Surviving a TRUMP! loss. After the election tips.

Is there a site that is completely unbiased? I haven't seen one...

That is the first time I ever heard or quoted Redstate that I can remember... I was just trying to fulfil your request for a cite lol.

I like infowars because they attack anything anticonstitutional. I understand they have a Republican bias, I understand theh are in it for a profit.

Finding a news company that doesn't want paid is as hard as finding an unbias one..
Do you accept that there are a whole lot of other people that disagree with infowars about what the meaning of the Constitution is? Redstate is a site belonging to a guy who did not embrace TRUMP! at first and is now on the outs with TRUMP! All it is is bias.
While limiting magazine size is definitely against the spirit of the second amendment it isn't the worst thing our government has done in the spirit of our own safety. Marijuana being a prime example of the effectiveness of their policies and I think it is HILLARYous that so many are supporting this nonsense. Criminals will never have problems getting high powered weapons this disarmament is to remove fire power from the rule followers only. But we are only 300 million people what happens if technology to get 1 billion soldiers across the sea is suddenly realized? Bet you will be wishing more Americans had a few more rounds in the chamber.
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Impossible to stop the progress of technology. Just have to keep fighting against having a drone/robotic military.

Robots/computers are taking over everything from production to services. Not sure how to combat that. The people with money are good at finding ways of making more of it.

Both candidates have things said about them that are just not true. Media from both sides misconstrues things in their favor.

I keep hearing Trump is racist for not wanting illegals. If anything, Trump is discriminating against criminals not a race. They are illegal because our laws make them illegal in an effort to protect America.

As that Yoda looking character suggested: change the laws if you don't like them.
He implies he is a racist by the demeaning things he has said about Mexicans and other groups of immigrants. TRUMP! proves he's a racist when he calls to an end of immigration on the basis of religion.

For me, "protecting America means protecting our ideas. Immigration and acceptance of all races and religions is what I consider to be a cornerstone of this country. I want to protect that. That is why I am in favor of accepting refugees - especially if we are bombing this country.

I can handle the risk without some pussy 25 round magazine. You pose as much danger to me as a refugee, probably more.
While limiting magazine size is definitely against the spirit of the second amendment
But is it? What is the spirit? I thought is was about the right to protect yourself. Why does it mean the right to unfettered technology?

Nobody seriously thinks we can stop gun violence be banning guns. I think that the public is looking for a way to put more barriers up to lunatics like Dylann Roof and minimize the damage when they do - within the Constitution. Society has a right to determine what level of firepower a person has.

My point is - you have forgotten that the Constitution can mean different things to different people. I understand you are trying to uphold it - do you understand that? So why is the right willing to break the Constitution to protect it by denying a 2 term President his legal power to appoint to the SCOTUS? The Constitution is pretty clear on this.

Uh, sorry, that might not all be for you.
He implies he is a racist by the demeaning things he has said about Mexicans and other groups of immigrants. TRUMP! proves he's a racist when he calls to an end of immigration on the basis of religion.

For me, "protecting America means protecting our ideas. Immigration and acceptance of all races and religions is what I consider to be a cornerstone of this country. I want to protect that. That is why I am in favor of accepting refugees - especially if we are bombing this country.

I can handle the risk without some pussy 25 round magazine. You pose as much danger to me as a refugee, probably more.

"Implies"? Dude, c'mon....he's as bigoted as they come. Mindless and abhorrent, as well.

But I do appreciate that you are taking the time to simplify the obvious for him, as one might do with a special needs child...
Criminals will never have problems getting high powered weapons this disarmament is to remove fire power from the rule followers only.

if you as in plural you haven't stocked up on weapons and magazines at this point, that's just plain stupidity to not see the writing on the wall that this was coming.
But is it? What is the spirit? I thought is was about the right to protect yourself. Why does it mean the right to unfettered technology?
This type of technology is a natural progression of the arms to which they referred and I mean specifically. It was predictable there would be higher capacity magazines in their day. And, just so you know, crazy ass morons are nothing new either. Also not new, people who don't want us to be able to bare arms.