election.
Or the democrats either.

you're mistaken, which is not unexpected from a right winger like you.

ya see, democrats ackmnowledge that human activities are causing global warming. people like you think that it is a hoax designed by the chinese to funnel money to third world countries. ya know, basically the david duke/dnald trump theory.

massively stupid, cannot be fixed.
Or the democrats either.

Thing is though, if you use a car wreck analogy, the Democrats have a fender bender and that other party has been rolled over and totaled by a pussy grabbing, racist rhetoric spouting, conspiracy sucking idiotic unqualified asshole.

I didn't even like his TV show, at least Reagan was a good cowboy if nothing else.
you guys should just drop this whole rhetoric cause in the end neither one of us is going to change how we all feel about things when it comes to Trump and Clinton.
We could argue back and forth all night and never change each others minds so what's the point?
Republicans. Check the early voting availability this year vs. 2012. Particularly in North Carolina. One district reduced it by 85%. Why, because they know that black people vote early.

Black people vote early? Thats racist.

All states should allow voting by mail and time off for workers to vote considering its kinda important.
What About Chicago?l
What about Chicago? The city has just about the strictest gun laws in the country. Is the problem they don't have enough laws? Are people buying guns at road shows, or picking them up on the black market? In about 50 years you will have figured out why Democrat ran cities are so violent. Until then, you have no intentions of walking off the plantation, because the Democrat party owns you.
What about Chicago? The city has just about the strictest gun laws in the country. Is the problem they don't have enough laws? Are people buying guns at road shows, or picking them up on the black market? In about 50 years you will have figured out why Democrat ran cities are so violent. Until then, you have no intentions of walking off the plantation, because the Democrat party owns you.

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Reported for CRINGEWORTHY racism.

....And the dickless mama's boy said this to a BLACK MAN FFS!

Wow....tsk tsk tsk....
I'm not racist and bearkat knows that. It's a figure of speech to signify black people never leaving the Dixie/Democrat party.
How do black people have it so well under Democrat leadership? When a state or city goes from blue to dark blue, and no purple in between- what you end up with is high debt, high unemployment, high taxes, and bad schools. So much of the money goes to political coffers of special interest groups and donors.
I'm not racist and bearing knows it. It's a figure of speech to signify black people never leaving the Dixie/Democrat party.
How do black people have it so well under Democrat leadership. When a state or city goes from now to dark blue, and no purple in between- what you end up with is high debt, high unemployment, high taxes, and bad schools. So much of the money goes to political coffers of special interest groups and donors.

Remember the time you hired that black dude to plow you and your retarded friend?


Have you ever considered suicide? Not that I'd WANT you to, just asking!
What about Chicago? The city has just about the strictest gun laws in the country. Is the problem they don't have enough laws? Are people buying guns at road shows, or picking them up on the black market? In about 50 years you will have figured out why Democrat ran cities are so violent. Until then, you have no intentions of walking off the plantation, because the Democrat party owns you.

the strictest gun laws in the country are in hawaii, california, and the northeast.

they also have the lowest rates of gun violence and gun deaths.

chicago is ten minutes from indiana.

put down the chocolate cake and ponder what may be going here for a second, chumlee.