RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Oh my gawd !! the shame of it all with kids who grow up listening to gangsta rap, talking about smacking bitches n pimping ho's,the same kids learned Hillary's husband stuffs cigars up interns pussy's & fly's on the pedo express to have sex with children on pedo island,the only ones who don't know are too young to read.

get off the fake outrage bit,its lame coming from somebody who takes pride in degrading female riu members .
heres my problem.. again as someone works hard at what they are earning.. how can i trust a "billionaire" who never led a regular life and still failed many businesses.. and lost 1 billion in a year... tell us normal americans what is best for the country? hes defrauded the fuck out of people.. trump u.. also paid out a rape claim from his ex wife.. a brutal one at that. bill clinton had us at the highest economic growth we've had. sure he might of done some fucked up shit.. might being the keyword. but hes not running for president. hillary is and im sure she got an idea on what shes doing... one of my favorite quotes from the news was trumps campaign manager... "hes not a polished politician".. why the fuck is his dumbass running for politics then. trumps shown his short temper, his failed businesses and ties with other countries that he honestly cant afford to lose. hes not the right pick at all. and i put all that really nicely lol
Oh my gawd !! the shame of it all with kids who grow up listening to gangsta rap, talking about smacking bitches n pimping ho's,the same kids learned Hillary's husband stuffs cigars up interns pussy's & fly's on the pedo express to have sex with children on pedo island,the only ones who don't know are too young to read.

get off the fake outrage bit,its lame coming from somebody who takes pride in degrading female riu members .
I remember hearing about Bill getting oral sex from the boys gossiping in jr. high.

Rap music is very degrading to women. Some of it has a good beat or catchy lyric but the underlying emphasis is on fucking bitches and hos.

Probably won't let my daughter buy a rap album until she is 16+. I remember how pissed my mom was when she heard me singing along to limp bizcut. lol
I have seen videos of young women gushing over trump. Saying they would date/kiss him because he is funny and cute.

i have run out of words now. there is just no way to describe this.

post the videos.

i want to see young women "gushing" over an obese, racist septuagenarian with the world's worst combover.

Bill raped Jaunita Broaderick.

juanit broaddrick testified under oath multiple times that bill clinton never touched her, retard.

learn to at least spell her name correctly, miss piggy.
you should probably watch the whole comment instead of just cropping the soundbyte you want.
call obama a gay kenya muslim again and then tell us about how totally not racist you are.

I let others do that for me so I don't have to listen to him speak any longer than is necessary.
Still looking like an AIDS victim though. You think he finally raped some strange that raped him back?
I let others do that for me so I don't have to listen to him speak any longer than is necessary.
Still looking like an AIDS victim though. You think he finally raped some strange that raped him back?

your desperation is coming across loud and clear.

"i, hillary rodham clinton, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I willbear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed..."

you'll be hearing that soon enough.
I let others do that for me so I don't have to listen to him speak any longer than is necessary.
Still looking like an AIDS victim though. You think he finally raped some strange that raped him back?
Dude you've got a fucking head full of pus. It'll fucking collapse the next time you get skull fucked. You've got to look far worse than anyone with a virus.

Incoherence + ignorance you're killing it. WHOSE STUPID, is a lock for you.
"i, hillary rodham clinton, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I willbear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed..."

Let me fix that for you:

"I, Hillary Rodham Clint'n, do solemnly swear that I will defeat and rend the Constitution of the United States in all emails, both deleted and stolen; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to my campaign contributors; and that I will obey the orders of the crony oligarchs and the orders of the officers appointed..."
Let me fix that for you:

"I, Hillary Rodham Clint'n, do solemnly swear that I will defeat and rend the Constitution of the United States in all emails, both deleted and stolen; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to my campaign contributors; and that I will obey the orders of the crony oligarchs and the orders of the officers appointed..."

poor little impotent racist.

got beat by an infirm old lady on the verge of death.

poor little impotent racist.
got beat by an infirm old lady on the verge of death.
November, Buckold. You might be able to say that in November, and I may have to invest in expatriation fees.

Until then, caper and gibber to your hearts content as it amuses me.

are you still trying to delude yourself into believing your racist orange hero has a chance?
That you hang on my every word is flattering (and creepy).

But to tell you the truth I'm hungry so faux carbonara (canadian bacon instead of prosciutto) has much more appeal right now than you and at a quarter a pop (for posts, not your usual business) we're already up to $2 or so.

That's enough for today. ;)
That you hang on my every word is flattering (and creepy).

But to tell you the truth I'm hungry so faux carbonara (canadian bacon instead of prosciutto) has much more appeal right now than you and at a quarter a pop (for posts, not your usual business) we're already up to $2 or so.

That's enough for today. ;)

are you deluding yourself into believing that making sport of your racist loserdom is something i do for money, instead of the joy of embarrassing retarded racist shitheads?
are you deluding yourself into believing that making sport of your racist loserdom is something i do for money, instead of the joy of embarrassing retarded racist shitheads?

if your not on media maters payroll then your a complete fool with zero grasp of money,your online pushing the social justice warrior rhetoric 12-18 yrs a day 365 days a yr,Media Matters openly pays sjw's like yourself to spread the same pro Clinton propaganda you spread,they pay for pro BLM propaganda now as well,its a 2 fer, i for one refuse to believe you have a giant " SJW " on your chest & refuse to accept $1,500 a week for the trolling & snitching you do .