Holy mother of God ladies and gents. I got the res and manifolds plugged in and tested. 1 leak from 1 port of 1 drip head, woot ! I taped it , haven't tried it to see if the tape stopped the leak.. not sure if I can stop the leak without replacing the drip head , but it's only a couple drops per water cycle. And HOLY SHIT . The water BLASTS out of each port filling the flora caps quickly! 1 cup of water on each port in 15 seconds , this shall be my new design

I'm not gonna flower today or tomorrow , I will Friday, I noticed with my light meter than my lights should be a lot closer , so I bought some ratchet hangers for all the lights so I can lower /raise them. But everything is ready for the plants and working flawlessly

t minus 1 day, for real this time. Had to shut off the light over the animal cookies today too cuz they grew into the light