Clinton Campaign caught paying the Homeless to incite violence.

"it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Hipocracy? Interesting. You just called a man a "patriot" for wearing the uniform of a group of rednecks who carried out an act of treason, AND LOST.

its called " historical reenactment " society and all garb of the era is worn to reflect the times,its a teaching tool many grade schools use as well to show grade school children about the civil war in terms a 6 yrs old can grasp ,FYI many black Americans wore the grey uniform of the south,which makes his mode of dress historically accurate .

You don't seem to research subjects all that deep before deciding you hate people from what I've saw of your postings,if your a black man why wouldn't you want to know the entire situation before you slander people who've went thru more than you have due to age ? do you think the same man would call you a stupid N!$$er because your views don't match his ? I doubt it .
You just called a black man a racial slur for nothing more than your racist, moronic assumptions. That was insanely racist, what you said.

your post got a like from a guy with a neo-nazi tattoo.

but considering that you are fishing buddies with a guy who has a 'heil hitler' tattoo, it is barely surprising that your views appeal to the most abominable racists imaginable.
its called " historical reenactment " society and all garb of the era is worn to reflect the times,its a teaching tool many grade schools use as well to show grade school children about the civil war in terms a 6 yrs old can grasp ,FYI many black Americans wore the grey uniform of the south,which makes his mode of dress historically accurate .

You don't seem to research subjects all that deep before deciding you hate people from what I've saw of your postings,if your a black man why wouldn't you want to know the entire situation before you slander people who've went thru more than you have due to age ? do you think the same man would call you a stupid N!$$er because your views don't match his ? I doubt it .

Chance of winning North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes
Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Blow back from the bathroom legislation has got to sting. I could not persuade my wife to visit the Outer Banks this year because she finds the law odious.

I'm voting for Hillary but in terms of local politicians its going to take a while before shit changes here.

I'm voting Democrat up and down but every time stupid Trump shit happens its here.

Roy Cooper flip some House and Senate seats and hope for legalization sooner than later.
yeah, stick with "kenyan" and "mulatto", like you are known for doing.

I am very surprised at your stance here. Your buddies are calling a black person a "coon" and "uncle tom", which is racist as fuck. Yet you are defending them.

I never said "kenyan" and you can't quote it, liar.
Mulatto is racist? Which race does it offend, the stupid race?
I am very surprised at your stance here. Your buddies are calling a black person a "coon" and "uncle tom", which is racist as fuck. Yet you are defending them.

I never said "kenyan" and you can't quote it, liar.
Mulatto is racist? Which race does it offend, the stupid race?

as your seeing the social justice warriors have no true ethics or morals,they routinely levy racial slurs at all who disagree,its the way taught to them,insult as deeply as possible to help silence any opposition & it's backfired creating much hatred against sjw's.
QUOTE="twostrokenut, post: 13063821, member: 582003"]Are you from NC or just moved there to take advantage of the epic economy?[/QUOTE]
Moved down here to take care of my father in law after he broke his hip and had a heart attack.
I am very surprised at your stance here. Your buddies are calling a black person a "coon" and "uncle tom", which is racist as fuck. Yet you are defending them.

I never said "kenyan" and you can't quote it, liar.
Mulatto is racist? Which race does it offend, the stupid race?

bearkat, being a black man, can say just about whatever he wants about another black man. as a white man, i will reserve judgment, because being black is one of those things i have no experience with.

you have called obama a kenyan and a mulatto.
your post got a like from a guy with a neo-nazi tattoo.

but considering that you are fishing buddies with a guy who has a 'heil hitler' tattoo, it is barely surprising that your views appeal to the most abominable racists imaginable.

Defend your racist buddies some more by lying, I don't mind. I told the HH tatted guy to fuck off because he believed in the tat. It wasn't some shit he got to cope in prison. Same as I am telling your racist ass buddies to walk off into hell and die for the same shit, you included. Ya'll have been going around RIU for literally years now with your race warrior shit, best you can come up with is mulatto and now here you are defending racism.

Even if bearkat is black, he is implying that black people must all think the same way about every topic. Lou is white and saying the same thing. Calling "uncle tom" means black race traitor, not the one who sacrificed himself to save the others at the end AS EVIDENCED when your little clique posts pics of Tarantino's "Stephen" while calling a black man "uncle tom".

How many of you have even read that book before you throw that shit around?
And you, who went on apology tour for calling someone a "guido" has the nerve to defend "coon" and post "uncle tom". We see you.

when was your apology tour for calling obama a kenyan and a mulatto?

when you say "we see you", who does the "we" refer to? people with neo-nazi tattoos, or their fishing buddies?
Defend your racist buddies some more by lying, I don't mind. I told the HH tatted guy to fuck off because he believed in the tat. It wasn't some shit he got to cope in prison. Same as I am telling your racist ass buddies to walk off into hell and die for the same shit, you included. Ya'll have been going around RIU for literally years now with your race warrior shit, best you can come up with is mulatto and now here you are defending racism.

Even if bearkat is black, he is implying that black people must all think the same way about every topic. Lou is white and saying the same thing. Calling "uncle tom" means black race traitor, not the one who sacrificed himself to save the others at the end AS EVIDENCED when your little clique posts pics of Tarantino's "Stephen" while calling a black man "uncle tom".

How many of you have even read that book before you throw that shit around?

Are you from nor cal, or just move there for the epic trailer parks
I'm from the Bay Area. The Bay the Spanish and French went back and forth on before America was born. The Bay the Vikings came to America through. That should take you about a second to figure, UncleBunk.
Defend your racist buddies some more by lying, I don't mind. I told the HH tatted guy to fuck off because he believed in the tat. It wasn't some shit he got to cope in prison. Same as I am telling your racist ass buddies to walk off into hell and die for the same shit, you included. Ya'll have been going around RIU for literally years now with your race warrior shit, best you can come up with is mulatto and now here you are defending racism.

Even if bearkat is black, he is implying that black people must all think the same way about every topic. Lou is white and saying the same thing. Calling "uncle tom" means black race traitor, not the one who sacrificed himself to save the others at the end AS EVIDENCED when your little clique posts pics of Tarantino's "Stephen" while calling a black man "uncle tom".

How many of you have even read that book before you throw that shit around?

Nor Cal trailer trash telling black people how to think, lol but not really.... you really are deplorable