Hillary can't be trusted

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Manufacturing in america is practically dead. That equates to less business tax.

All these large businesses go to foreign labor because they have to competitively price their products. If there was a penalty large enough than companies would stop using this labor because it wouldn't save them money and their competitors would be in the same boat.

i've asked you repeatedly to name the size of the import tax, but you have been too busy giving 'likes' to avowed white supremacists like @beanzz to respond.
Manufacturing in america is practically dead. That equates to less business tax.

All these large businesses go to foreign labor because they have to competitively price their products. If there was a penalty large enough than companies would stop using this labor because it wouldn't save them money and their competitors would be in the same boat.
@Flaming Pie
Leading the race to the bottom. If we stoop to the lowest level someone else will beat us to it. It's why you're a wounded loser.
@Flaming Pie "Grow up and try to educate yourself".

Analogous to trump stating
"no one has more respect for women then me"
It is an expression he could go without.

He should say, " I have great respect for women and treat them the same way I would treat a man."

Talking about pussy grabbing is not the same as actually pussy grabbing. The man is also a joker. He was trying to make billy laugh and billy was cracking up. Then he got off the bus and gave a small air peck to the woman escorting him. Billy was the one who was being disgusting imo. He was sexually harrassing that woman the whole walk into the studio.
i've asked you repeatedly to name the size of the import tax, but you have been too busy giving 'likes' to avowed white supremacists like @beanzz to respond.
Sometimes I don't read your posts.

Sometimes I am busy, sometimes I am in a hurry, and 100% of the time I don't care about your opinion.

I like to play cat and mouse with you on occasion.

I was cleaning the bathroom and my daughter had to poop so I came on here for a minute.
Trump answered, “Because during the season, Mar-A-Lago, it’s a seasonal job, which is very hard to get people in Florida for seasonal jobs. And during the season in Palm Beach, Palm Beach is probably maybe the hottest real estate, maybe in the world. And during the season in Palm Beach, it’s very, very hard to get help. You can’t, we’re talking about Mar-A-Lago, the club is closed for the summer. You know the expression, ‘Rich people don’t like heat.’ And we close Mar-A-Lago, and we open October — like October 1st. And from that, for about a five-month period, during what they call the Palm Beach season, which is a big deal, you can’t get help. "

Seasonal full time jobs? On florida beaches from october to the end of spring?

Restrict visas if you have a problem with it.

He is still much better than Hillary. She will bankrupt this nation to fill her own pockets. She will start war with Russia. She will move through executive order to change gun laws. She will help wallstreet become richer.

She even talked about having a global energy grid! So Obama gives over our internet and the Hillary hands over our power grid to UN?

Why is the UN looking more and more like it is trying to run the world? Oh, because it is.

Cease fire constantly broken by US and UN. They are trying to own the Middle East and must get rid of leaders who won't play ball. Meanwhile the civilians suffer because the US, Britain, saudi arabia, and Qatar are funding islamic extremists.

Have you heard of some of the barbaric and horrific things terrorists do to their own people? What they are doing to men, women, and children who will not submit to the literal law of Islam?

Oh I forgot. You support ISIS and their mission. I'm sure you also support the rebels, al nusra, al qaeda, hamas, and hesbollah.

Grow up and try to educate yourself.
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Manufacturing in america is practically dead. That equates to less business tax.

All these large businesses go to foreign labor because they have to competitively price their products. If there was a penalty large enough than companies would stop using this labor because it wouldn't save them money and their competitors would be in the same boat.

Manufacturing in america is practically dead. .

By dead you mean @75% alive?

It is an expression he could go without.

He should say, " I have great respect for women and treat them the same way I would treat a man."

Talking about pussy grabbing is not the same as actually pussy grabbing. The man is also a joker. He was trying to make billy laugh and billy was cracking up. Then he got off the bus and gave a small air peck to the woman escorting him. Billy was the one who was being disgusting imo. He was sexually harrassing that woman the whole walk into the studio.
Wait, are you dismissing the dozen claims by different women who report being assaulted by trump?

He should say I'm absolutely unqualified for POTUS along every imaginable dimension.
Manufacturing in america is practically dead. That equates to less business tax.

All these large businesses go to foreign labor because they have to competitively price their products. If there was a penalty large enough than companies would stop using this labor because it wouldn't save them money and their competitors would be in the same boat.
Trump is against foreign trade and promises to unilaterally terminate trade treaties, which would initiate trade wars that would curtail exports from the US. In 1960, 5% of GDP was from exports of goods; 2015, 12% of GDP*. The trend line during that time is practically a straight line. I guess we should just get used to a smaller economy and deal with an unnecessary recession if Trump takes office (Granted, prez Trump is pretty much a hypothetical condition).

Clinton promises to veto TPP legislation should it cross her desk but her economic policies do not include trade wars and an unnecessary recession. She talks of encouraging growth in new economy jobs like growing sustainable energy technology.

Decline in manufacturing isn't due to a decline in exports but an unequal treatment of labor in the two countries. I'd certainly get behind efforts to improve labor conditions in trading partner-countries. Also penalty tarrifs for countries with poor labor conditions. Also stronger unions in this country too. But growing old economy manufacturing isn't going to help this country very much if at all.

In a speech earlier this year, Trump said workers should get used to lower wages. Just saying, he's not a great source for new ideas when it comes to growing economy and making life better for his supporters.

The thread topic is & I quote " Hillary can't be trusted " yet every social justice warrior is trying to reframe & redirect the topic into a Trump topic,what's the matter bums,can't find any proof to post proving Hillary can be trusted :cry:

I'm laughing my ass off watching team troll @rollitup work overtime trying to redirect every topic away from corrupt Hillary Clinton :lol:

Pssst trolls,wikileaks 19 just dropped another nuke proving Hillary can't be trusted,ya'll might want to read it lol
The thread topic is & I quote " Hillary can't be trusted " yet every social justice warrior is trying to reframe & redirect the topic into a Trump topic,what's the matter bums,can't find any proof to post proving Hillary can be trusted :cry:

I'm laughing my ass off watching team troll @rollitup work overtime trying to redirect every topic away from corrupt Hillary Clinton :lol:

Pssst trolls,wikileaks 19 just dropped another nuke proving Hillary can't be trusted,ya'll might want to read it lol
85% chance of Clinton winning the US election, say UK betting firms
Luke Graham | @LukeWGraham
4 Hours AgoCNBC.com
The thread topic is & I quote " Hillary can't be trusted " yet every social justice warrior is trying to reframe & redirect the topic into a Trump topic,what's the matter bums,can't find any proof to post proving Hillary can be trusted :cry:

I'm laughing my ass off watching team troll @rollitup work overtime trying to redirect every topic away from corrupt Hillary Clinton :lol:

Pssst trolls,wikileaks 19 just dropped another nuke proving Hillary can't be trusted,ya'll might want to read it lol
I thought you had ignore working ???
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