RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
You've grown tiresome and boring, and that's sad....I mean, when a dickless internet troll such as yourself becomes boring, what's left for them to do in life, really?

Ah, that's right -- There are the "white appreciation" rallies, late night meth marathons, and peeping at your neighbor's getting it on while you furiously jack off and weep.
Really? The guy that owned the restaurant is mexican, when are you silly little sjw going to figure out not all white people are racist ? Most of you are fucking white for christ sakes.


Well-Known Member
Obviously not, but YOUR dumb ass sure is.

Also, people that use the term 'sjw' are most oftentimes racist, sexist, cowardly p--i--g--s. Just so you know.
Wager? Your account here against mine. I have more sub-saharan dna in my family than you do.
We can do a 23andme.com comparison. If I lose I leave, if you lose you leave, you do have 200 dollars for the test right?