RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
We aren't. Iraqis and Kurds are shedding practically all the blood in this fight. We are giving support but that's not the same thing.

Need anything else explained? Such as why Trump lost so very badly in the last debate and has kept his foot firmly planted in his mouth since then?
he just called 1995 the worst year since the great depression, saying that's why he lost a billion dollars running casinos.


Well-Known Member
I'm giving you a play by play of what happens to milk toast white boy social justice warrior snitches.

The MM isn't going to give a fuck why you snitched on people,they will use you as a ho unless you pay protection to them, since your white no white clique will take you or protect you,they,'ll squeeze you like a lemon & I've seen it,it ain't Perdy .

Most snitches wind up in the joint sooner or later,let Danny Trejo tell you how you'll get turned out as soon as they break the bars:lol:

show us your neo-nazi tattoo.


Well-Known Member
^ See?

A rat snitch cunt on a pot website....who'd have thunk it, eh? The worst kind of filth, for real.
Fell for it didn't you? You're weak and slow. I didn't report shit. yet. I'm about to take the rules of this site seriously and report every fucking infraction I see.


Well-Known Member
I'm giving you a play by play of what happens to milk toast white boy social justice warrior snitches.

The MM isn't going to give a fuck why you snitched on people,they will use you as a ho unless you pay protection to them, since your white no white clique will take you or protect you,they,'ll squeeze you like a lemon & I've seen it,it ain't Perdy .

Most snitches wind up in the joint sooner or later,let Danny Trejo tell you how you'll get turned out as soon as they break the bars:lol:

You have sick fantasies, your on the wrong website for soliciting rape.


Well-Known Member
Pull up those posts that prove me a racists let alone a klan member, slander me some more because your opinion means nothing.
I understand this is all you people know how to do, name calling is your best quality.

It's obvious you do care what people think, other wise you wouldn't post.


Well-Known Member
stfu you snitch !

if you ever wind up doing time you'll quickly be somebody's bitch,popping pimples on other men's backs & keeping house like a ho :bigjoint:

when you get parole you can get a job picking fruit, with your stretched out buthole :lol:

If I was a pathological lair like your self, I would pretend to be someone more respectable.