I thought I had budrot, spreading from plant to plant but... (lots of pics)


Well-Known Member
1) Plenty of photos...
2) Indoor
3) When the bucket gets low
4) DWC
5) Mid-Flower I figure, really slow Sativa / autoflowers.

I'm really not sure any more what it is, I had a plant that was harvested a few weeks ago which got bud rot (I assume) when the humidity was out of control for only a few hours or so (lights off) I since got a dehumidifier replacement and have been maintaining consistent 37-40'ish RH levels plus high 70's or so w/ AC.

I'm assuming what I had was bud rot, there was a sort of "mushroom" smell to the buds in a way, hard to describe but no wedding or fuzziness whatsoever, at all, anywhere and I looked at the plants a lot. I'm worried maybe I have something else and assumed it was bud rot, halves of buds did turn a brownish/tan sort of color though.

Whatever this is it seems to spread from plant to plant, I have a few brownish/tan sort of non-colorful leaves on some of my veg plants but it's minimal, a couple on some others near these two flowering plants and both flowering plants show the same sort of leaves, some buds have all amber/brown pistils but obviously have 5-6 weeks to go (Sativa, Russian Rocket Fuel).

I've already cut at least an ounce off one plant, branch by branch when I think the buds smell "funny" but now I'm worried I am doing this prematurely and maybe I have something I can correct, I still have it in my head that the smell is moldy or something but I've seen ZERO indication of anything fuzzy anywhere in the whole grow. Any ideas? I thought maybe the leaf color was a phosphorous deficiency or something but I feel like it might be some sort of mold or disease... the fact that I feel it's spreading from plant to plant is what concerns me and keeps having me chop branches off, I'm worried I shouldn't be chopping so much off so I am posting some photos.

I am going to tie up all the saggy branches too, I figure that plant is going to be (or was) going to be about 6-7 ounces or so but I have no idea, they're pretty huge a bit over 5 feet tall but look hideous.

Cliffs, Humidity is not much higher than 40% at any given time, Temps are high 70's to 81-82'ish but I can bring them way down I heard colder temps were worse for germinating spores. I did have some buds that I'm sure were rotten/moldy from a plant before these ones got to this stage and just worried spores are everywhere but I don't think I'm giving them a satisfactory environment to take hold.



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Quite a few of the branches/buds smell pretty dank and what I'd consider normal halfway through flower... some of the lower ones or ones that were completely brown pistil wise were pretty funky and don't seem like they're growing or as far along as they should be and lots of browning/tan even slightly grey leaves with that "not right" smell to them that I have in my head is mold, fungus, or something of the like. I hate cutting large branches full of bud off but have done it several times. Will probably tie up branches here today still though.
First thing is first damn that's a big plant. I'm pretty new to growing also but I did encounter this when I was treating for mites during budding also. I was using Green Clean, I noticed it dried out the leaves. Other things I noticed were I was getting root rot in my hydro system, as well my lights were to close to my plants. I don't know if this helps at all but Good luck!
I can't tell you on the budrot, never seen it first hand, but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot. And if I remember what I was told correctly, if it stays that humid after that foxtail you have a good chance of budrot
I can't tell you on the budrot, never seen it first hand, but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot. And if I remember what I was told correctly, if it stays that humid after that foxtail you have a good chance of budrot

I think my issue occurred when I started turning the lights off for a few hours and forgot my A/C would stop running (thus not help humidity at all) this all happened during a rainy week and I had no idea, this was right at harvest time for the plants before these at the time it happened these ones were very early in flower and not very developed at all. Humidty is now 40% or right around there at all times and temps are higher I am wondering if I have some other issue entirely but hate to lose this, I feel between these two plants if they can turn around I should have at least 10 ounces or so and that's a lot to lose for me.
That's fkd! Sorry to tell ya
Burned with nutes/foxtailed/ single blades /N tox and the looks also there is it her stuff going on

