RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
Lol " a Texas newspaper" as if newspapers are even relevant anymore,every paper in the USA loses money as a business & is only kept alive as a propaganda tool.

I'll cut through all that BS you posted with a quick response,Hillary isn't " the lessor of 2 evils",she is the face of crony capitalism,she is the personification of evil,her evil deeds are backed up by decades of corruption,theft of public & private funds,extortion,murder & state sanctioned destabilization of a hemisphere .

Hillary Clinton is a puppet who whores herself out to whomever is willing to pay,and thousands of her emails released by wiki leaks prove she's the number 1 enemy of america .

Your entire support of one candidate over another is based on pure social justice warrior rhetoric.
Whistle past the graveyard much?

Actually, I posted it because they said better than I what is factual as opposed to your truthy sounds true because it's been repeated so many time but isn't true because the facts prove otherwise.

The rest of you diatribe is just made up shit. Just because you believe it give the shit you say any validity.

What I'm really hoping for is that you don't live to see the end of Clinton's presidency.


Well-Known Member
stfu you snitch !

if you ever wind up doing time you'll quickly be somebody's bitch,popping pimples on other men's backs & keeping house like a ho :bigjoint:

when you get parole you can get a job picking fruit, with your stretched out buthole :lol:
This is about the fifth time you've referenced "popping pimples on men's backs"....wtf, creepo? Look, so you've got yourself a nasty fetish born out of repeated prison rapes, but do you HAVE to go on and on about it?

When the United Blood Nation got ahold of your nazi asshole and throat they REALLY did a number on you, eh? Bet you were someone's babygirl within HOURS, lol, asshole flappin in the wind...

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Well-Known Member
Then why are we fighting them? You really are a fucking idiot
We aren't. Iraqis and Kurds are shedding practically all the blood in this fight. We are giving support but that's not the same thing.

Need anything else explained? Such as why Trump lost so very badly in the last debate and has kept his foot firmly planted in his mouth since then?

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
sounds like you are giving us your autobiography.
I'm giving you a play by play of what happens to milk toast white boy social justice warrior snitches.

The MM isn't going to give a fuck why you snitched on people,they will use you as a ho unless you pay protection to them, since your white no white clique will take you or protect you,they,'ll squeeze you like a lemon & I've seen it,it ain't Perdy .

Most snitches wind up in the joint sooner or later,let Danny Trejo tell you how you'll get turned out as soon as they break the bars:lol:
