"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"


Well-Known Member
He finds Barry competent and Clinton yet somehow Trump isnt fit for the job? ROFLMFAO!!

You are being lied to and manipulated by a corrupt government with media in tow. DiCaprio is a capitalist worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

I thought the rich were the problem...
No, not "somehow", Trump believes climate change is "a conspiracy set up by the Chinese to damage our economy", in DiCaprio's opinion, and I agree, that makes him unqualified to be president

I'm looking at the science and acknowledging that virtually the entire scientific community accepts anthropogenic climate change. I'm also considering the fact that the government doesn't always do what the scientific community advises is best; medical marijuana for example. The oil/gas and energy sector is buying every conservative politician against the science and seeding doubt into right wing voters. So it's pretty ironic for you to say I'm the one being lied to and manipulated..

I know that's what you thought, even though you've been a participant in at least a dozen different threads where I have claimed the complete opposite. You argue with your strawman version of the argument and never bother with the actual substance. Loud and clear, one more time: Being rich is not the problem. Income and wealth inequality in and of itself isn't even really the problem. It's the kind of extreme income and wealth disparity we see today that's the problem. The allocation of so many resources to so few at the tip top while billions of people suffer because of it, and the idea that is valued by some Americans that their purpose in life is to gather and hoard as much resources as humanly possible, even if it's illegal, immoral, unethical or unjustified, even at the expense of everyone else, and by manipulating the system through legal bribery to ensure any change to it is extremely difficult if not next to impossible.

Barak Obama clearly is not qualified to be president. When do I get my 7 1/2 years back?
What makes Obama unqualified to be president?
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Well-Known Member
No, not "somehow", Trump believes climate change is "a conspiracy set up by the Chinese to damage our economy", in DiCaprio's opinion, and I agree, that makes him unqualified to be president

I'm looking at the science and acknowledging that virtually the entire scientific community accepts anthropogenic climate change. I'm also considering the fact that the government doesn't always do what the scientific community advises is best; medical marijuana for example. The oil/gas and energy sector is buying every conservative politician against the science and seeding doubt into right wing voters. So it's pretty ironic for you to say I'm the one being lied to and manipulated..

I know that's what you thought, even though you've been a participant in at least a dozen different threads where I have claimed the complete opposite. You argue with your strawman version of the argument and never bother with the actual substance. Loud and clear, one more time: Being rich is not the problem. Income and wealth inequality in and of itself isn't even really the problem. It's the kind of extreme income and wealth disparity we see today that's the problem. The allocation of so many resources to so few at the tip top while billions of people suffer because of it, and the idea that is valued by some Americans that their purpose in life is to gather and hoard as much resources as humanly possible, even if it's illegal, immoral, unethical or unjustified, even at the expense of everyone else, and by manipulating the system through legal bribery to ensure any change to it is extremely difficult if not next to impossible.

What makes Obama unqualified to be president?
Besides a complete and total lack of experience running anything larger than a lemonade stand?

Do you understand how Ironic it is that you suddenly declare yourself the arbiter of who and who cannot be president by their beliefs? Are we just going to throw out popular elections when they are popular for someone you dislike?

After all your experiences with corruption in this election I am surprised you want to take the choice away from the people.


Well-Known Member
Do you understand how Ironic it is that you suddenly declare yourself the arbiter of who and who cannot be president by their beliefs? Are we just going to throw out popular elections when they are popular for someone you dislike?

After all your experiences with corruption in this election I am surprised you want to take the choice away from the people.
A qualifications test qualifies as government corruption now?

Why do you think unqualified people should be making decisions that could affect millions, if not billions, of people's lives?


Well-Known Member
I know dude I read a lot, here included. I'm sure you've read me say they both really suck too. It's very clear who you think sucks less. It was nice to see Hillary advancing the socialist message and nice to see Trump actually address Clinton corruption.
Your suggestion that Mrs Clinton is a socialist tells me that you spend way too much time listening to the right wing wind machine and nowhere near enough reading a fucking dictionary.

Mrs Clinton is more conservative than fucking Nixon was. She made Bernie Sanders look like a communist and of course he's really just political centrist; our whole system is skewed so far to the right that there's no serious denying the fix is in.


Well-Known Member
Your suggestion that Mrs Clinton is a socialist tells me that you spend way too much time listening to the right wing wind machine and nowhere near enough reading a fucking dictionary.

Mrs Clinton is more conservative than fucking Nixon was. She made Bernie Sanders look like a communist and of course he's really just political centrist; our whole system is skewed so far to the right that there's no serious denying the fix is in.
I stand by my statement. I use a period dictionary to read most any document I am interested in. Black's is my favorite. My suggestion perhaps needs clarification. I would love to see Bernie vs Johnson. THAT needs to happen. As far as I am concerned, you are about right, almost. I feel Trump and Clinton are more center, slightly right and left, respectively. As far as Hillary advancing the socialist message...."single payer", "tax the rich", "govt lead the way to green energy" ect. ect. That's not really up for dispute. Telling a company how much to pay an employee, the list is long.

The true debate needs to happen, in public for the world to see, all I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
I stand by my statement. I use a period dictionary to read most any document I am interested in. Black's is my favorite. My suggestion perhaps needs clarification. I would love to see Bernie vs Johnson. THAT needs to happen. As far as I am concerned, you are about right, almost. I feel Trump and Clinton are more center, slightly right and left, respectively. As far as Hillary advancing the socialist message...."single payer", "tax the rich", "govt lead the way to green energy" ect. ect. That's not really up for dispute. Telling a company how much to pay an employee, the list is long.

The true debate needs to happen, in public for the world to see, all I'm saying.
Less 'feels', more research;


Well-Known Member
What would the charger run on?
If you watch the vid, he charges with a small Honda EU gas generator (I think). constant RPM single cylinder combustion engine is the most efficient, not bearing any load. 3 1/2 hours to full charge he says and his solar rig takes a week to 1/2 charge.


Well-Known Member
As far as Hillary advancing the socialist message...."single payer", "tax the rich", "govt lead the way to green energy" ect. ect. That's not really up for dispute. Telling a company how much to pay an employee, the list is long.
min wage is not socialism, nor is green energy, nor is single payer (which she does not even support), nor is taxing the rich at a slightly higher rate.

you are mentally retarded.


Well-Known Member
min wage is not socialism, nor is green energy, nor is single payer (which she does not even support), nor is taxing the rich at a slightly higher rate.

you are mentally retarded.
Progressive tax code is a communist plank. Green energy is already semi socialist in that there are community rewards for its use in the form of subsidies. Thereby persuading the production, distribution and exchange of solar for example. It's semi, like your penis.


Well-Known Member


you are truly fucking dumb. and racist.
No one measures silver or gold by the gram you dumbass, it's by the oz.
Do you like the idea of 15 dollar living wage? Pretty sure you do. How does it feel knowing we had a $17.55 per hour min wage in 1950? And now we have what we have due to your failed economic theory that you support.

You have no proof of any racism, that's why you won't post it. Yet I managed to pull one of yours from RIU out of my ass at will.


Well-Known Member
Progressive tax code is a communist plank. Green energy is already semi socialist in that there are community rewards for its use in the form of subsidies. Thereby persuading the production, distribution and exchange of solar for example. It's semi, like your penis.
solar panels are socialism. you heard it here first folks.

rampant fucking stupidity.