Yeah, looks pretty damn rough... sucks too because I hardly ever have problems, this issues crap is new to me and it seems like a damn epidemic since all plants are affected.
I can't tell you on the budrot, never seen it first hand, but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot. And if I remember what I was told correctly, if it stays that humid after that foxtail you have a good chance of budrot
Omg humidity does not cause foxtailing full stop!
Heat and/or to much Nitrogen cause foxtailing that's a fact!
weed Plants love high humidity but too high in flower will cause our (compact/tight) buds to rot in the center out
yours are hairy and loose due to above mentioned they are not rotted!
I think my issue occurred when I started turning the lights off for a few hours and forgot my A/C would stop running (thus not help humidity at all) this all happened during a rainy week and I had no idea, this was right at harvest time for the plants before these at the time it happened these ones were very early in flower and not very developed at all. Humidty is now 40% or right around there at all times and temps are higher I am wondering if I have some other issue entirely but hate to lose this, I feel between these two plants if they can turn around I should have at least 10 ounces or so and that's a lot to lose for me.

40% humidity won't exactly cause problems but it's better to have it around 30-35. Although I've flowered at 40-45% from necessity without problem.

That being said, that plant looks like something happened and it's struggling to recover, and that struggle is killing it.
Some more pics might help, but I'd almost say chop it and salvage what you can before it dies/gets worse. Especially if you think whatever it is, is spreading
Omg humidity does not cause foxtailing full stop!
Heat and/or to much Nitrogen cause foxtailing that's a fact!
weed Plants love high humidity but too high in flower will cause our (compact/tight) buds to rot in the center out
yours are hairy and loose due to above mentioned they are not rotted!

Idk where you get your facts, or grammar lessons, but it's heat & humidity. Can guarantee I can find several growers on here that agree
I'm going to get some more photos of the colas that (I feel) look like they've got a fighting chance, especially knowing they're only halfway. This is an autoflower too believe it or not, two of them about 5-6 feet tall way larger than I expected them to be, very decent root mass too and I change the buckets out at least once a week, usually feed/top off a couple times a week as they drink a gallon a day or so. I feel like I'm feeding them fine unless my nutes are getting old, I do a simple lucas formula 25-30ml micro, 50-60ml bloom and liquid Kool Bloom sometimes (10ml/gallon) for about 3-3.5 gallons per bucket change. Sometimes I add other things like Floralicious Plus and I always get my PH to right around 6.0 give or take a decimal point. Humidity right now is actually mid 30's as I just checked.

Maybe I just need to adjust something else, I wonder if I should have refrained from cutting a few of the branches off because they had a smell I wasn't too sure about.

Maybe I need to adjust my A/C, the vertical bulb is pretty close to the plants with no fan blowing up from underneath (I had one but choose to relocate it to focus on air movement to lower branches) the room is constantly around 76 degrees in the ambient areas but I suppose it could be low to mid 80's in the hot zone.
I'm pretty sure cutting a few branches off wouldn't have done that. I lollipop and have been experimenting with defoliating and lollipopping and haven't caused anything like this.

You have a PPM meter?
Just cause there's water out of the bucket, that doesn't mean it's used up the nutes, it could have just drank the water and left a lot of the nutrients for several different reasons like PH level. And adding more can hurt it.
I'm pretty sure cutting a few branches off wouldn't have done that. I lollipop and have been experimenting with defoliating and lollipopping and haven't caused anything like this.

You have a PPM meter?
Just cause there's water out of the bucket, that doesn't mean it's used up the nutes, it could have just drank the water and left a lot of the nutrients for several different reasons like PH level. And adding more can hurt it.

I don't think cutting off branches caused this, I cut off branches BECAUSE of this... but I'm worried I might be prematurely removing buds that aren't actually at risk of spreading something (the reason I cut them off)... I've done all kinds of pruning and training over various grows, never really any adverse effects besides some short term stunting in growth. Definitely don't think whatever is going on has anything to do with cutting away buds, I was just paranoid of spreading something is all.

