M4S73R's Vertical Organic No Till Scrog.

Yeah, I may need more space. Were still running between 60 and 80. I got that 8 inch duct fan at full blast and the bottom fan keeping air moving. Not sure a dehumidifer would help at all unless I ran the fan slower. Ahh well not much we can do about it. Keep wind moving i guess.
Ok so we are now 5 weeks into veg. Or will be on tuesday. Whatever. For sure these plants are too big for the pot theyre in to be water only. Going to have to do some teas it looks like. The girl are turning yellow. But we got some worm casting on there and started watering in. So that should slow that down. We also adjusted the lights a bit. Shaving a hour off each lights run time so that both lights are only on for 6 hours. Being my first run with this set up I am already seeing some areas that can improve. As soon as this cycle is done im going to duct HVAC outside. So far there hasent been a smell issue in the house.
Ok So happy father day to everyone. Its harvest day for me!. Right in the middle of it atm but here is a couple of pics to wet your appetite. First one harvested was the Northern Lights Blue. Weighed in at 4.25 lbs freshly cut. More coming as the day goes on. Sorry for the shitty pics, its dark down here. lol.
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I like it. harvest was easy. Hell the whole grow was easy. Aside from watering and throwing on some ewc I didnt really have to fuck with it.
I started a thread over on the organic forum to see how i should get these 4 pots ready for the next grow. Proly going to throw a worm/kelp tea on them and just let them set. cover them up and let all that decompose. Im thinking im only going to run 2 strains this next round.

Another thing I have noticed is my screens dont have to be that tall. I think im going to cut them down. Once the plant is to the top of the screen ill be ready to move them. should also be easy to just reach over the top and pull the stalks back and clip them.
The plastic on the back of the cages limits airflow too much imo. it will not be going up again.
I will also be training this time around. Last time we just grew them A typical. This time im going to crop and spend a little more time filling in the screen properly during veg.
Im also going to run the screen a little further back on the pot so the clover fills up more of the pot. last time they just filled up the front half. Should work better if theyre covering the whole pot.
Now that I got this first one out of the way I'll finish up the fine tuning of things and the next 2 runs should see a big jump in yield.

Thanks to those that stuck around to the end. Ill get hash/flowers weights in once i get everything processed and dried. Sorry I didnt get more pics.

Here are my over all thoughts on this type of growing.
1. LOW MAINTENANCE. Having the sprayers set up on a timer didnt really work out. but having a cut off timer is awesome. I could come home from work, peak in the room and have a look. If they needed watering i could set the timer to water for 25 min and then IT WILL SHUT OFF! I think i flooded those plants 3 times because i left the water on, got stoned and forgot about them.
2. Cheap to set up. For the dirt, lights, pots, sips, fans, timers, running a 30amp 120, exhaust, seeds, worm bin/worms, compost tea brewer Im right around $1500. It this harvest dries and only weights a half pound it will have paid for itself and the electricity used to grow it.
3. No mess. Once I chopped everything down and did a fan leaf trim on it i just scooped everything up and divided everything into 5 piles. One for each pot and one for the worm bin. everything got chopped down and laid on top.


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I put up Orca film and I fucking love it! It definitely helps with my yields. I made sure to leave room at bottom and top and pushed air thru vertically from the bottom.

Nice plants, I dig the different techniques used to get results.
I put up Orca film and I fucking love it! It definitely helps with my yields. I made sure to leave room at bottom and top and pushed air thru vertically from the bottom.

Nice plants, I dig the different techniques used to get results.
Does the orca film breath?
Thought i would stop in and give up a couple of snaps of todays activity. Hash.

Jamaican Dream Hashish
3 washes from the 45 bag, ill be doing proly 3 more washes to see what all i get. But i need alcohol and more ice.


3 1.5 gallon full mesh Wacky Willy's bags 190,160,45, & 1 20 gallon 25 micron bag, 60 dollar washing machine. works well.
So Post harvest reports will be slow. Grand total in just bud weight was 1692 grams. Im only going to keep 570 grams for smoke. The rest of its going to hash.
Based on what Ive seen thus for on my first plant the Jamaican Dream with 3 washes I chopped to soon. My 25 bag has more in it then my 160. :wall: However the other 3 plants were done. So Ill update this when i have the everything washed with a few pics then its on to seeing the weight in.
So I ended with 212 grams of bubble hash. the Jamaican Dream was chopped too early, the sugar black rose and Northern lights blue were spot on. Had about a even amount between the 25 and 160 bags. And the C99 was chopped to late. Way too much in my 160 bag.

I think im going to change up what im doing a little bit. Washing all of that was a huge time suck. I think this next round im just going to wash all of it together skip the 45 bag. Just use the 190, 160, and 25. Then Rosin Press it into shatter.
Here is the press im going to pick up.

