Illinois Enema Bandit
Well-Known Member
heres my problem.. again as someone works hard at what they are earning.. how can i trust a "billionaire" who never led a regular life and still failed many businesses.. and lost 1 billion in a year... tell us normal americans what is best for the country? hes defrauded the fuck out of people.. trump u.. also paid out a rape claim from his ex wife.. a brutal one at that. bill clinton had us at the highest economic growth we've had. sure he might of done some fucked up shit.. might being the keyword. but hes not running for president. hillary is and im sure she got an idea on what shes doing... one of my favorite quotes from the news was trumps campaign manager... "hes not a polished politician".. why the fuck is his dumbass running for politics then. trumps shown his short temper, his failed businesses and ties with other countries that he honestly cant afford to lose. hes not the right pick at all. and i put all that really nicely lol
looking at a half dozen failed businesses from a portfolio containing well over 500 successful businesses is extremely short sighted don't ya think,all venture capitalists have businesses fold & use bankruptcy protection,even Mark Cuban fails more than Trump has.
The Trump U is laughable at best,its a real estate course to teach people to buy foreclosures like the hundred others that are on TV every night lol .
Hillary has been on a 30 year crime spree,sold military secrets to the Chinese,the list of her crimes is as long as the body count of dead associates of hers lol