RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
No, she is not willing to bet with a sleaze ball like you who would not honor the bet if you lost.
So, whatcha gonna do when your daddy Drumpf loses miserably in less than a month, Red? Can the good folks of RIU still count on you to show up and talk nonsensical garbage, or will you be scampering away with your tail tucked between your legs like a good little repub-cuck?


Well-Known Member
So, whatcha gonna do when your daddy Drumpf loses miserably in less than a month, Red? Can the good folks of RIU still count on you to show up and talk nonsensical garbage, or will you be scampering away with your tail tucked between your legs like a good little repub-cuck?
You can expect reasoned discourse. You should try it sometime. Much more convincing than your usual baseless insults, tho probably beyond your ability.


Well-Known Member
As if you, Mr. Unemployable, knows what a "profit" is.
I got a $10,000 bonus earlier this summer for running one of the best crews at the number one branch in the nation for a certain high end window company. 3 straight months and nothing but 5 star reviews for every single job, along with massive praise from customers.

it was a nifty little profit.

did dick cheney profit from the iraq war, red?


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Even Joy Ried found Kaine's performance in the debate cringe worthy. Lol

Reid said, “Tim Kaine was the more aggressive interrupter and cross-talker. I don’t think that helped him. And he was firing so many attacks, so rapid-fire and so broad at Mike Pence that he was sort of losing the point. … Clearly Tim Kaine came in with one mission only, fire off as many salvos as — at Mike Pence as he could, and try to force Pence to defend Donald Trump. And in that sense, if that was his goal, he was successful. Look, if you’re a Republican voter, you probably watched — if you’re old-fashioned Republican, and you probably said, wow that Mike Pence guy seems interesting, I wonder who he’ll pick for his running mate, right? He came across as if he were the candidate. He stated his own positions on Russia, his own ideas. He defended the Mike Pence brand, but if Tim Kaine’s goal was to try to force him to defend Donald Trump, and to force the viewer to watch him not do that, then, if that was his mission, he succeeded. But I think the over-caffeinated presentation, I think, as — just as me watching it as a woman, I thought that it was sort of rude to the moderator to keep stepping on — over her and pretending that she wasn’t even there.”


Well-Known Member
I got a $10,000 bonus earlier this summer for running one of the best crews at the number one branch in the nation for a certain high end window company. 3 straight months and nothing but 5 star reviews for every single job, along with massive praise from customers.

it was a nifty little profit.

did dick cheney profit from the iraq war, red?

Strange, but for some reason, I don't believe you. Is that "@londondog" a plea for assistance?


Well-Known Member
When 2016 is over, the GOP will pretend Donald Trump never existed

By Paul Waldman October 5 at 1:01 PM

Trump’s Doing Worse Than Romney Did Among White Voters
By Harry Enten

Filed under 2016 Election

Yikes! lol

Hey, you know what I loathe almost as much as the Drumpf monster itself? The sad fact that these characters have recently been deemed as "hate/racist symbols" thanks to a small but repellent selection of 'people'....^&!@#$%#$!@# !!

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Maybe Drumpf will end up with colon cancer from a lifetime of gorging on fast foods and sugared drinks...that'd be just awful...