RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


but he's totally not racist.

and neither is pussycat of colored-hatred.
dude trump wants to go against the constitution and stop and frisk in the cities.. thats worse. take aways someones freedoms because the color of their skin and where they live. if anything its going to get more cops shot. some felon on parole with a gun isnt just going to happily agree to stop and frisk man

Save your breath, he's obviously a cucked-out peckerwood living in fear. I was going 'easy' on him earlier today because I'm a semi-fan of his wife's thread, but if he's going to BLATANTLY endorse a monster then all bets are off - choomer, enema_dick, desert_douche, etc. - he's now the same in my eyes.
It's actually terribly sad, kind of like watching a person willingly leap into a meat grinder. :(
Save your breath, he's obviously a cucked-out peckerwood living in fear. I was going 'easy' on him earlier today because I'm a semi-fan of his wife's thread, but if he's going to BLATANTLY endorse a monster then all bets are off - choomer, enema_dick, desert_douche, etc. - he's now the same in my eyes.
It's actually terribly sad, kind of like watching a person willingly leap into a meat grinder. :(
i never had a problem with cat.. some people dont see eye to eye.. thats politics
i never had a problem with cat.. some people dont see eye to eye.. thats politics

I'd have agreed with you up until last year or so, dude, but it's no longer about "politics" -- When a person WILLINGLY follows a fascist, racist, hate-mongering MONSTER, it becomes a very different scenario.

"Oh, my brother and I get along except when it comes to political stuff....HE supports HITLER and I don't!"

^Pretty ludicrous statement, no?
yeah sorta like how the democrats stiffed the blacks to get there vote Lyndon ring a bell ??? we know its way before your time i mean your were not even thought of then

Was he not Raciest
yeah sorta like how the democrats stiffed the blacks to get there vote Lyndon ring a bell ??? we know its way before your time i mean your were not even thought of then

Was he not Raciest

you've got a fellow trump supporter posting in this thread right now saying it should be legal to deny service to people who are black.

maybe worry about that.
Lol, you poor deluded creature, still clinging to high school clique-based nonsense at YOUR age? About as bright as Gary, eh? Both Drumpf fans -- coincidence?

Also, "producing offspring" means exactly zero....the earthworms in my garden are doing that exact thing as I type this.

Curious: Why have you decided to bless us with your presence this fine day? Drumpf losing SO miserably that you just had to find a place to wring out your shitty panties, or?
This won't work out well for you, it never does for those that support racist ideals, rape, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and a handful of other deplorable traits that you possess. ;)
i feel bad for you, feeling all that angst. don't fall for those ideals man, just don't. i haven't, and i'm not dead or in prison! you can drop the hate if you can find a way to fill it with love :D
dude trump wants to go against the constitution and stop and frisk in the cities.. thats worse. take aways someones freedoms because the color of their skin and where they live. if anything its going to get more cops shot. some felon on parole with a gun isnt just going to happily agree to stop and frisk man
yep, i'm not for that. it will never happen again, not since the 90's when blacks were 'super-predators'. ringing china isn't going to work either...
yep, i'm not for that. it will never happen again, not since the 90's when blacks were 'super-predators'. ringing china isn't going to work either...
it was happening past the 90's..
Landmark Decision: Judge Rules NYPD Stop and Frisk PracticesUnconstitutional, Racially Discriminatory. August 12, 2013, New York – In a landmark decision today, a federal court found the New York City Police Department's highly controversial stop-and-frisk practices unconstitutional.
it was happening past the 90's..
Landmark Decision: Judge Rules NYPD Stop and Frisk PracticesUnconstitutional, Racially Discriminatory. August 12, 2013, New York – In a landmark decision today, a federal court found the New York City Police Department's highly controversial stop-and-frisk practices unconstitutional.
in chicago and nyc, yeah, it happens. if you are shady, your color doesn't matter when you are hunched over outside a mercedes at 3am. i have been frisked in great lakes il. i was out WAY past decent ours, and they were rough with me. locked up and released to mp's, reprimanded and released. i still have the broken tooth.

they thought i was a hispanic drug dealer wearing navy working whites...
I'd have agreed with you up until last year or so, dude, but it's no longer about "politics" -- When a person WILLINGLY follows a fascist, racist, hate-mongering MONSTER, it becomes a very different scenario.

"Oh, my brother and I get along except when it comes to political stuff....HE supports HITLER and I don't!"

^Pretty ludicrous statement, no?
some people don't deserve opinions, because they haven't earned them. i used to think you were mostly sane...

get my drift?
in chicago and nyc, yeah, it happens. if you are shady, your color doesn't matter when you are hunched over outside a mercedes at 3am. i have been frisked in great lakes il. i was out WAY past decent ours, and they were rough with me. locked up and released to mp's, reprimanded and released. i still have the broken tooth.

they thought i was a hispanic drug dealer wearing navy working whites...

are you really trying to argue that stop and frisk isn't applied in a racist manner?

jesusfuck, this election is really exposing the racist shit-for-brains in this forum.
it was happening past the 90's..
Landmark Decision: Judge Rules NYPD Stop and Frisk PracticesUnconstitutional, Racially Discriminatory. August 12, 2013, New York – In a landmark decision today, a federal court found the New York City Police Department's highly controversial stop-and-frisk practices unconstitutional.

I agree. I threw up a little bit in my mouth when he said that during the 1st debate.
But I easily see Hellary doing something quite the same in a post election drive to "save america" by confiscating firearms.

That's why the "responsible gun ownership requiring registration" is a slippery slope.
You know, the Germans did things like that in the early 30's and it worked out SO well for the jewish community there.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure rhymes." - Mark Twain
never had a problem with you either bro ;). or lou, and i don't think he's a cop, lol.

this is a shit election, and as an american veteran, i shall bitch about it until i feel better.

so fuck you, lou :D
this is a crazy election.. but going for the canidate who is calling everything a conspiracy, thinks everyone is out to get him and is a fucking creep.. seems like a weird way to make it better
I agree. I threw up a little bit in my mouth when he said that during the 1st debate.
But I easily see Hellary doing something quite the same in a post election drive to "save america" by confiscating firearms.

That's why the "responsible gun ownership requiring registration" is a slippery slope.
You know, the Germans did things like that in the early 30's and it worked out SO well for the jewish community there.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure rhymes." - Mark Twain
she'd never confiscate guns.. itd be impossible. give me 2 pipes, a ball bearing and shotgun shell and i got a gun.. deathwish style lol
this is a crazy election.. but going for the canidate who is calling everything a conspiracy, thinks everyone is out to get him and is a fucking creep.. seems like a weird way to make it better
i'm not voting for donald, i don't know why everyone keeps thinking that. i'm not voting for hillary, i'm not voting for trump. my vote goes independent, and you guys will choose. i refuse to support either of them. looking at cashing out my retirement early and heading south for the proverbial winter.