Random Jibber Jabber Thread

It pays to know people
5 to see it, 10 to ride?

@Balzac89 Hey man, sorry for what you're going through. There was some really good advice given a couple pages back. Let your immediate family know, with no judgements. Just information. Peace to you as you try to do the right thing. This is a good song for you.

I appreciate everyone who took the time to help me. @curious2garden @Hookabelly @mr sunshine @ovo @GreatwhiteNorth @cannabineer

I talked to him about pain management alternatives. He told me he stopped taking his pain meds a few days ago and he's been really ill. I thought he had a pneumonia at first, but that was before he told me he stopped taking them. I realized he's going through withdrawls and that's why he's been on such a rollercoaster.

He told me stopped taking them because they only work if he takes 6+ at a time. The recommended use of 4 a day every couple hours doesn't work anymore. He had been abusing them and driving his truck around.

I looked up marinol and pain management it not one of its uses? It said a doctor is unlikely to prescribe it for that as it would be off label use of a controlled substance?
I bet you just use pens and shit so I did too20161027_153339.jpg

Didntbtake out the screw either. Thas prolly too much work for ya

Trying to replicate the cconditions. Maybebit iltt work
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