RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

they say a lot of stuff. as i'm seen as 'sane' in all other walks of life, you would think my opinion would have merit. at least to other sane individuals who can discuss and debate without condescending and belittling... you know, like adults? i realize there aren't very many of us on this forum, most here are under thrity years old...

you are not an adult.
...pence. he seems caring enough to give a shit.

pence thinks it should be legal to deny service to people because they are gay. he literally insists that you must have a funeral for your miscarriage too. he put a lady in jail for having a legal abortion. he shut down planned parenthood and all it got him was an HIV outbreak.

you are literally mentally retarded if you stand for any of that.
they say nc is a split state, but i have not seen one hillary sign anywhere in anyone's yard. fuck the bathroom thing, you shouldn't have to be afraid of your opinion in america. but if you don't agree with the mob, they kill you.

sounds almost like terrorism...

you're a waste of flesh.

check the polls in NC. they all favor hillary.
pence thinks it should be legal to deny service to people because they are gay. he literally insists that you must have a funeral for your miscarriage too. he put a lady in jail for having a legal abortion. he shut down planned parenthood and all it got him was an HIV outbreak.

you are literally mentally retarded if you stand for any of that.
it should also be legal for gays to refuse service to straights. that's AMERICA dummy! and guess what, gays DO refuse services to non-gays. don't you watch the news?

oh, right, most people don't cry like you do...
you're projecting.

syrian refugees have proven themselves to be peaceful in our country. unlike your type.

you're especially projecting when you call islam a cult. a cult is how you describe the dying gasps of the trump campaign and his sycophant diehard devotees like you.
Curious how many refugee's are in your country meanwhile in other place women getting raped at clinton speed
it should also be legal for gays to refuse service to straights. that's AMERICA dummy! and guess what, gays DO refuse services to non-gays. don't you watch the news?

oh, right, most people don't cry like you do...

so you think that someone's sexual orientation should be basis for discrimination? interesting.

what other types of discrimination do you support? discrimination by skin color? nationality? ethnic origin?
so you think that someone's sexual orientation should be basis for discrimination? interesting.

what other types of discrimination do you support? discrimination by skin color? nationality? ethnic origin?
no, i think any one can be denied for service for any reason. you don't HAVE to shop here, and they don't HAVE to serve you. it's like a job, you can quit, or they can fire you. you would know that if you've ever had a job...
Curious how many refugee's are in your country meanwhile in other place women getting raped at clinton speed

our states with the highest percentages of muslims also have the lowest rates of rape. see new york and new jersey.

our states with the highest percentages of white people have the highest rates of rape: see alaska and north dakota.

you are a bigoted, racist waste of flesh.
not interested in clinton news network, find one that isn't biased.

nevermind, there isn't one. dummy.

so you're saying every single poll is biased, since every single one of them for the last month has shown hillary to be winning in north carolina?

you're not very bright, are you?

maybe a little desperate, dejected, and sad that your racist hero is going to lose?
You ever here her screaming in Joy when they killed Bin laden holy shit i cannot find the video but wow who with any respect for them selfs would scream in joy for any death..

Who am i kidding a democrat after false flag and blame it on someone else

Any first year student in building construction could clearly see even 911 was a false flag event

Let alone an organization like ae911truth.org and their 2200 signatory membership of architects and engineers.