Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
were you aware that they are gonna be releasing tapes that make the "pussy grab" sexual assault boasting look tame in comparison, right?

apparently trump goes crazy saying "niggers".

Owen Ellickson ‏@onlxn
RYAN: Did you say the n-word? TRUMP: Yes. Lots. (silence) RYAN: Well-- TRUMP: Let me give you some context: I was referring to black people

He's had some experience.



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Well-Known Member
Hillary belittled and demeaned them 24/7 in defense of her sexual predator husband.

If my husband was possibly raping people, I would want to know and I certainly would not have stayed married to a rapist.

Rape is a violent assault. None of the women consented or allowed it to happen.

You are defending the enabler of a rapist.
Speaking of rapist and your husband. What did he get booted out the service for ?
Trumps says your husband is likely a rapist, drug dealer and maybe murder.
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