TTH Starter Series

ll get the 6x8 unit and press bubble hash. I ran a test of this with a flat iron and bench press. Very easy. And for me personally after doing a 100% organic grow the last thing i want to do is then use chemicals on it. Be it butane or alcohol. the return on bubble is around 80-85% from what Ive read. I was getting 73% with the flat iron. Once i get the press in ill show some pics of some pressing.
Well its been a little bit since i last posted in here.
Took the summer off from growing to help with electrical costs.
Got 4 plants that are about to be xplanted. Only 2 strains this time. Northern Lights Blue (again) and Sugar Candy.
Took the plastic off the back of the cages. I found that it constricts airflow too much inside the silo. Had a couple of plants get overheated.

I'll throw some pics up here in a couple of days.
Well its been a little bit since i last posted in here.
Took the summer off from growing to help with electrical costs.
Got 4 plants that are about to be xplanted. Only 2 strains this time. Northern Lights Blue (again) and Sugar Candy.
Took the plastic off the back of the cages. I found that it constricts airflow too much inside the silo. Had a couple of plants get overheated.

I'll throw some pics up here in a couple of days.

I'm always looking forward to seeing what you do.

If my crops can't pay for my power bill, I'm doing something wrong lol
High vert growers,
Once the last garden is over, I started to reshape the room 4 a vertical grow. I hung an (free) orange plastic trellis all around and add one more 600w bulb. Planning to install an air intake w a thermostat due the cold weather , I think it might work as a ac unit as well, saving me space and power.
So here it is my first steps into the vertical world, thanks tty.


High vert growers,
Once the last garden is over, I started to reshape the room 4 a vertical grow. I hung an (free) orange plastic trellis all around and add one more 600w bulb. Planning to install an air intake w a thermostat due the cold weather , I think it might work as a ac unit as well, saving me space and power.
So here it is my first steps into the vertical world, thanks tty.

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I'm always tickled when someone says I have inspired them.
I like it. harvest was easy. Hell the whole grow was easy. Aside from watering and throwing on some ewc I didnt really have to fuck with it.
I started a thread over on the organic forum to see how i should get these 4 pots ready for the next grow. Proly going to throw a worm/kelp tea on them and just let them set. cover them up and let all that decompose. Im thinking im only going to run 2 strains this next round.

Another thing I have noticed is my screens dont have to be that tall. I think im going to cut them down. Once the plant is to the top of the screen ill be ready to move them. should also be easy to just reach over the top and pull the stalks back and clip them.
The plastic on the back of the cages limits airflow too much imo. it will not be going up again.
I will also be training this time around. Last time we just grew them A typical. This time im going to crop and spend a little more time filling in the screen properly during veg.
Im also going to run the screen a little further back on the pot so the clover fills up more of the pot. last time they just filled up the front half. Should work better if theyre covering the whole pot.
Now that I got this first one out of the way I'll finish up the fine tuning of things and the next 2 runs should see a big jump in yield.

Thanks to those that stuck around to the end. Ill get hash/flowers weights in once i get everything processed and dried. Sorry I didnt get more pics.

Here are my over all thoughts on this type of growing.
1. LOW MAINTENANCE. Having the sprayers set up on a timer didnt really work out. but having a cut off timer is awesome. I could come home from work, peak in the room and have a look. If they needed watering i could set the timer to water for 25 min and then IT WILL SHUT OFF! I think i flooded those plants 3 times because i left the water on, got stoned and forgot about them.
2. Cheap to set up. For the dirt, lights, pots, sips, fans, timers, running a 30amp 120, exhaust, seeds, worm bin/worms, compost tea brewer Im right around $1500. It this harvest dries and only weights a half pound it will have paid for itself and the electricity used to grow it.
3. No mess. Once I chopped everything down and did a fan leaf trim on it i just scooped everything up and divided everything into 5 piles. One for each pot and one for the worm bin. everything got chopped down and laid on top.
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Nice job awesome crop!:bigjoint:
by the way I have orca and the thing is just a thick plastic bi color bi face, dont believe it can allow any exchanges, on the other hand its reflectibility is very good.
I'm always looking forward to seeing what you do.

If my crops can't pay for my power bill, I'm doing something wrong lol
I'm cheap. I can grow all I need during the fall winter and spring i can take the summer off. and i dont sell anything.

Thanks Frajola. Rooms looking good.
Here is the press im going to pick up.

TTH Starter Series

ll get the 6x8 unit and press bubble hash. I ran a test of this with a flat iron and bench press. Very easy. And for me personally after doing a 100% organic grow the last thing i want to do is then use chemicals on it. Be it butane or alcohol. the return on bubble is around 80-85% from what Ive read. I was getting 73% with the flat iron. Once i get the press in ill show some pics of some pressing.

I got the 5x5 based on your comments and I've been enjoying it :) I might save up and get the electric hydraulic version later on but right now this one is treating me well.
I got the 5x5 based on your comments and I've been enjoying it :) I might save up and get the electric hydraulic version later on but right now this one is treating me well.

Nice avatar pic. Is that you? A buddy? Where was that taken?