And yeah I check PH, if I top off It's just straight PH corrected water otherwise I completely change the bucket (rinse it out w/ garden hose first... I have one hooked up in my area) I'm never really above 1200 or so PPM, sometimes I even mix it under 1000. I learned the hard way about topping off with nutrients rather than water a year or two ago when I hit 3000+ PPM.
Idk where you get your facts, or grammar lessons, but it's heat & humidity. Can guarantee I can find several growers on here that agree
Foxtailing isn't effected by humidity
I can tell by your reply you ain't got clue
Their are two types of foxtailing which are genetics and environment
Genetic foxtails are naturally expressed at the end of flower heat alone can make this worse not humidity alone!
Environmental foxtails are caused by high heat through flower which causes elongation of the buds/stems hence heat causes a stretchy plant
Also High N content in the roots can also cause a flowering plant to foxtail it can even cause to do go back into veg like the op's plant has done
And grammar lol grow up you fool and do some research your self and stop telling people humidity will cause your plant to foxtail! Lol
Here's the other plant I didn't really focus on much, it basically created a "wall of green" growing toward the light (I don't rotate) I also included a back/side shot to show how all the branches grew in that direction... It's a shame it's unhealthy because it was on pace to be a huge yielder I am sure, the other plant I was more focused on was also on pace for a huge yield... hard to believe these things are Autoflowers (that red level is 4 ft / 48 inches for size reference).

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Foxtailing isn't effected by humidity
I can tell by your reply you ain't got clue
Their are two types of foxtailing which are genetics and environment
Genetic foxtails are naturally expressed at the end of flower heat alone can make this worse not humidity alone!
Environmental foxtails are caused by high heat through flower which causes elongation of the buds/stems hence heat causes a stretchy plant
Also High N content in the roots can also cause a flowering plant to foxtail it can even cause to do go back into veg like the op's plant has done
And grammar lol grow up you fool and do some research your self and stop telling people humidity will cause your plant to foxtail! Lol
If it's humid it's usually hot, he said his temps, then he said about humidity. It seems you just want to argue so I'm gonna let you be.
Glad you can repeat what you've read on google. But maybe if you could read better you'd notice I didn't say humidity=fox tailing, I said, with what he described, it seemed his plant had foxtailed and with high humidity those conditions cause budrot as well
So pay some attention before being an arragont little shit
I can't tell you on the budrot, never seen it first hand, but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot. And if I remember what I was told correctly, if it stays that humid after that foxtail you have a good chance of budrot
Read your own post and see what you put
but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot.

No mention of temps?
And read on Google haha I've been growing 6 years in every system lol just go UK thread an people will tell you I've got knowledge from experience Lmao

You have just proved you dont know shit
And your avi pic says it all! You proud of that?
Fact! Plants don't foxtail from high humidity like YOU told op.

If you didn't spread shit I wouldn't be assed but you could cost someone a lot of money one day listening to your bs

That was my problem! YOU haha
Read your own post and see what you put
but it does seem like the humidity wrecked hell on em. If I'm correct, photos are kinda small on my phone, seems like the buds started foxtailing, which they do in high humidity to prevent budrot.

No mention of temps?
And read on Google haha I've been growing 6 years in every system lol just go UK thread an people will tell you I've got knowledge from experience Lmao

You have just proved you dont know shit
And your avi pic says it all! You proud of that?
Oh god no wonder. You're in the U.K.
Makes sense now. You only know Celsius and don't get critical thinking. He'd already said his temps were high. He doesn't seem like a complete idiot so didn't feel the need to remind him of something he'd already said. Whatever man. Feel you're right. Go drink your warm beer and be the self righteous prick you want to be
Ps he never said his temps went above 82f at any point?? 27c

So what was your point about high temps? Where is it high?