Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
You can always fool PutinPie. She still believes that The Donald will win - unless it is rigged. I am sure she will be back here posting "proof" of the rigged-ness very soon after the election is lost. I figure the (((networks))) will call this election at about 10:01 EDT.
The election was rigged.


Well-Known Member
Ha! I thought patriotism was disgusting to you libs?

Can Hillary be trusted?

Liar, thief, and damaged our national security to make herself rich.

National security IS patriotism and your left politicians have been dismantling it.

Hillary will continue that BS and I want none of it.
You confuse jingoism with patriotism. I bet you don't even know what jingoism is.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Again, you are too stupid to establish causality. This is another case of you hearing a fact from someplace and accepting somebody's explanation without question. Simple solutions for simple minds.

Hey Pie, I am trying to understand The Donald better. Not being a sleazeball, I am faithful to my wife but am trying to understand how he ticks. I assume that whenever he grabs some pussy he gets a thrill for betraying somebody close to him... somebody who trusts him. Not being a racist of former KGB agent, I don't have any way to ask him about it. So it falls on you to help me understand him.

So what is the thrill of betrayal like? Why is it a pleasant feeling? Is betraying your country better than betraying your husband and family? Do you get this thrill whenever you make a post that represents the interests of your own country's enemies? Do you have to actually follow through on it by committing some overt sexual or political act that crosses the line?

If your husband had not received a dishonorable discharge would you ask him to "whistleblow" some secrets to Russia?
Rape is not infidelity. It is a crime.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You are such a simpleton, Pie.

The US is fracking the shit out of itself and is about to become self sufficient if not an energy exporter . This plot of yours is a fever dream.


The US is poised to cease being a net importer of energy for the first time since the 1950s as abundant domestic fossil fuel and efficiency measures reset its relations with world suppliers, a government forecaster has said.

The Energy Information Administration’s annual energy outlook found that net energy imports would fall to zero by 2028 under its base case — or in just four years if oil prices or resources sharply exceeded expectations.

Whether or not the US indeed exports, or (I hope) restricts fracking, which would make the scenario of energy independence unreachable, the trend is towards lower energy consumption worldwide. The price of oil is depressed due over production. You uneducated un-Christian anti-choice misogynist bigoted and fearful Trump followers are simple tools. Or maybe just fools. Or both.
Doesnt change the fact that the US wants assad gone to complete the pipeline. Qatar, Saudi, Syria, Turkey. That would be the path if Assad had agreed.

Leaked audio of John Kerry has him saying they "waited and watched" as ISIS invaded syria in the hopes that Assad would consider stepping down as the US was demanding.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt change the fact that the US wants assad gone to complete the pipeline. Qatar, Saudi, Syria, Turkey. That would be the path if Assad had agreed.

Leaked audio of John Kerry has him saying they "waited and watched" as ISIS invaded syria in the hopes that Assad would consider stepping down as the US was demanding.
you are trying to teach mongoloids trigonometry. stop while you are ahead.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th President of the United States of America. Your daughter will grow up knowing that she can become president too. And if she's smart, distance herself from you at the earliest moment possible. Because her Mom has issues.
She'll know she can become president by selling government influence to move up the power ladder. By using government stations to intimidate naysayers into silence and ridicule rape victims.

They are trading national security away by giving into all the donors requests.

Lie lie lie lie.

Yeah no thanks. I'm going to raise my daughter to tell the truth even when ridiculed and defend the constitution of this nation.

Hillary has no admirable qualities. She shows one side to the public and another to her private interests so as not to spook the masses.

Donald Trump is still better even with the lewd remarks. Your candidate sucks THAT bad.


Well-Known Member
She'll know she can become president by selling government influence to move up the power ladder. By using government stations to intimidate naysayers into silence and ridicule rape victims.

They are trading national security away by giving into all the donors requests.

Lie lie lie lie.

Yeah no thanks. I'm going to raise my daughter to tell the truth even when ridiculed and defend the constitution of this nation.

Hillary has no admirable qualities. She shows one side to the public and another to her private interests so as not to spook the masses.

Donald Trump is still better even with the lewd remarks. Your candidate sucks THAT bad.


Well-Known Member
Doesnt change the fact that the US wants assad gone to complete the pipeline. Qatar, Saudi, Syria, Turkey. That would be the path if Assad had agreed.

Leaked audio of John Kerry has him saying they "waited and watched" as ISIS invaded syria in the hopes that Assad would consider stepping down as the US was demanding.
You make disparate statements as though they are connected.

Like this:
The stock market was down yesterday.
China built hangers on the artificial islands near the Philippines.


Well-Known Member
She'll know she can become president by selling government influence to move up the power ladder. By using government stations to intimidate naysayers into silence and ridicule rape victims.

They are trading national security away by giving into all the donors requests.

Lie lie lie lie.

Yeah no thanks. I'm going to raise my daughter to tell the truth even when ridiculed and defend the constitution of this nation.

Hillary has no admirable qualities. She shows one side to the public and another to her private interests so as not to spook the masses.

Donald Trump is still better even with the lewd remarks. Your candidate sucks THAT bad.
Do you really need to make up what you want Clinton is thinking? "Clinton knows "she can become president by selling government influence to move up the power ladder." LOL, that's rich. She's been first lady, Senator of New York and Secretary of State. She quite possibly just lucked into the first but she won the second and quite rightly allied with Obama when she lost her first bid for the Democratic Party Nomination in 2008.

After 25 years of right wing bashing, all the wingnuts have to show for the millions of dollars wasted in politically motivated "investigations" is a low opinion rating for Clinton.

In a matter of weeks, Trump has made himself the virtual image of work place sexual predators. The list of actions Trump has done would have sunk Clinton many times over except for the well trained religious bigots who started down the path of mindlessness by wanting to save fetuses and now are completely lost to their obsession of hate for all things that represent their image of liberals.

Yet you Trump supporters just close your ears, minds and eyes. It's my guess that it all started because you can't stand the idea that other people believe that a woman has the right to choose. This one obsession, I believe, is the root of all things nasty about the right wing tools called Christian Trump supporters. You've been corrupted by your obsession and now are so far away from Christianity that you've become it's opposite.

Your daughter will grow up with a mind of her own. That is unless you crush it in your obsession.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah no thanks. I'm going to raise my daughter to tell the truth even when ridiculed and defend the constitution of this nation.

Hillary has no admirable qualities. She shows one side to the public and another to her private interests so as not to spook the masses.

Donald Trump is still better even with the lewd remarks. Your candidate sucks THAT bad.
Actually you said you will raise your child with the understanding that a women with a flat chest cant be a 10

I agree. Lol. You cant be a ten if you are flat chested. Men like breasts.

I have the most important job in the world.
Horrible mother you are. Give her up for adoption or let an intelligent family member raise her.
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