What did you accomplish today?

Today we found some more shit in the house that we probably will just keep, a bunch of records from the 60s and up including but not limited too

U2-the unforgettable fire
Hotel California
Purple rain
Pink Floyd-animals
Meat loaf-Jim steinman
Stevie nicks-the wild heart
Willlie Nelson-city of New Orleans
Heart-private audition
The Who
Jethro Tull- a passion play
The Stevie Martin brothers
The worst of Jefferson airplane
Ton petty and the heartbreakers- you're gonna get it
Van Halen

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How old was BF's dad?
Most amazing shit ever, if you wanted to get rid of paint that was the stuff! What is it @cannabineer says, it's either effective or outlawed? Is that it 'neer?
Lots of military goodies have been banned. Lol. It also helped being in the military and having family in the military. I have plenty of phased out stuff like paint stripper and the little green bottles of 100% deet.
Lol yup
"A chemical (or weapon or keynote speech or) is either useful ... or it's safe." I seriously annoyed a high school teacher with that chestnut.

Ahh, I miss real paint and its associated toothy stripper. The modern ones contain methylene chloride with chaperone diluents like alcohol and the ubiquitous "petroleum distillate". The old stuff was 80% chloroform, 20% U-boat bilge fumes and the remaining 10% Chuck Norris.
I prefer a good methyl ethyl keytone. Mmmmm. MEK. The good stuff that will make you fail a blood alcohol test if you breathe it without a respirator long enough.
survived the night. some breakfast and a couple bloodies at rooster, then we hit the road. gonna throw a couple rack of ribs on the smoker soon.

wife has paint waiting to be rolled in the baby room. super glad i cut in and did the trim yesterday morning. bunch of forrest themed stencil/ cut out things to go up after. then a ridiculously expensive wildlife themed ceiling fan to go up.

70 or so people showed up to my wifes baby shower, so ive got my work cut out for me tonight putting shit together..

hungover af. luckily my brother gave me a gallon of his fresh blood mary mix last week. think i may have to booze my way through this day.
survived the night. some breakfast and a couple bloodies at rooster, then we hit the road. gonna throw a couple rack of ribs on the smoker soon.

wife has paint waiting to be rolled in the baby room. super glad i cut in and did the trim yesterday morning. bunch of forrest themed stencil/ cut out things to go up after. then a ridiculously expensive wildlife themed ceiling fan to go up.

70 or so people showed up to my wifes baby shower, so ive got my work cut out for me tonight putting shit together..

hungover af. luckily my brother gave me a gallon of his fresh blood mary mix last week. think i may have to booze my way through this day.
Bloodys are always a great choice! Pace yourself and enjoy, pics of the room when finished.
Bloodys are always a great choice! Pace yourself and enjoy, pics of the room when finished.

will do. i wasnt too 'wild' about the theme she had in mind, at first, but she has a good eye for such things, so i let her do her thng in choosing the design.

getting pretty excited now for the baby, before it was just kinda surreal and didnt quite hit me until recently... at night... in bed... didnt sleep.

i think im still drunk
Does the state do anything with hide/skull or destroy it? Is that so you can't profit or traffic it? Do/can indigenous tribes use them?

edit: i had no idea there was this much regulation re:bears, but I'm not a hunter. I would suspect the oversight is a good thing, though.

The state auctions that stuff off at our annual fur rendezvous held in Anchorage.
Thinned out the bitches and cloned out all the fluff, moved my tents around a few times (they are back where they started), got a drying tent set up also the last bit of the puzzle, made an impressive 73 run, also made some qwiso for a buddy's vape, broke it of with the ex...again

Everyone's watching some football game so I'm off to the shop to give Christine some well deserved TLC, I haven't looked at the kunt since she broke my ankle but it's time to make amends

"Hey baby, brought you some royal purple and oil filters... Let's get those plastics off and give you a nice soapy rub down. Oh your tire is flat? I didn't even notice it love honestly Hope you didn't hurt yourself while breaking my ankle ya fucking piece of-I didn't mean to yell here come here I'll get out the 13mm and tighten you up dear"

Oh I haven't interacted with any humans yet besides one text.. Talking to inanimate objects is common
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I fucked up another arrowhead. It was looking pretty good until I accidentally broke the tip off, I am getting better though. I'm nearly out of chert and I want to save my obsidian until I get much better, so I may have to try my hand at beer bottle bottoms for a while.

They do make nice looking arrowheads.

I fucked up another arrowhead. It was looking pretty good until I accidentally broke the tip off, I am getting better though. I'm nearly out of chert and I want to save my obsidian until I get much better, so I may have to try my hand at beer bottle bottoms for a while.

They do make nice looking arrowheads.

You knapped them? Really nice! Fuckin good job +rep
You knapped them? Really nice! Fuckin good job +rep

No. I just found a pic of what they looked like so people could see. I'm not that good yet.

I'm working on it though. I'll post a pic if I ever make one I feel is worth posting but so far I always wind up breaking them. I need to try and make some more tools for the finer work, all I have right now is a couple antlers and a hammer stone.
No. I just found a pic of what they looked like so people could see. I'm not that good yet.

I'm working on it though. I'll post a pic if I ever make one I feel is worth posting but so far I always wind up breaking them. I need to try and make some more tools for the finer work, all I have right now is a couple antlers and a hammer stone.

They found a fossil Dremel in a million-year-old stratum in Tanzania. This frees me to be really lazy and still claim to be doing it full paleo like you.