Ttystikk's vertical goodness

i believe max lumens around 110,000 if I remember correctly. 170,000 would be a waste in that case. You running CO2? if not, probably over 80,000 would be a waste. To use that much light, everything must be maxed and conditions just right. Kind of like tty here does...........

I am usually over 100,000 lux and have been as high as 170,000.
Copied from another thread, for relevance;
different strokes for different folks............I found vert/stadium style difficult while trying to hit 1gpw with HID, didn't happen anyway. I'm not a good indoor grower so it makes sense. Doing this shit out of a closet now is easy peasy, the rest forget about it. Cheap soil, perlite, oc+ in my for profit days, hated scrogs and any other labor "intensive" stuff==== lazy, I remember my Innoled 98 cri single cob run, I fucking despised rotating

You are a vert veteran, so I can't disagree with you.

be safe and happy growing RIU

When I started doing vert grows, it was much more labor intensive. Years of doing it and constantly trying new approaches has led to substantial gains in productivity, defined as yield per hours spent.

Equipment upgrades and redesigns, including but not limited to COB LED lighting, have also played a role in these improvements.

I think the time is right for vertical growing to come out of the closet and into the commercial space, because it can provide more product at less cost without sacrificing quality.

My time spent wandering around the Denver Canna Grow Expo yesterday and today has shown me that the necessary building blocks are in place for a revolution in indoor growing. All it takes is a shift in perspective.
Not quite finished with the day, still got unloading and such.

First impressions of the weekend are that this industry is primed for a revolution in the technology of production.

Automated growing
Data management
Etc etc

Mind blowing.
Sounds like a great show, looking forward to some maturing of grow tech and some competition to drive prices down. Hmmm, technology + growing, been there done that for 30 years, perhaps it's time to get out of boring tech into green tech ;) Nah, time to semi-retire soon, should be interesting to watch though!
So this is something considered new? !

I've been using horizontal and vertical grows to optimize my yields for over a decade. I thought everyone knew about this stuff. But even Ed Rosenthal slagged me when I asked about my DWC experiments back in '01.

I'm strapping my 4 girls into this rig over the weekend and it's my regular way to do my DWC/soilless plants for years.



That's one plant. I'll be rigging a bigger horizontal screen for these 4 hungry girls tomorrow. :)

