RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

Every word you just spoke is the truth @UncleBuck is a spineless pos and he has the backing of the administration of this site. It's pretty sick that I just got a warning for my language when this boy spreads hate and insults all day long.

They won't do anything untill it's too late and the only members left are newbies and the 3 amigos....

Poor little man, does that make your butt hurt. You could just give up your account now , instead of dragging it out over the next few painful weeks.
Tell us more about how Obama drove up the price of oil, lol.
Awe you want some more ok

Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.
And After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

but Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

We first landed on the moon in 1969, so the books say but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.
Awe you want some more ok

Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.
And After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

but Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

We first landed on the moon in 1969, so the books say but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.

Carefull they might delete this too
Awe you want some more ok

Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.
And After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

but Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

We first landed on the moon in 1969, so the books say but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.

Oil is half the cost it was in 2008 , because......
They are permanent residents when they enter the system and I commented that they can still vote State and Local. So.
If you didn`t add illegals and citizen I wouldn`t be trying to shut you up.

Ok, so, you changed the subject. it's not related to Pie's statement, I guess. What are you talking about? Who are "they"?
Every word you just spoke is the truth @UncleBuck is a spineless pos and he has the backing of the administration of this site. It's pretty sick that I just got a warning for my language when this boy spreads hate and insults all day long.

They won't do anything untill it's too late and the only members left are newbies and the 3 amigos....

Yeah, @UncleBuck, I don't think this dweeb will honor your bet either. I gave him a warning for an offensive post, so in his multi-response conniption fit, he asked me to delete his account. :lol:

I'm telling you, ya just can't make this shit up.

Awe you want some more ok

Obama chose tax cheat Tim Geithner to be his Secretary of the Treasury and then has had the audacity to spend his whole presidency pushing for higher taxes.
And After promising to unite America when he was running for office in 2008, Obama has been the most hyper-partisan President in decades.

but Despite the fact that Barack Obama claimed to believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman when he was running for President in 2008, his Department of Justice asked states attorney general to refuse to defend their states’ bans on gay marriage in court.

The Department of Justice has worked overtime to help increase voter fraud by fighting against voter ID. This is despite the fact that you need ID to buy alcohol, drive a car, fly on a plane or even to use Obamacare.

He’s the reason why countless Americans have been groped, molested and harassed by the TSA, even though agents never caught a terrorist sticking their hand down anyone’s pants.

He’s responsible for the dumbing down of our education system with Common Core.

We first landed on the moon in 1969, so the books say but because of Obama, we’re no longer even capable of going into space.

His servile bowing to other world leaders is embarrassing and un-American.

Barack Obama engaged in an illegal war in Libya without the permission of Congress that helped turn that country into an unstable basket case run by radical Islamists. How bad is it? America, Libyans and the rest of the world were better off with Muammar Gaddafi in charge. That’s how bad it is.
You missed a few conspiracy theories about Obama:

Obama participated in a CIA initiative to teleport to Mars
According to codes hidden in Biblical verse, Obama is a reptilian humanoid
Obama is the Antichrist
Obama is gay
Obama’s anti-Semitic poetry
Obama’s teleprompter
Obama is master of neurolinguistic programming
Obama’s planning a third term
Barack Obama faked bin Laden’s death
Obama personally caused Hurricane Sandy
Obama caused the BP oil spill
Obama’s coming for your gold
Barack Obama secretly gave away American islands to Russia
Obama’s mom and dad were communists
Obama is the son of Malcolm X
Barack Huesin Obama was a Black Panther
Obama was born in Kenya
Obama is bringing 100 million Muslims to America
Obama is a secret Muslim

Maybe you should put together a Bingo card for Obama conspiracy theories.
  • OCTOBER 8 2016 - 2:04AM
Donald Trump and his long list of failings in business

Paul McGeough


