
Well-Known Member
...and yet this education is so fine as to dwindle the amount of conservative predisposition?
You know, the absence of teaching critical thinking skills does pretty much the same thing.

Yet you don't understand the dichotomy of your statement of how superior education is rooting the out the stain of conservatism?
Do you now understand why I don't hang on your every word?

Now quit it guys, I'm getting resin all over the keyboard. ;)
Heyyyyy choomie -- Wanna come over and huff my jock for a while like you used to? We can put fox 'news' on, yell 'NI**ERS!!' at the screen, freebase some nail polish remover, and you can blow me with Pop Rocks, just as you like it!

big lou sent that to you, just making sure you get it.


Well-Known Member
No way, you sad sock! I have a RICH, FULL life involving a lovely wife, my dogs, jacking-off, sleeping in the garden, getting buzzed, jacking off more, eating rich foods, reading comic books, shitting, etc.etc.

How DARE you!
Yet you're here 24/7.


Well-Known Member
Heyyyyy choomie -- Wanna come over and huff my jock for a while like you used to? We can put fox 'news' on, yell 'NI**ERS!!' at the screen, freebase some nail polish remover, and you can blow me with Pop Rocks, just as you like it!

big lou sent that to you, just making sure you get it.
You're a peach.


Well-Known Member
Heyyyyy choomie -- Wanna come over and huff my jock for a while like you used to? We can put fox 'news' on, yell 'NI**ERS!!' at the screen, freebase some nail polish remover, and you can blow me with Pop Rocks, just as you like it!

big lou sent that to you, just making sure you get it.
Misdirected angst.
He knows what happens when you binge on the argyle.
Cotton tube sock fluffiness has to take it on the street to stay sufficiently damp.


Well-Known Member
He's 'ignored' and reported me repeatedly due to misplaced lust....I suppose I should cut all ties and leave what we had in the past, sniff...
(He's a former cellie....he came to me one day sniveling about how he was the 'queen of head' so we struck a deal. Sometimes I'd purposely scatter tobacco on the floor just to get off on watching him pick up each was awful...)

Poor tender bitch.


It also seems like most of y'all forgot about Bill getting his dingy sucked in the oval office by his side piece, and all his other bimbos after & before. How quickly you forget when it involves a member of your "team". lol


Well-Known Member
It also seems like most of y'all forgot about Bill getting his dingy sucked in the oval office by his side piece, and all his other bimbos after & before. How quickly we forget when it involves a member of your "team". lol
So you are saying that you equate consensual sex/marital philandering with degradation and rape, eh?

You are one warped jackass.


that is kor420, who was already a sock to begin with. but he lost that account to me on a bet. he weaseled his way back.

How old are you? Have you even bet any thing in your entire life? You bet me my account, i accepted, i lost, i gave you the account, again whats the problem?!? You can't be adding shit on after the person you bet accepted. That like we be playing poker, you bet me $100, i called and lost then you saying i owe you $100 more dollars.