Reasons to vote for Donald Trump. I'll start

You know full well I told the truth in a nice way,I'm not proud of it but I cliqued with the AB for 5 years in Jackson prison behind the walls,you know the life just as well as I do but from the other side of the bars,I'm not proud of doing dual bits or being a member of the Brand but you know I spoke truth ,you of all people here know .

Dayummmmmn, Jackson..what a shit hole.
so your wife is desperately ill, but you spend your time and energy writing that shit...unbelievable.
I personally would not be wasting my time nor energy in this way....ALL would be devoted to my wife.
Your priorities are fucked dude. You seem prison institutionalized
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so your wife is desperately ill, but you spend your time and energy writing that shit...unbelievable.
I personally would not be wasting my time nor energy in this way....ALL would be devoted to my wife.
Your priorities are fucked dude. You seem prison institutionalized
That bit about his wife was just a narcissistic pity play for attention. Narcissists manipulate by threats, rage or other plays on emotion. He's a classic case of a narcissistic abuser. From his posts, there can be no question that while in prison he enjoyed committing rape and murder. He talks fondly of those days and fantasizes about what he'd do to Buck if he could get control of him in prison. Yuck.

Then he uses his wife's story as a way to curry pity so that he can go on with his shit on this site.

The cops saw him for what he was. No wonder they beat the shit out of him whenever they could.
That bit about his wife was just a narcissistic pity play for attention. Narcissists manipulate by threats, rage or other plays on emotion. He's a classic case of a narcissistic abuser. From his posts, there can be no question that while in prison he enjoyed committing rape and murder. He talks fondly of those days and fantasizes about what he'd do to Buck if he could get control of him in prison. Yuck.

Then he uses his wife's story as a way to curry pity so that he can go on with his shit on this site.

The cops saw him for what he was. No wonder they beat the shit out of him whenever they could.

well stated.
That implies that sociopaths and psychopaths have the ability to feel shame, though....
Trump's supporters are not representing the best in this country. They’re not representing us. They’re not representing you. They’re representing people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Trump's supporters are not representing the best in this country. They’re not representing us. They’re not representing you. They’re representing people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems to us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

When Hillary is elected, day one those people are gone. #deporttrumpvoters
Duh, I'm not stupid like you right wingers are who else would you right wingers be talking about that's all you hear at Trump rallies is "lock her up" what happened with Bill was consensual sex, so what, the man got his peepee wet not a predator like Trump his own words discribe how he would grope and kiss women against their will because he felt entitled.

Everybody knew it was consensual sex except the dumbass GOP who still went after him and paid the price for it.
Rape is not consensual. Liar.