RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

heres my problem.. again as someone works hard at what they are earning.. how can i trust a "billionaire" who never led a regular life and still failed many businesses.. and lost 1 billion in a year... tell us normal americans what is best for the country? hes defrauded the fuck out of people.. trump u.. also paid out a rape claim from his ex wife.. a brutal one at that. bill clinton had us at the highest economic growth we've had. sure he might of done some fucked up shit.. might being the keyword. but hes not running for president. hillary is and im sure she got an idea on what shes doing... one of my favorite quotes from the news was trumps campaign manager... "hes not a polished politician".. why the fuck is his dumbass running for politics then. trumps shown his short temper, his failed businesses and ties with other countries that he honestly cant afford to lose. hes not the right pick at all. and i put all that really nicely lol

looking at a half dozen failed businesses from a portfolio containing well over 500 successful businesses is extremely short sighted don't ya think,all venture capitalists have businesses fold & use bankruptcy protection,even Mark Cuban fails more than Trump has.

The Trump U is laughable at best,its a real estate course to teach people to buy foreclosures like the hundred others that are on TV every night lol .

Hillary has been on a 30 year crime spree,sold military secrets to the Chinese,the list of her crimes is as long as the body count of dead associates of hers lol
Hillary has been on a 30 year crime spree,sold military secrets to the Chinese,the list of her crimes is as long as the body count of dead associates of hers lol

also.. mark cuban isnt running for president. i would never vote for someone who has never had to live a middle class life.

and trump u.. because other people did it makes it ok trump did. the dude took advantage of quite a few people, didnt give them shit in return. they straight up paid for something in return. didnt get shit

also.. mark cuban isnt running for president. i would never vote for someone who has never had to live a middle class life.

and trump u.. because other people did it makes it ok trump did. the dude took advantage of quite a few people, didnt give them shit in return. they straight up paid for something in return. didnt get shit

proof of what,everybody called to testify that had proof wound up dead !

that is unless you believe nearly 60 Clinton associates all committed suicide,if you want proof of Hillary selling military secrets to the Chinese its easy to find,the spy she brought with her was convicted of spying for China & did time in a US federal prison,anybody who brings spy's to classified meetings isn't worthy of office .
proof of what,everybody called to testify that had proof wound up dead !

that is unless you believe nearly 60 Clinton associates all committed suicide,if you want proof of Hillary selling military secrets to the Chinese its easy to find,the spy she brought with her was convicted of spying for China & did time in a US federal prison,anybody who brings spy's to classified meetings isn't worthy of office .

Hey dummy, did you know that your 'white power' boyfriend/furor was ogling KIDS for future INTERCOURSE? Cool with that, as well, I'll assume?
proof of what,everybody called to testify that had proof wound up dead !

that is unless you believe nearly 60 Clinton associates all committed suicide,if you want proof of Hillary selling military secrets to the Chinese its easy to find,the spy she brought with her was convicted of spying for China & did time in a US federal prison,anybody who brings spy's to classified meetings isn't worthy of office .
so there is no fact or proof.. just theories. and it was a spy, they get in. its what spies do.. havent you ever seen spies like us.
doctor.. doctor..doctor..doctor
that is unless you believe nearly 60 Clinton associates all committed suicide.

so there is no fact or proof.. just theories. and it was a spy, they get in. its what spies do.. havent you ever seen spies like us.
doctor.. doctor..doctor..doctor

dude that movie made me laugh really hard

Back when the movie was released there were posters for it on the NYC sub. People would write the funniest cia conspiracy shit on the poster, a huge part of the graphic was white/snow so the graffiti looked legit. I still crack up just thinking about that shit.
so there is no fact or proof.. just theories. and it was a spy, they get in. its what spies do.. havent you ever seen spies like us.
doctor.. doctor..doctor..doctor

here's a small sample of the proof Clinton's sold military & nuclear secrets from Accuracy in Media below .
On the heels of the Senate vote not to convict President Clinton and remove him from office, a new Clinton scandal, one far more serious than the sex-related perjury and obstruction of justice charges, was revealed by The New York Times. It concerns national security and new evidence that President Clinton was willing to risk increasing U.S. vulnerability to a nuclear attack from China because individuals and corporations that were closely linked to China were cash cows for the Democratic National Committee.

