Hillary can't be trusted

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Hillary belittled and demeaned them 24/7 in defense of her sexual predator husband.

If my husband was possibly raping people, I would want to know and I certainly would not have stayed married to a rapist.

Rape is a violent assault. None of the women consented or allowed it to happen.

You are defending the enabler of a rapist.
Bill is not running for prez. Trump, on the other hand is. He brags about groping women as his right and privilege. And isn't it interesting how you are voting for somebody who is accused of rape many times. He paid off women to avoid charges, so they say.

You say that would not stay married to an accused rapist even though he was never charged or evidence brought forward. Yet you would put a man like that in the White House.

Your obsession is ruining you.
"I've listened to the tape. My view is that people of faith are voting for president on issues like who will defend and protect unborn life, defund Planned Parenthood, grow the economy and create jobs, oppose the Iran nuclear deal," Ralph Reed, head of Trump's religious advisory board, told CNN. "I think a 10-year-old tape of a private conversation with a TV talk show host ranks pretty low on their hierarchy of their concerns."
"I've listened to the tape. My view is that people of faith are voting for president on issues like who will defend and protect unborn life, defund Planned Parenthood, grow the economy and create jobs, oppose the Iran nuclear deal," Ralph Reed, head of Trump's religious advisory board, told CNN. "I think a 10-year-old tape of a private conversation with a TV talk show host ranks pretty low on their hierarchy of their concerns."

the tape is 10 years old! ignore it.

focus on this 2000 year old book instead.
I lit my cigarette backwards.

The campaign efforts in Israel have seen 200,000 expats register to vote, half of them women, and most will be supporting Trump, Zell maintained.

“The public wants Trump, with all of his shortcomings, over Clinton with her failures, her corruption, her lies,” Zell said.

He maintained that leaked emails from the Democratic nominee showing she had cozied up to Wall Street and corporate interests were worse than Trump’s comments.

“I have five daughters and they will all, all, vote for Trump,” Zell added.

The campaign efforts in Israel have seen 200,000 expats register to vote, half of them women, and most will be supporting Trump, Zell maintained.

“The public wants Trump, with all of his shortcomings, over Clinton with her failures, her corruption, her lies,” Zell said.

He maintained that leaked emails from the Democratic nominee showing she had cozied up to Wall Street and corporate interests were worse than Trump’s comments.

“I have five daughters and they will all, all, vote for Trump,” Zell added.


jews, women, and especially jewish women will all vote overwhelmingly against trump.

dream on, you deluded fascist wannabe.
Best lie of debate was Hillary saying she was going to look out for the coal miners. lol

She has no shame. Notice she never apologized to the women she attacked viciously after her husband raped them.
Best lie of debate was Hillary saying she was going to look out for the coal miners. lol

She has no shame. Notice she never apologized to the women she attacked viciously after her husband raped them.
Really Pie? You are quite an example for women - klan women.

Did Donald tell any lies?

How about that special prosecutor? You in favor of that?
The campaign efforts in Israel have seen 200,000 expats register to vote, half of them women, and most will be supporting Trump, Zell maintained.

“The public wants Trump, with all of his shortcomings, over Clinton with her failures, her corruption, her lies,” Zell said.

He maintained that leaked emails from the Democratic nominee showing she had cozied up to Wall Street and corporate interests were worse than Trump’s comments.

“I have five daughters and they will all, all, vote for Trump,” Zell added.

Pie likes it when foreigners vote. Except hispanics.
Bill is not running for prez. Trump, on the other hand is. He brags about groping women as his right and privilege. And isn't it interesting how you are voting for somebody who is accused of rape many times. He paid off women to avoid charges, so they say.

You say that would not stay married to an accused rapist even though he was never charged or evidence brought forward. Yet you would put a man like that in the White House.

Your obsession is ruining you.
The attorney who settled the case stated that he settled. so it isn't unconfirmed.
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