Well-Known Member
Don't shoot the messenger....the Indiana state police think that they are cheating...
You are trolling, right?
You know that Breitbart is a well-established right wing propaganda site, yeah?
Don't shoot the messenger....the Indiana state police think that they are cheating...
So fox news called her a rasist?
Its a fox news storyYou are trolling, right?
You know that Breitbart is a well-established right wing propaganda site, yeah?
You know that CNN is left wing news owned by clinton...and that's why they never reported this storyYou are trolling, right?
You know that Breitbart is a well-established right wing propaganda site, yeah?
You know that CNN is left wing news owned by clinton...and that's why they never reported this story
You know that CNN is left wing news owned by clinton...and that's why they never reported this story
You know that CNN is left wing news owned by clinton...and that's why they never reported this story
He is more trust worthy than clintonThey report all credible stories.
But you get your news from Breitbart wouldn't know.
He is more trust worthy than clinton
He is more trust worthy than clinton
Be nicer if you take you little hate clan with you when you leaveit's gonna be so nice on november 9th when you are gone forever.
you are simply too fucking dumb to exist.
Be nicer if you take you little hate clan with you when you leave
Less taxes for business would be good for you.
No msm has picked up on these so called rape cases. They do not exist. Bill clinton on the other hand is famous for his sexual assault charges.
He misspoke. He meant and later clarified charges to be brought against the doctor if they perform an illegal abortion. Republicans have always been against abortion. Only 1% of abortions come from rape or incest causes.
He has some casinos fail during a downturn in the economy. Casinos are expensive. How did Hillary lose 6 billion in aid to haiti?
Nobody forced anyone to attend trump university.
I don't give a damn about his taxes and neither should you. There are far more important things like POLICY and NATIONAL security to be concerned with.
The entre tax nonsense with trump is a red herring just like the Russia garbage,dumb fucking radicals think poking a nuclear superpower in the eye,over & over again will end well,which shows the complete incompetence of Obamas entire cabinet & what's left of our military leadership Obama didn't fire .
Being Trump has been audited every year for 15 years who gives a shit what he paid in taxes because we have 100% proof his last 15 years returns were filed 100% to the letter of the law,if he took tax breaks establishment built in for their wall street cronies good for him,they made the laws,obunghole could have changed tax laws but he didn't,Trumps taxes passing high level audits 15 years running proves his finances can withstand scrutiny nobody working for Hillary Clinton can,even when granted full immunity from prosecution Hillary's people take the 5th & hide Hillary's crimes .
Any loser worried about Trumps tax returns is an idiot who watches the totally corrupt MSNBC each day to receive their talking points,the same "news" org that pays Chelsea KK Klingon $16,000 an hour for working at MSNBC because she's such a world class reporter lol .
These I'm with her half wits don't give 2 fucks about economy of the working class,middle class,our pitiful public education system,our rapidly collapsing relationship with dozens of country's Obama goes out of his way to threaten & insult,their main concern is demonizing anybody with money more than they have & ramming nonsensical social justice shit like lgbtq+ shitters down everybody's faces .
Your one of the very few here who lives like an american should & holds values that are responsible for making america a great country,not none of the shithead turd burgulars like buck & his dozen bobbleheads who's biggest contribution to America is to " TAKE" from the system,then stage protests to whine about how they didn't get enough free shit.
You nail most these radical Lefty's to the cross daily & the best they can do is talk bad about your body type & family,then after they post horrible hate crime posts the same 3 or 4 suck ass boot lickers pop out of their cave & pass out likes like the old rep system we had .
Keep hammering em !
you should bet your account on trump or shut the fuck up already you retarded windbag.
now show us the neo-nazi tattoo.
It was just 5 words Bucky. Which ones don't you understand?you realize i'm using trump's own lines, right? the guy you love so much, right?
another hate crime committed by the most weak spined self proclaimed social justice warrior on site,you demand others I've by a code you can't live by,you make racist comments directed at members,then claim everybody else to be racist,daily you cyber bully all you can with absolutely zero respect for site rules or decent self conduct ,you've stepped your troll game up to where 99.9% of your posting here is to troll or cyber bully people using your connection to staff to get away with it.
The fact any Marijuana growing sites most valued, protected & off limits member is an admitted snitch speaks volumes,it turns my stomache knowing we have a snitch in our midst who's called other members parole officers,threatened dozens of members with open forum identity exposure,cost people their jobs that offended you & in the same breath the unclebuck account is responsible for running off thousands of members,you share PM's meant to be private communications with other members & find ways to exploit info being fed to you to attack all who disagree with you,I don't but the act anymore,your protected by staff for sure & most likely own a piece of the site,your a rotten excuse of a man & you bring nothing of value to a marijuana growing based site,intact you yourself are responsible for destroying the original debate from at of the politics forum & turning the forum into a political weapon,I would not be surprised if your not funded by one of media matters psy op internet political payroll systems we all know employ over 1.5 million internet trolls.
Fuck you & every last person that even speaks to an admitted snitch .
My back hurts so fuck you again you sorry excuse of a radical hypocrite .