Clinton Campaign caught paying the Homeless to incite violence.

lots of mulattoes and kenyans?

lot of mulata and mulato, of course. Redbones are some of the finest women you will ever lay eyes on. One kenyan I ever met, he was my optometrist. This is america and we are free to fuck whomever we please obviously. Carlos Santana would be so proud of us.

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you're avoiding the question. especially since the republican leadership in that state literally took over detroit and installed their own hand-picked, unelected, "emergency manager". same in flint, too.

how's that working out for those cities?

I'm not avoiding the question at all. I asked you a question for which your only available answer, answers your proposed question to me.

are you saying that the mayor of a city has more power than the governor, state senate, state house, and more?

Your local MJ laws, do they differ from your state and federal laws? Be a normal person once in your life and just answer the question. It's kind of a leading question based on what I know here in Cali. I honestly have no clue what CO laws are other than state rec so I have no pre planned response. I'm just high as shit and talking on a computer.
I'm not avoiding the question at all. I asked you a question for which your only available answer, answers your proposed question to me.

Your local MJ laws, do they differ from your state and federal laws? Be a normal person once in your life and just answer the question. It's kind of a leading question based on what I know here in Cali. I honestly have no clue what CO laws are other than state rec so I have no pre planned response. I'm just high as shit and talking on a computer.

still avoiding my question, which was really more of a trap for the clumsy and retarded.

but to answer your question, municipalities are allowed to have different laws on pot because the state legislature wrote the bill that way, and because the governor signed that law into effect.

still avoiding my question, which was really more of a trap for the clumsy and retarded.

but to answer your question, municipalities are allowed to have different laws on pot because the state legislature wrote the bill that way, and because the governor signed that law into effect.


Now square that with federal. And square every other state thats different. Then measure that against your HOA.
Explain the one county in CA that is smog exempt or the one lake that allows two stroke engines. State overrides fed. County's override state and municipalities override county, its their prerogative and to comply with lesser authorities is a choice.
you have it backwards.

did detroit's democratically elected mayor have to step down to an unelected "emergency manager" appointed by republicans?

you are so stupid and racist that it just hurts my feelings.

IDK what you're talking about. Detroit's mayors have been Democrat since 1962. Is there a weepubwican there now? Proves nothing. Carry on though.
lot of mulata and mulato, of course. Redbones are some of the finest women you will ever lay eyes on. One kenyan I ever met, he was my optometrist. This is america and we are free to fuck whomever we please obviously. Carlos Santana would be so proud of us.

santana on he hes voting for...

So is it Hillary or Bernie for him?

"I want both Democrats, either one," Santana says, "but I lean towards Hillary because I'd like to see a woman bring more compassion and equality and less fear and more inclusiveness. I'm ready for a woman. We're really blessed in America, being a social experiment. We had a black president, no you could have a woman take the reins and hopefully bring more illumination and more inclusiveness and grace, thank you."

Finally somebody with real balls to hold that fat gross obese lying ass Donna Brazil to the fire about her leaking debate answers to Hillary,and getting caught red fucking handed doing it,say what you will about Young Turks but they call a spade a spade & didn't allow fat Donna to escape using the Russia red herring .

Here's why I love TYT news,you won't see CNN do this to Hillary ever !

Time for social justice warrior excuses,who's on shift to make excusez & redirects this early,FogDog possibly :bigjoint:
Finally somebody with real balls to hold that fat gross obese lying ass Donna Brazil to the fire about her leaking debate answers to Hillary,and getting caught red fucking handed doing it,say what you will about Young Turks but they call a spade a spade & didn't allow fat Donna to escape using the Russia red herring .

Here's why I love TYT news,you won't see CNN do this to Hillary ever !

Time for social justice warrior excuses,who's on shift to make excusez & redirects this early,FogDog possibly :bigjoint:

so why didn't you take @Dankistino 's bet?

he bet you $5,000 and gave you 2 to 1 odds, and i put up the $10,000 cash.

does your social security check not provide you with enough money to bet, brokedick?

or are you just full of shit and unwilling to put your money where your mouth is, you gigantic pussy?