Reasons to vote for Donald Trump. I'll start

Trump cannot release his returns because he pays no taxes. He is correct that he's been able to leverage the system, but it's the system he helped purchase through lobby efforts and campaign donations in the past, writing checks to BOTH republicans and democrats.

He is the poster child for establishment..but in the worst way.

You believe that no rich person pays taxes... LOL!!!

He paid taxes on a billion dollars of income. Hillary is just pissed he didnt have to do it twice...

Not to mention the tens of thousands of people he employs and pays taxes for...
#1 Trump is not a globalist who's for a border less world.

#2 Trump knows how illegal immigration has devastated inner city work forces IE black america & will do something to stop the theft of black Americans jobs .

#3 Trump will prosecute Hillary Clinton,FBI director James Comey,Attorney General Loretta Lynch & all other corrupt appointees who colluded with Hillary to violate congressional subpoenas & break dozens of laws .

#4 Trump isn't a warhawk & will force NATO to withdraw its missiles surrounding Russian borders & stop the lead up to ww3.

#5 Trump will no longer allow trade deals to be made where american workers lose $ billions because a forigen country donated to a foundation,or the DNC & GOP scams .

#6 Trump will stop the purposeful importation of Islamic jihadists onto american soil before they can establish themselves & enact terror attacks on US soil .

#7 Trump will deport the thousands of known jihadists Obama brought to america & allows to run unchecked.

#8 Trump will stop the control Saudi Arabia has over american government that's been ingrained since Bill Clinton sold the USA out to them .

#9 Trump will finally force our border with mexico to be secured & launch attacks against Islamic jihad training camps on the Mexican border.

#10 Trump will audit the FED,once their graft & scams are exposed we can eliminate forigen & domestic bankers actually owning all US currency & take back our economy .

Let the radical tears flow about the poor mistress deported illegal immigrants lol

How are you not banned/hospitalized yet? Are you actually reading this madness before you hit 'send', or is it all a desperate copy/paste job?

Your net worth is not displayed on your tax returns.

Every lawyer that isnt a political hack will tell you not to disclose your returns during an audit yet you keep demanding Trump do something no legal advisor would recommend.

BTW, who exactly is he hiding his returns from? The IRS has them and apparently is leaking them.
Please that excuse is plain bs the IRS audit don't stop shit, he just don't want people to know he's a phony MILLIONAIRE.

No shit tax returns doesn't display net worth I never said it did but it does tell you his income for the year and line 6 of his '96 taxes showed he made 3.5 million so how did he accumulate $916 million, boy are Trump supporters suckers.
How are you not banned/hospitalized yet? Are you actually reading this madness before you hit 'send', or is it all a desperate copy/paste job?


Is banning your thing? You're pretty active here since I've been back and this thread is like the 100th time I've seen you mention the report button. Even if it's just sarcasm it's still pretty lame.
20 Reasons to vote for Trump:

4. He is honest. Mr. Trump is a man who tells the truth. He may not always say it in the most polished way, but our country has had enough suave liars. It is time for some straight forward honesty.

5. He is decisive. As President every decision he makes would be in the best interest of the country. We hear about his having business interests that filed for bankruptcy. In each case, he looked at the situation as it was, and then he cut his losses. We need someone who will look at government programs realistically and if they are failures; will end the wasteful Washington spending.

6. He is courageous. Mr. Trump has been viciously attacked by the Washington establishment and the media – and he has not budged one inch. In other words, he is willing to take charge and lead.

7. He listens. At Trump Presidential events, the audience gets to actually speak to him without being screened, and he responds without a teleprompter.
Best reason of all: He's not HRC
When it comes to toxic trash? You bet! Racist rhetoric and blatant hate-mongering are things that absolutely shouldn't be tolerated. Then again, trying to get you to grasp this simple concept is like trying to explain equality to a klansman, soooo....

Curbside pickup, please have your recyclables separated! (beeeeeep beeeeeeep)

Do you use the report button often to accomplish your goal? I noticed you left that bit out so lets put it in the form of a question so it blips the radar.