RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


Well-Known Member
so far, i have signed up 4 volunteers for the hillary campaign here in swing state colorado. i will be continuing to call for hillary 4 days a week for the next two weeks, signing up volunteers the whole time.

on the 17th, ballots arrive in the mail and i will be going door to door to make sure our supporters have mailed them in.

if anyone needs assistance, a ride to the polls, or anything else, i will be there from now until election day helping them with whatever they need to vote.

meanwhile, trump's voter outreach is being run by a 12 year old child in this state. i wish i was kidding.

good luck!
Monday is register dead people day here in Ohio. But it is unnecessary, yournewswire has pictures of the thousands of ballots pre-voted for Hillary in Ohio. Boy is my arm sore from filling in those little circles.

Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
so far, i have signed up 4 volunteers for the hillary campaign here in swing state colorado. i will be continuing to call for hillary 4 days a week for the next two weeks, signing up volunteers the whole time.

on the 17th, ballots arrive in the mail and i will be going door to door to make sure our supporters have mailed them in.

if anyone needs assistance, a ride to the polls, or anything else, i will be there from now until election day helping them with whatever they need to vote.

meanwhile, trump's voter outreach is being run by a 12 year old child in this state. i wish i was kidding.

good luck!
Grats for being active even though its supporting Hillary. I hope you are this active and not just eating cheeze puffs with a stained wife beater on in your moms basement like I always imagined you.

Night all.

I am not sure wether to wear my "Hillary for Prison 2016" or my Bill Clinton "Rape" shirt. Haven't decided yet.


Well-Known Member
so far, i have signed up 4 volunteers for the hillary campaign here in swing state colorado. i will be continuing to call for hillary 4 days a week for the next two weeks, signing up volunteers the whole time.

on the 17th, ballots arrive in the mail and i will be going door to door to make sure our supporters have mailed them in.

if anyone needs assistance, a ride to the polls, or anything else, i will be there from now until election day helping them with whatever they need to vote.

meanwhile, trump's voter outreach is being run by a 12 year old child in this state. i wish i was kidding.

good luck!

Awesome, keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Grats for being active even though its supporting Hillary. I hope you are this active and not just eating cheeze puffs with a stained wife beater on in your moms basement like I always imagined you.

Night all.

I am not sure wether to wear my "Hillary for Prison 2016" or my Bill Clinton "Rape" shirt. Haven't decided yet.
Your wardrobe, did you pick it up.at the Klan thrifty?


Well-Known Member
Grats for being active even though its supporting Hillary. I hope you are this active and not just eating cheeze puffs with a stained wife beater on in your moms basement like I always imagined you.

Night all.

I am not sure wether to wear my "Hillary for Prison 2016" or my Bill Clinton "Rape" shirt. Haven't decided yet.

Don't be ashamed ,wear your Klan outfit.