RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
Our MSM is lying to you. The US is funding terrorism and has been for a while. Hillary has direct ties to the people profiting from constant war and regime changes.
Democratic Socialism was loved by Hitler because it expands government control and once the control is great enough, you can do whatever you want. It becomes a dictatorship.

Hitler and the Muslim brotherhood were two peas in a pod. The Muslim Brotherhood has deep influence in our government today.

Free trade the way it is practiced today is not Free. Our unbalanced trade deals cost us american jobs and lines the pockets of companies that can afford to move out of the United States.

Look into Hillary and her helping all her billionaire friends with the whole UBS deal.

I could go on forever. Read my thread.
hitler never said that.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you be out protesting with the other zombies over Donald trumps kids killing off the dinosours & sabre tooth tigers like these zombies of your generation .

Generation zombie !
I feel like you are just trolling and really support donald trump.

No man would be so stupid to support a candidate bent on destroying our national security.

Wait... do you identify as male? Should I refer to you with a more gender neutral pronoun?

Sorry if i offended you, snowflake.


Well-Known Member
Its amazing watching these guys refer to news clips as " YouTube videos" as a way to denegrate factual information,then half of em post links to newspaper articles as if written word holds a higher truth ratio than a news video where you can see & hear the words coming out of the horses mouth .

They like to believe connecting the name of the host site as YouTube will denegrate the CNN news clip, or any other MSM news that shows them in error by claiming it a "YouTube video ".

Here's a " YouTube " hosted video for all the Lefty's here,try to rationalize the threats issued against a nuclear superpower out of this fucking maniacs mouth,it was hosted on YouTube so Obamas administration isn't really making these threats of war.

Dude you're not someone that will gain respect or attention here. Youre nothing more than the voice of the common racist idiot.

Many of the video are sourced from sites funded by your Klan chapter prez. Like you they merit derision.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Hitler didn't say it because he did it in person,blackmailed politicans to get his way,took over the media & used it to demonize his enemy's & push pro national socialism ideology on the people .

Hillary's playbook right from Mien Kamph
He said it in his book. Democratic socialism was held up as the best vehicle to obtain control of a nation.

He knew it was only good to be used for exerting control NOT for bringing equality and peace.


Well-Known Member
He said it in his book. Democratic socialism was held up as the best vehicle to obtain control of a nation.

He knew it was only good to be used for exerting control NOT for bringing equality and peace.
Hideous and vile sow what the fuck is mien kamph? You repeat an imbecile's error then speak about Democratic socialism. You're a wreck.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I feel like you are just trolling and really support donald trump.

No man would be so stupid to support a candidate bent on destroying our national security.

Wait... do you identify as male? Should I refer to you with a more gender neutral pronoun?

Sorry if i offended you, snowflake.
I do support Donald Trump 100% .

I don't support Hillary & her war hawk ideology .

You can refer to me however you like & I promise I won't be offended .

I think you quoted the wrong post,I was laughing at anti trump zombies who believe his family killed dinosaurs :wink:


Well-Known Member
I do support Donald Trump 100% .
Donald Trump's Slip in Polls Has G.O.P. Worried About Congress

A Complete-ish History of Donald Trump's Obsession With His Ideal Woman, His Own Daughter

You support trump because you're a racist, you're uneducated, you're an insecure weasel, and seem to compulsively attracted to idiotic, toxic ideologies.


Well-Known Member
A Complete-ish History of Donald Trump's Obsession With His Ideal Woman, His Own Daughter

You support because you're a racist, you're uneducated, you're an insecure weasel, and seem to compulsively attracted to idiotic, toxic ideologies.
don't forget his neo-nazi tattoo.