Nice! I'll buy the pure stuff and give it a go. Does it enhance the roots or just top growth?
I'd like to put some in my rez and foliar feed as well
Is tria for vegetative growth only, or can you feed it to the plants through flower?..Like would it enhance bud growth?
It`s best to use it during bloom if you use it during veg normal plants grow like you have topped them and topped plants go crazy
That`s if you spray them a small dosages would just shorten the internodal spacing via the root zone but you see them get way more productive with it far more side branching too
I like weak ga3 via the roots in veg to make the plants get tall faster, then I`ll Triacontanol once or twice during veg to make them more bushey if they need it
then week 1/3 of bloom I use it if the plant needs more bud sites other wise I just feed normal or I use ga3 if I want more stretch, but then Triacontanol is amazing past week 3/4 it just makes more resin and bigger buds helps the plants shoot hairs
I`d spray them with it once a month for max effect or once every 2 months but you could use it every 2 weeks on a lot of strains
You can feed with it once or twice a week lower dosages like 10ppm upto 50ppm seem to work best around 100ppm is the limit around 300ppm is the limit for extreme dwarfing.. going over that could make it do nothing.. I don`t know as it costs money 100mg to 500ml was the most I ever used, I use that amount for 1 to 3L and it works great
In a spray like 10mg to 100mg per L seems to work best, but you`ll see, maybe people will start to see why I cut a load of lower side growth off after they use this stuff, it makes them so bushey but sticky too
Main thing is you see the leaves of the plant track the light better and they seem more vibrant too you can get some nice extra colours showing and it can make them sex up faster too
Good stuff, once you play with it and get it down I`m sure you`ll add it to seaweed juice and pick what ladies are going to get it and when.... enjoy
For root growth I think maybe it helps but the plants grow hard so they can munch up some leaves when using it over saw 30 or 50mg per L spraying it but its kinda like when you pot them up for so much new growth so quickly the plant will eat some lower leaves.
Mycorr, trycor and bennies work best for root zone but I`m sure Tria and ga3 have an effect on root growth the mum`s I GA3 cuttings seem to grow and root sooner than when the mum has not had any ga3 or elixir steroids for awhile
Also House and Garden "roots excelurator" out side of hydro it`s great stuff, or plant magic do a "roots" that`s pretty good and cheap too