Hillary can't be trusted

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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
heres another video about them without a bunch of bullshit.
my video got more views and likes too. also compare the comment sections of the vids. your vids comment section looks like it was all comments from retarded racist trailer people. while the one i linked is mostly civil. also, id be more worried about the mold around little miss housekeeper than the bullshit you are trying to spread right now
Government propaganda.


Well-Known Member
how did it ever get to this point where you guys feel justified talking to her like this?must be a warm welcome for any new female member stumbling onto this thread.


Well-Known Member
how did it ever get to this point where you guys feel justified talking to her like this?must be a warm welcome for any new female member stumbling onto this thread.
Well if a new member comes in with the same intent she has.. spread lies about a whole religion. they'd get the same welcome
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