On March 6, the New York Times ran a major front-page story detailing China?s theft of important nuclear weapons technology from the Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in the mid-1980’s. This serious breach of security has made the U.S. and its allies much more vulnerable to the threat of a nuclear attack by China. It is said that it enabled the Chinese to leap-frog an entire generation in the development of nuclear warheads.

The monitoring of Chinese nuclear tests by our Department of Energy revealed that in the mid-1990’s China had tested the small nuclear warheads identical to a U.S. warhead known as W-88. This is an advanced small warhead that makes it possible to launch multiple warheads from a single missile. These missiles can be launched from submarines, which greatly increases the vulnerability of every city in the United States to nuclear attack. A team headed by Notra Trulock, a Department of Energy intelligence official, concluded that a spy had given the Chinese the design for this warhead.

Trulock informed both the FBI and CIA of his team?s findings and suspicions in early 1996. In April, 1996, Trulock showed it to Sandy Berger, who was then Clinton?s deputy National Security Adviser. He is now the National Security Adviser. What Berger did with the information has not been reported. Obviously, his boss, Anthony Lake, and the President should have been informed and probably were. But no one in Congress was informed.End quote for time.

Identical warheads don't happen by chance.
here's a small sample of the proof Clinton's sold military & nuclear secrets from Accuracy in Media below .
On the heels of the Senate vote not to convict President Clinton and remove him from office, a new Clinton scandal, one far more serious than the sex-related perjury and obstruction of justice charges, was revealed by The New York Times. It concerns national security and new evidence that President Clinton was willing to risk increasing U.S. vulnerability to a nuclear attack from China because individuals and corporations that were closely linked to China were cash cows for the Democratic National Committee.

On March 6, the New York Times ran a major front-page story detailing China?s theft of important nuclear weapons technology from the Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in the mid-1980’s. This serious breach of security has made the U.S. and its allies much more vulnerable to the threat of a nuclear attack by China. It is said that it enabled the Chinese to leap-frog an entire generation in the development of nuclear warheads.

The monitoring of Chinese nuclear tests by our Department of Energy revealed that in the mid-1990’s China had tested the small nuclear warheads identical to a U.S. warhead known as W-88. This is an advanced small warhead that makes it possible to launch multiple warheads from a single missile. These missiles can be launched from submarines, which greatly increases the vulnerability of every city in the United States to nuclear attack. A team headed by Notra Trulock, a Department of Energy intelligence official, concluded that a spy had given the Chinese the design for this warhead.

Trulock informed both the FBI and CIA of his team?s findings and suspicions in early 1996. In April, 1996, Trulock showed it to Sandy Berger, who was then Clinton?s deputy National Security Adviser. He is now the National Security Adviser. What Berger did with the information has not been reported. Obviously, his boss, Anthony Lake, and the President should have been informed and probably were. But no one in Congress was informed.End quote for time.
IDIOT too fucking shit scented to read
here's a small sample of the proof Clinton's sold military & nuclear secrets from Accuracy in Media below .
On the heels of the Senate vote not to convict President Clinton and remove him from office, a new Clinton scandal, one far more serious than the sex-related perjury and obstruction of justice charges, was revealed by The New York Times. It concerns national security and new evidence that President Clinton was willing to risk increasing U.S. vulnerability to a nuclear attack from China because individuals and corporations that were closely linked to China were cash cows for the Democratic National Committee.

On March 6, the New York Times ran a major front-page story detailing China?s theft of important nuclear weapons technology from the Los Alamos National Laboratory beginning in the mid-1980’s. This serious breach of security has made the U.S. and its allies much more vulnerable to the threat of a nuclear attack by China. It is said that it enabled the Chinese to leap-frog an entire generation in the development of nuclear warheads.

The monitoring of Chinese nuclear tests by our Department of Energy revealed that in the mid-1990’s China had tested the small nuclear warheads identical to a U.S. warhead known as W-88. This is an advanced small warhead that makes it possible to launch multiple warheads from a single missile. These missiles can be launched from submarines, which greatly increases the vulnerability of every city in the United States to nuclear attack. A team headed by Notra Trulock, a Department of Energy intelligence official, concluded that a spy had given the Chinese the design for this warhead.

