Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Actually you said you will raise your child with the understanding that a women with a flat chest cant be a 10

Horrible mother you are. Give her up for adoption or let an intelligent family member raise her.
They can't. Lol

Not very many women trying to become flat chested.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Hillary cold busted lying to voters & promising wall street lobbiests more of the same corrupt collusioun between government & the robber barons she claims to be against.

Here's the notorious right wing Young Turks journalist exposing Hillary's lies we now can prove thanks to wiki leaks releasing more of her hacked emails .

Hillary proves once again she cannot be trusted to be truthful on any issue,radicals will still leap to her defense in the face of undeniable proof by blaming Russia for what Hillary says & does :lol:

I love it,the evil cunt is busted again thanks to the same wiki leaks radicals loved last year :bigjoint:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I am not going to vote for Bill, so I don't really give a fuck.

And really, is this the best you can do? Now that The Donald has been proven to be a degenerate pig, you dredge up this old crap?

You are beneath contempt.
Hillary belittled and demeaned them 24/7 in defense of her sexual predator husband.

If my husband was possibly raping people, I would want to know and I certainly would not have stayed married to a rapist.

Rape is a violent assault. None of the women consented or allowed it to happen.

You are defending the enabler of a rapist.


Well-Known Member
Hillary belittled and demeaned them 24/7 in defense of her sexual predator husband.

If my husband was possibly raping people, I would want to know and I certainly would not have stayed married to a rapist.

Rape is a violent assault. None of the women consented or allowed it to happen.

You are defending the enabler of a rapist.
No, I am ensuring that democracy lives to fight another day by making sure Donald Trump is not elected.


Well-Known Member
Hillary belittled and demeaned them 24/7 in defense of her sexual predator husband.

If my husband was possibly raping people, I would want to know and I certainly would not have stayed married to a rapist.

Rape is a violent assault. None of the women consented or allowed it to happen.

You are defending the enabler of a rapist.
Make up your mind, racist or rapist?


Well-Known Member
You are unfit for debate. Lol
You don't know enough to debate. All you do is vomit right wing bullshit. There is no point debating you, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about any issue. Don't think that mastering google earns you the right to be taken seriously. It doesn't.


Well-Known Member
I am a realist. No woman wants a flat chest. Reductions, altering shape, and enlargment are sought but not breast removal.

Women who have breast cancer will remove their breasts but they often seek to place implants.
i guess youre lucky, never seen a flat chested fat chick before. ill give you a 2/10 because your slutty
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