Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Always.. you make me so.. so very sad lol
Dang I fell for it too.

Don't you have a trench to dig or pipes to thread? ;-)

How about coming over & installing my camera system for me - I hate crawling around in attic's.

Beer & Bud is free
He has a trench to thread (uuhhh, that is a bit of an image) and a pipe to dig.
I'll choose an attic any day of the week over the crawlspaces Californians have instead of a proper basement.
~edit~ The things one finds there.



... and ... (retching sounds)

Do you man idc

Just say in its dumb and a waste

Lots of us do drugs.. You can fool a newb maybe

Y'all know when I'm fucked up.
My spellin on point
We have mediumish sized brown spiders here - all they can do is scare the bejeebes out of you (but they do that very well thank you).

Annndddd these, a woodwasp (locally known as Stump Fuckers) in the family Siricidae. Had one drill into my thigh through double layered Carhart pants with its ovipositer.
Hope I don't break out in *cringes* "Hives". :wink:
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We have mediumish brown spiders here - all they can do is scare the bejeebes out of you (but they do that very well thank you).

Annndddd these, a woodwasp (locally known as Stump Fuckers) in the family Siricidae. Had one drill into my thigh through double layered Carhart pants with its ovipositer.
View attachment 3816582
Hope I don't break out in *cringes* "Hives". :wink:
That's a huge freaky lookin bug good sized stinger too, I don't know why but Buggs creep me out big time
We have mediumish sized brown spiders here - all they can do is scare the bejeebes out of you (but they do that very well thank you).

Annndddd these, a woodwasp (locally known as Stump Fuckers) in the family Siricidae. Had one drill into my thigh through double layered Carhart pants with its ovipositer.
View attachment 3816582
Hope I don't break out in *cringes* "Hives". :wink:
I got one word for that

I believe those are the exact words that burst out of my mouth the moment of penetration.
I have spoken to two people who had bad run-ins with mud-dauber wasps. Back East they were thse beautiful iridescent creatures with the eponymous Wasp Waist (I would hate to see the corset that was needed)

and made these beautiful little "pot o' gold" nests

and after hearing the tales, I got off real light pestering those things as a kid.

Y'all know the colors tell a story of much pain.