Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Overblown ridiculous patriotism is offensive. Us "libs" are proud of our country but for different reasons. We are also proud of our country despite the fact that it harbors loads of retrograde personalities and racist rednecks such as yourself.

National security is patriotism? Well then you have no business calling yourself that honey. Not after selling your country out due to a half-assed Russian propaganda campaign.

Do you admit that the campaign is over and that your worldview is being thrown in the dustbin of history - hopefully forever?

It kind of got lost in all the noise, but the TRUMP! campaign recently repudiated the Muslim immigration ban. So was TRUMP! lying to you the whole time? Is he not a patriot? Doesn't it make our country less safe?
Our admin is corrupt and they are trying to start a war. For oil. AGAIN.

You are too partisan to see that the bushes and clintons and obamas all do the same shit for oil!

Both clintons and bushes hook up their family and buddies with lucrative aid/defense contracts!

One hand washes the other and on and on they go.


Well-Known Member
Our admin is corrupt and they are trying to start a war. For oil. AGAIN.

You are too partisan to see that the bushes and clintons and obamas all do the same shit for oil!

Both clintons and bushes hook up their family and buddies with lucrative aid/defense contracts!

One hand washes the other and on and on they go.
Oil? Seriously? Is that the best you can do?

This is the only friend you have left in America PutinPie.

Hooking up their friends for contracts huh?



Well-Known Member
Qatar and turkey want to build a pipeline through syria but Assad wont agree.
Again, you are too stupid to establish causality. This is another case of you hearing a fact from someplace and accepting somebody's explanation without question. Simple solutions for simple minds.

Hey Pie, I am trying to understand The Donald better. Not being a sleazeball, I am faithful to my wife but am trying to understand how he ticks. I assume that whenever he grabs some pussy he gets a thrill for betraying somebody close to him... somebody who trusts him. Not being a racist of former KGB agent, I don't have any way to ask him about it. So it falls on you to help me understand him.

So what is the thrill of betrayal like? Why is it a pleasant feeling? Is betraying your country better than betraying your husband and family? Do you get this thrill whenever you make a post that represents the interests of your own country's enemies? Do you have to actually follow through on it by committing some overt sexual or political act that crosses the line?

If your husband had not received a dishonorable discharge would you ask him to "whistleblow" some secrets to Russia?


Well-Known Member
Qatar and turkey want to build a pipeline through syria but Assad wont agree.
Our admin is corrupt and they are trying to start a war. For oil. AGAIN.

You are too partisan to see that the bushes and clintons and obamas all do the same shit for oil!

Both clintons and bushes hook up their family and buddies with lucrative aid/defense contracts!

One hand washes the other and on and on they go.
You are such a simpleton, Pie.

The US is fracking the shit out of itself and is about to become self sufficient if not an energy exporter . This plot of yours is a fever dream.


The US is poised to cease being a net importer of energy for the first time since the 1950s as abundant domestic fossil fuel and efficiency measures reset its relations with world suppliers, a government forecaster has said.

The Energy Information Administration’s annual energy outlook found that net energy imports would fall to zero by 2028 under its base case — or in just four years if oil prices or resources sharply exceeded expectations.

Whether or not the US indeed exports, or (I hope) restricts fracking, which would make the scenario of energy independence unreachable, the trend is towards lower energy consumption worldwide. The price of oil is depressed due over production. You uneducated un-Christian anti-choice misogynist bigoted and fearful Trump followers are simple tools. Or maybe just fools. Or both.


Well-Known Member
You are such a simpleton, Pie.

The US is fracking the shit out of itself and is about to become self sufficient if not an energy exporter . This plot of yours is a fever dream.


The US is poised to cease being a net importer of energy for the first time since the 1950s as abundant domestic fossil fuel and efficiency measures reset its relations with world suppliers, a government forecaster has said.

The Energy Information Administration’s annual energy outlook found that net energy imports would fall to zero by 2028 under its base case — or in just four years if oil prices or resources sharply exceeded expectations.

Whether or not the US indeed exports, or (I hope) restricts fracking, which would make the scenario of energy independence unreachable, the trend is towards lower energy consumption worldwide. The price of oil is depressed due over production. You uneducated un-Christian anti-choice misogynist bigoted and fearful Trump followers are simple tools. Or maybe just fools. Or both.
Nah, they have that shit covered. The oil is not for us, it is to make sure our "empire" of Europe, Japan, etc. does not have an economic downturn which will cause our free trade house of cards to collapse. I almost made the above argument but figured she would just post more crap from rt.com. The reality of the situation is that oil does enter into it. But it is Russian oil.

Any explanation will work for PutinPie. She is not very smart.
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Well-Known Member
Hillary and Bill will literally put us under foreign rule. They will sell us out and fiercely attack the whistleblowers.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, 44th President of the United States of America. Your daughter will grow up knowing that she can become president too. And if she's smart, distance herself from you at the earliest moment possible. Because her Mom has issues.


Well-Known Member
Nah, they have that shit covered. The oil is not for us, it is to make sure our "empire" of Europe, Japan, etc. does not have an economic downturn which will cause our free trade house of cards to collapse. I almost made the above argument but figured she would just post more crap from rt.com.

Any explanation will work for PutinPie. She is not very smart.
So that's the Putin Propaganda Position is it? The US has an empire. The empire needs oil. Therefore the US needs oil.

Shoot, anybody can make a reason for anything using the transitive property.


Well-Known Member
So what does that make Hillary?

Since she sold 20% of our uranium to a russian company and got a fat donation from same company.

A sell out?
As they say, you can fool some people all the time.

But it doesn't matter how deeply you believe that right wing made up shit. Most of the people this country aren't fooled and weren't even before "grab em by the pooosy" quote became part of the national zeitgeist.


Donald Trump Was Losing This Election Anyway
Polls showed him losing must-win states even before many prominent Republicans withdrew support.

Trump has less than a 15 percent chance of winning the presidency according to HuffPost’s election forecast model. And that’s all based on polls from before this latest scandal. In order to have a chance at winning the presidency, Trump has to carry several states that are leaning toward his opponent, including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Until now, I'd say that the poll numbers were just a reflection of how people feel at the moment and things can change depending on world events. But not now. It's too late for the Donald. I look forward to your crying for eight full and prosperous years of the Hillary Clinton presidency.


Well-Known Member
As they say, you can fool some people all the time.

But it doesn't matter how deeply you believe that right wing made up shit. Most of the people this country aren't fooled and weren't even before "grab em by the pooosy" quote became part of the national zeitgeist.


Donald Trump Was Losing This Election Anyway
Polls showed him losing must-win states even before many prominent Republicans withdrew support.

Trump has less than a 15 percent chance of winning the presidency according to HuffPost’s election forecast model. And that’s all based on polls from before this latest scandal. In order to have a chance at winning the presidency, Trump has to carry several states that are leaning toward his opponent, including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Until now, I'd say that the poll numbers were just a reflection of how people feel at the moment and things can change depending on world events. But not now. It's too late for the Donald. I look forward to your crying for eight full and prosperous years of the Hillary Clinton presidency.

You can always fool PutinPie. She still believes that The Donald will win - unless it is rigged. I am sure she will be back here posting "proof" of the rigged-ness very soon after the election is lost. I figure the (((networks))) will call this election at about 10:01 EDT.
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