Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
It does get more and more like an SNL sketch here, doesn't it?

How many people did Bill and Hillary kill again? 52? 65?
Speaking of, Baldwin nearly nailed it. He needed to get those patented Drumpf hand gestures down pat, though - pointing/jabbing when he's feeling cocky, 'time out' waving when he's getting his ass handed to him, etc.etc.

At last count wasn't Bill actually the Jigsaw Killer? ...And supposedly Hillary is Typhoid Mary? Meth + fox 'news' is one HELL of a mind-warping toxic cocktail, fo sho.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of, Baldwin nearly nailed it. He needed to get those patented Drumpf hand gestures down pat, though - pointing/jabbing when he's feeling cocky, 'time out' waving when he's getting his ass handed to him, etc.etc.

At last count wasn't Bill actually the Jigsaw Killer? ...And supposedly Hillary is Typhoid Mary? Meth + fox 'news' is one HELL of a mind-warping toxic cocktail, fo sho.
I think Hillary is breaking my machines. She erases the video


Well-Known Member
Why are hungarians so racist?

They don't want any more migrants.
Only 43% even showed up to vote. So about 20% of hungarians then.

about the same amount of americans who, when surveyed said that they considered whites to be a superior race.

that number shot up to about 45% when they asked only trump supporters. about 70% of trump supporters don't think obama is an american either.

that's some fine company you keep, pile.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Countries governed by shariah law are hell for women and gays. Muslims despise Jews as agents of satan. Shame on the progressives for allowing this hate to spread.

Shame on bush, shame on clinton, shame on bush jr, shame on obama.

Muslims have been fighting since 600ad to irraddicate the jewish faith and by extension, the christians. Genocide.


Well-Known Member
Countries governed by shariah law are hell for women and gays. Muslims despise Jews as agents of satan. Shame on the progressives for allowing this hate to spread.

Shame on bush, shame on clinton, shame on bush jr, shame on obama.

Muslims have been fighting since 600ad to irraddicate the jewish faith and by extension, the christians. Genocide.
your scapegoating of a religion is literally worse than the propaganda the Nazis used against the jews in the 1930s.

l'shanah tova, pile.


Well-Known Member
Do you think judaism and islam is compatible? Or shariah law and the constitution?
i'm just informing you of verifiable facts.

the propaganda leveled against jews in 1930s germany does not match the level of scapegoating you are leveling at muslim people.

again, have you ever actually met a muslim person? ever?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
i'm just informing you of verifiable facts.

the propaganda leveled against jews in 1930s germany does not match the level of scapegoating you are leveling at muslim people.

again, have you ever actually met a muslim person? ever?
I have met muslim men and women.


Well-Known Member
Hillary is going to keep dropping and you guys are going to flip out. Lol
are you one of those self hating woman like Sky ?
Is this the reason behind the weight gain ? Is this the reason for the low self-esteem ?
How do you think this happened ? Mother issues ? or was it Daddy ?
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