"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Trump didnt skip anything. He paid income tax on a billion dollars and then the market tanked and his real estate lost that value.

What you and Hillary Clinton are unhappy about is that he didnt get taxed AGAIN when he made it back.

Doule and Triple Taxation For the LOSS!!!

I don't support the tax code. I never blame anyone for taking anything that was offered to them. That couldn't be more clear. That includes tax deductions for the wealthy or food stamps for the poor.

He skipped out on taxes is the popular opinion. I don't know or care if he did. You say he didn't and I have heard that before as well. Great. The point was the tax code allowed it, either way.
I don't support the tax code. I never blame anyone for taking anything that was offered to them. That couldn't be more clear. That includes tax deductions for the wealthy or food stamps for the poor.

He skipped out on taxes is the popular opinion. I don't know or care if he did. You say he didn't and I have heard that before as well. Great. The point was the tax code allowed it, either way.

Common sense allows it.

Lets say over 20 years you make 100,000 worth of value in the stock market. Then one year it tanks and goes to 50,000. You lost 1/2 your value.

However, over the next 5 years the stock market returns to normal.

Do you think you should now be responsible for paying taxes on the 50,000 you got back?

That is the same principal Trump is working under. If you lose money you dont have to pay taxes till you get it back.

I agree with you the tax code is screwed and benefits the rich.

On the other hand the rich pay 90% of the taxes.... So... I think they cover their fair share.

What never seems to be discussed is the waste, abuse and rampant spending of the government automatically adjusted upwards every year without fail.
What never seems to be discussed is the waste, abuse and rampant spending of the government automatically adjusted upwards every year without fail.

Tax code, again. More you revenue, more you can borrow. More you borrow, more you revenue, according to current theory.
What never seems to be discussed is the waste, abuse and rampant spending of the government automatically adjusted upwards every year without fail.

good point. even doing just a littttle research on how much waste there is in government spending is sickening.

if we really want anything to change, the government needs a major overhaul from the bottom up. will be quite a long time until we see any REAL change...
good point. even doing just a littttle research on how much waste there is in government spending is sickening.

if we really want anything to change, the government needs a major overhaul from the bottom up. will be quite a long time until we see any REAL change...

One of the first problems that I see is that somewhere along the way government stopped being responsible for spending less than or equal to what it takes in.

Common sense tells any person that if they have an unlimited checking account they are far less concerned with the costs of things and the priority of spending rather than if they are accountable for spending within a budget.

Government is taking in record revenue, we have record debt yet somehow the rich are to blame???
freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to build a mosque.

You are out of touch with reality. I have observed more racism in towns like the one you live in, the all white kind; more than anywhere in the south.

my town is majority non-white. mostly hispanic and some asians. many asians settled here after WWII for some reason.

you're just not that bright.
The elevated levels of CO2 have been proven to come from burning of fossil fuels. Get your facts from real scientists not the ones working for the science denier lobby.

The growing of the Antarctic Ice sheet is irrelevant. The real issue of ice melt is in the melting of glaciers on land which is cause of concern due to oceans rising.

Science deniers claim NOAA manipulated data. That's a very different thing than actually manipulated data.

And that 1.7 degrees temperature rise is the fastest rise in the average world temperature going back hundreds of thousands of years. You don't understand facts even when you get them right.

I guess you don't like the fact that the OP said you are disqualified from becoming Prez. Too bad for you.

The issue isn't the earth ending or even mankind. The issue is that the shift in climate is too fast for ecosystems to adapt. Accompanied by unprecedented species die-offs are growth of undesirable simpler organisms that are no longer held in check -- like the red tide that shut down fishing along the west coast a couple of years ago. The following generations will be faced with flooding and food shortages. These aren't really something you can deny. Just facts about what will happen if the current generation doesn't take corrective action.
The Antarctic is land ice, dummy.
25,000 years ago we were in a ice age that was already 300,000 years old. It has warmed considerably long before the internal combustion engine.
Things you claim are going to happen at some unspecified date in the future are "facts"?
Your religious fervor has no merit.