Trulock informed both the FBI and CIA of his team?s findings and suspicions in early 1996. In April, 1996, Trulock showed it to Sandy Berger, who was then Clinton?s deputy National Security Adviser. He is now the National Security Adviser. What Berger did with the information has not been reported. Obviously, his boss, Anthony Lake, and the President should have been informed and probably were. But no one in Congress was informed.End quote for time.
didnt you just make a thread about believing mainstream news?
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

Donald Trump Is ‘Dangerous’ for Global Stability, U.N. Rights Chief Says


Donald Trump’s Weird World


Donald Trump’s Putin Crush


Donald Trump’s Admiration of Putin’s Ruthless Use of Power

thats a good start

didnt you just make a thread about believing mainstream news?
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

Donald Trump Is ‘Dangerous’ for Global Stability, U.N. Rights Chief Says

Donald Trump’s Weird World

Donald Trump’s Putin Crush

Donald Trump’s Admiration of Putin’s Ruthless Use of Power

thats a good start

why the strawman ?

seriously,why ?

everywhere the Clinton's go they put american interests behind their own interests,don't it strike you as even being odd the same pay for play the DNC was just busted taking part in has been happening for 30 years with the Clinton's ?

Hillary's businessman friend she invited to top secret meetings when bill was president just happened to be a Chinese spy ? Hillary's other Chinese fiends just happened to leave america weeks before the last spy was caught ? then China just happened to create an exact replica of a top secret nuclear warhead ?

C'mon you know better.
why the strawman ?

seriously,why ?

everywhere the Clinton's go they put american interests behind their own interests,don't it strike you as even being odd the same pay for play the DNC was just busted taking part in has been happening for 30 years with the Clinton's ?

Hillary's businessman friend she invited to top secret meetings when bill was president just happened to be a Chinese spy ? Hillary's other Chinese fiends just happened to leave america weeks before the last spy was caught ? then China just happened to create an exact replica of a top secret nuclear warhead ?

C'mon you know better.
ya never know dude. but i dont run with theories. i go by facts. this election is so fucked up, if everyone stuck to theories youd be voting for either a reptile person or a dead lady
ya never know dude. but i dont run with theories. i go by facts. this election is so fucked up, if everyone stuck to theories youd be voting for either a reptile person or a dead lady

well that's good but there are no theories about the Clinton's bringing in Chinese spy's to top secret areas,Hillary is proven to have allowed the spy's to gain access but once again her defense is " I didn't know ",we lost nuclear technology because of her " poor judgement" ,we lost f-16 & 15 computer tech due to her poor judgement,China unveiled its f-22 raptor clone shortly after we did due to her poor judgement,all the secrets China has stolen from the USA would have never of been stolen had Hillary Clinton not been in the picture,at some point after 3 decades of stolen secrets & poor judgement somebody needs to call a spade a spade,I was a fan of the Clinton's until all this decades of espionage caused by Hillary came to light.

she has way to many problems with secret info & tech being stolen for it to be a one off deal,its a pattern of non stop corruption or complete ignorance & stupidity,it can't be both
well that's good but there are no theories about the Clinton's bringing in Chinese spy's to top secret areas,Hillary is proven to have allowed the spy's to gain access but once again her defense is " I didn't know ",we lost nuclear technology because of her " poor judgement" ,we lost f-16 & 15 computer tech due to her poor judgement,China unveiled its f-22 raptor clone shortly after we did due to her poor judgement,all the secrets China has stolen from the USA would have never of been stolen had Hillary Clinton not been in the picture,at some point after 3 decades of stolen secrets & poor judgement somebody needs to call a spade a spade,I was a fan of the Clinton's until all this decades of espionage caused by Hillary came to light.

she has way to many problems with secret info & tech being stolen for it to be a one off deal,its a pattern of non stop corruption or complete ignorance & stupidity,it can't be both

Apprentice Boss Mark Burnett Sets the Record Straight: 'I Am Not Pro-Trump'

By Dave Nemetz / October 12 2016, 5:58 PM PDT


BULSHIT! This SMUG man-bitch needs to be subpoenaed YESTERDAY! Boot-lapping cuck's been getting HIS (gangrenous) pussy grabbed by Herr Drumpf!!

why another link when stolen nuclear missile technology don't mean anything of consequence ?

I post a link showing the same Chinese spy's got our f-15 & 16 computer codes & we end right back where we are now,even though the spy's were Hillary's guests since she's not on camera handing spy's the stolen info its meaningless & we go round n round.