
Well-Known Member
OMG lol so easy, i can't keep it up... You fucks thank i'm actually voting for trump? lmao Serously i don't no of a kor420.
btw i meant what i said about hillary... can't stand that cunt!
I even posted two hint videos in the other thread... Fuck Donald Trump with a prickly pear! I have made SO much money on social media (facebook), and websites selling affiliate bullshit to his supporters. Better jump on this Trump (money) Train before it's too late!

How you get banned?
I swear to you, this kor420 dude y'all speak of i don't no of. I just fell in character when i was accused of this dude. I Just look into his posts and seen what he posted and went off of it.

images (46).jpeg

Also: Worst YT video ever. Inane.


Well-Known Member
Talking about vagina clutching is one thing.
But getting caught on video you didn't know was on actually doing it is.....well.......official Clinton White House policy.



Well-Known Member
But you did, and you plan on voting for his rape enabling wife.

That is true devotion to an ideology that evinces an IQ well below what you set the fridge at.
yeah, that attack will totally work.

i'm sure hillary will be completely unprepared for that 30 year old line of attack.

you are a fucking genius.

maybe trump can also call obama a gay kenyan muslim. that'll work.

trump already called obama a "lying nigger". that tape will be released shortly.

good luck.