Well-Known Member
I m actually using a DIY 2 part and the only chelated ingredient I used is iron DTPA. You can mix iron DTPA with calcium nitrate in the same stock solution. I use 400 concentration factor for my A+B, but realistically it's not like I can rip myself off. I dilute enough so that 10mL of A and B goes to 1 gallon of water.
Did you do the entire micro mix from scratch? Was really interested in trying to do that one micro recipe, but I'd need to mix up like 8 different stock solutions and i just really dont have the space to store that kinda stuff safely (or basically at all). I see why they kept the calcium separate in that recipe now- they were using CaSO4 as the calcium source, which would probably just fall out of the micro mixture (bot not actually precipitate due to a double displacement). Calcium nitrate definitely seems more stable.
I finally found a place in denver where I can get all sorts of reagents, the shipping is reasonable too (UPS hazardous material shipping gets expensive fast). Probably going to get some nitric acid- using tap water here (not that hard tho) so im fighting carbonates/phosphates pretty constantly.
Also had some pretty hard fallout 2 rez changes ago, been trying everything to get rid of it, but have this nice layer of precipitates that just wont go away. I've been tracking how much GH ph down ive been adding and no good could come of it.

I'll have to find the corresponding CO2 graph, but you can see CO2 gassing off trends that match the ph rise- so guessing the carbonates are partially responsible, but i've added so much phosphates at this point to counteract it there has to be a good portion of that precipitate too.
Either way, time for a strong acid.