Hillary can't be trusted

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When you oversample it can skew polls as well.

ahhhhh yes. 2012 all over again.

Ask more latinos or blacks and you get 60-80% hillary votes.

but you said they were flocking to trump in droves.

Haven't you seen all the videos and news reports of frauds? Big bust in Indiana with 9 counties under investigayion for voter fraud.

"big bust" and "under investigation" mean entirely different things, you mental deficient.
Hideous ignorance and lack of character
Business is about making money.

Competition keeps the prices lower that they can expect people to pay for a product.

If you legally level the playing field through import taxes, then their will be higher demand for American labor.

Jobs keep the economy moving and funds the government.
import taxes

as an esteemed economist, can you please tell us at what rate we must tax imports in order to "level the playing field" so that donald will stop using sweatshop child slave labor in bangladesh, and its accompanying effect on the price of goods american consumers buy as well as its complete improbability of triggering a trade war?

thanks, professor pie.

average wage: $1.67 per hour
Competition. Raise import taxes.
It still looks close to me and polls have been wrong before. When you oversample it can skew polls as well. Ask more latinos or blacks and you get 60-80% hillary votes.

Haven't you seen all the videos and news reports of frauds? Big bust in Indiana with 9 counties under investigayion for voter fraud.
Once a fan, Trump declares: 'I don't believe the polls anymore'
If you legally level the playing field through import taxes,

Trump is cutting taxes down to nothing. He figures if it goes south, bankruptcy is an option.
Competition. Raise import taxes.

Their governments subsidise many foreign products like the steel Trump buys. That enables dumping. Then our companies file a complaint that could take years to resolve.

Do you understand the complexities involved?

No, you just want to make America great again.

If we're not so great, why do you need a wall? Nobody wants to come here anyway if we aren't great.
Hillary Clinton took $48.5 million in donations from Wall street Hedge funds alone,the total wall street graft she's taken is over $100 million dollars,her wall street speaches have been released via wikileaks that show her telling wall street she lies to voters & plans on being there for wall street,the $48.5 million she just got from them proves wall street knows she will never "tax the rich " as she claims .

At this point anybody who believes a single word out of Hillary's mouth as truth needs to see a head shrinker .
Umm that word graft. It means something you know. Not the botanical/agricultural definition either. It's just plain misused in your post.

Although the conflict between public and private interests is common to all forms of corruption, the term 'graft' is specific to the intentional misdirection of official funds. Although not the original usage of the term, graft in the modern context is commonly, but mistakenly, used as a blanket term for political embezzlement, influence peddling or other forms of corruption. While embezzlement and influence peddling are elements sometimes present in graft, the relationship is not deterministic.

I think what you mean to say in your white racist prison gang slaver way is "influence peddling". This would be a true statement regarding her speeches if she had been in office when she made them She was a private citizen at that time. So, what she said and how much she was paid to make the speech is her own business. As is true for George Bush, who charged a disabled veterans association more than $100k for a few minutes of his time to speak to them.

Now, as far as you prediction of what will happen WHEN she becomes president, well, that is your opinion. My opinion made in the context that you are a narcissistic abuser who brags about purchasing male slave services while having the time of his perverted life for five years in a federal penitentiary and joining one of the most brutal racist white male gay prison gangs in the US prison system. Also bragging about how they are still family and fantasizing about raping a member on this board if he should come into your clutches in prison. Whatever you say is just straight out not to be trusted. Because narcissistic abusers, especially ones who spent time in federal prison, are not to be trusted. Because narcissists like you will lie even when the truth is easier to tell.
Trump answered, “Because during the season, Mar-A-Lago, it’s a seasonal job, which is very hard to get people in Florida for seasonal jobs. And during the season in Palm Beach, Palm Beach is probably maybe the hottest real estate, maybe in the world. And during the season in Palm Beach, it’s very, very hard to get help. You can’t, we’re talking about Mar-A-Lago, the club is closed for the summer. You know the expression, ‘Rich people don’t like heat.’ And we close Mar-A-Lago, and we open October — like October 1st. And from that, for about a five-month period, during what they call the Palm Beach season, which is a big deal, you can’t get help. "

Seasonal full time jobs? On florida beaches from october to the end of spring?

Restrict visas if you have a problem with it.

He is still much better than Hillary. She will bankrupt this nation to fill her own pockets. She will start war with Russia. She will move through executive order to change gun laws. She will help wallstreet become richer.

She even talked about having a global energy grid! So Obama gives over our internet and the Hillary hands over our power grid to UN?

Why is the UN looking more and more like it is trying to run the world? Oh, because it is.

Cease fire constantly broken by US and UN. They are trying to own the Middle East and must get rid of leaders who won't play ball. Meanwhile the civilians suffer because the US, Britain, saudi arabia, and Qatar are funding islamic extremists.

Have you heard of some of the barbaric and horrific things terrorists do to their own people? What they are doing to men, women, and children who will not submit to the literal law of Islam?

Oh I forgot. You support ISIS and their mission. I'm sure you also support the rebels, al nusra, al qaeda, hamas, and hesbollah.
I never said he did. He does employ labor around the world because his properties are around the world.

Ivanka is competing globally with her clothing line so she goes to the cheapest means of production. If the laws changed she would still be in the same position with her competitors. Costs for production would go up for everyone not just them.

Business is about profit and competition.

Local business is what creates jobs. If there are closing businesses that means loss of jobs.

We can't all work for the government. How will the government raise money?

80% of tax revenue comes from labor taxes.
Yes and no. Yes, Local business creates jobs. Yes business is about profit and competition. Yes the Trumps employ labor around the world.

No, Benedict Donald can't have it both ways. He can't malign the government, Clinton specifically, for supporting trade policies that he completely took advantage of and still claim the high ground.

Actually, if the laws changed, anybody who's business relies on foreign production would be at a disadvantage to anybody who did not and has a domestic supply chain. There are a lot of companies that did not take the brainless route of cutting a few pennies in labor cost and built very successful companies that still manufacture using US labor. It's my guess that Ivanka's clothing line is imperiled both by her father's extreme damage to the Trump name and the rather lazy way she built her supply chain.
Manufacturing in america is practically dead. That equates to less business tax.

All these large businesses go to foreign labor because they have to competitively price their products. If there was a penalty large enough than companies would stop using this labor because it wouldn't save them money and their competitors would be in the same boat.
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