why dont we collectively throw down for sphere data?

I haven't seen him this vindictive, but then I've never seen a forum this poorly moderated. Mods complaining about too much reporting when one user is at the base of all of them seems like an easy fix

I don't think @Greengenes707 has made many friends around here behind the scenes, and I like that the mods err on the side of free expression. For instance, your posts are often abrasive and confrontational, but I'm still glad you are allowed to contribute without the politeness police banning you.

On a side note: @PhotonFUD is subtle in his trolling. He's very, very good.
I don't think @Greengenes707 has made many friends around here behind the scenes, and I like that the mods err on the side of free expression. For instance, your posts are often abrasive and confrontational, but I'm still glad you are allowed to contribute without the politeness police banning you.

On a side note: @PhotonFUD is subtle in his trolling. He's very, very good.
In GG's thread he was clearly trolling, but his "400umol" stance seems to be something he really believes. Or that we should measure center PPFD/W for all light sources.

It"s also not about being abrasive or disagreement. I can't believe people in general would report posts when they simply disagree. 40 reports in a short time shows there is an actual problem. When say a dozen people report the posts from one guy and this guy also reports some posts oif this dozen, then it would seem quite clear where the issue originates.
heyheyheyheyhey as much as I enjoy the bullshit that seems to be thrown through this forum and in the specific threads that it comes up in, could we please just for fucking once remember the name of the thread

'why dont we collectively throw down for sphere data?'

Seriously if you want to invade people's threads with you people's ever lasting bullshit - go smoke another cone and fuck riiiiiiiiight off

Pretty please stop shitting throughout yet another thread:


Now I for one would love to see spherical data for all cobs @ 6", 12", 18" & 24" - although that's probably asking for a lot hahaha

Hell I'd even teach myself & quickly throw together a website to display the data if someone provided accurate standardized data for individual cobs
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wowzers why you guys so worked up he said he'd test it in a pinata but really i rather see him grow something with it. is that what you guys do all day fight on the net? is this the future of weed holy chit!!! you need a few awhooosaaas!!! awhooosaaaa awhoooosa
but for real I've seen this op be rude lots of times he probably deserves to get a bit of chit he seems like a chit starter
couple of options for calibrating a sphere

i have that spectrometer and software we may be closer than we think

those calibrated tungsten lamps are expensive but there are other options


another option is we could build ourselves a few beachball spheres, chip in to send a reference cob to a lab, then pass that reference cob around like a doobie to calibrate our home spheres
I thought about printing a sphere on my 3D printer. Apart from the obvious calibration issues, I was afraid the coating on the inside might alter the spectral distribution.

One of these spehere builders do sell the paint though, but perhaps only to people who bought a spare.

With a spectrometer its probably not an issue anyway. If you calibrate with a known spectrum.
Can I suggest yo empty dome? ;)
Wtf are.you.going.to.do.with the data from inside this magical paper machete mess?
Do you think its more important than the readings we already have and know from multiple dif meters and members?
I think its much more important in this thread or and other to root out this troll problem and put an end to the chit.this fuccktard singles out you next you going to be singing a dif tune.trolling im fine with,slander im not.

And on that note i still don't know how a speres data will be important for a directional lamp.
Fair enough but I still have my doubts.

I am grown and I asked if you had the same IP from the mods===no answer

You seem to forget how you acted under bobbyg account when you got here.

Your a sponsor, Get a mod to tell me otherwise in a pm
It's not your place to know user IPs
That's a breech of security
Wtf are.you.going.to.do.with the data from inside this magical paper machete mess?
Do you think its more important than the readings we already have and know from multiple dif meters and members?
I think its much more important in this thread or and other to root out this troll problem and put an end to the chit.this fuccktard singles out you next you going to be singing a dif tune.trolling im fine with,slander im not.

And on that note i still don't know how a speres data will be important for a directional lamp.

Yes Yes He Does Cause He's A Non Growing Cob Calculator Boy :peace:

ill just leave it at the fact that i am incredibly insulted that you would accuse me of that. i didnt post at all in that thread for obvious reasons

-i went to bed on wed or thurs morning and woke up and there was like 7 pages of shitshow
-GG told me to GTFO of his thread and i did
-what is there to say? it was the fools who participated in that thread and made it go 20 pages in a half an hour that caused it to get closed

i have absolutely zero to gain by that thread being closed. nothing at all. and you cant even see that youre being a photon fud in this very thread... im nottaking the bait.

ill say it once - i have no other accounts other than the idle Bobby_G. I have not, do not, and will not troll this site.

@sunni please back me up on this. I cant even believe that i am asking for that to prove your ridiculous assertions wrong. And if she doesnt respond- i dont even care- im not taking your bait, sorry.
I wasn't the one that closed it
But when we ask you people 5 different times I think by two different mods to stop and you don't well close whatever we feel like
Everyone agreed to that when you signed up
The problem with the LED section is
1 everyone acts like they're so entitled in here
You or whomever feels like they are the sole reason rollitup stands
Let me tell you you're not
And rollitup will live without you although we prefer you here
You are not the reason hundreds of people come here and sign up
You're not that special
Rollitup survives over a collective of users and threads and community members together standing as one big community

2 you guys bitch fucking endlessly there's more bitching here than the entire forum together
Its beyond annoying you people can't just grow up and stop shit slinging over leds
They're not the same
Feel better ?
I'm not giving out IP addresses ever we don't do that
Nobody ask you to give it up we just wanted confirmation .thanks.
But as far as this section maybe its time you guys assigned someone from the section to be a mod,they could give out warning,long before shit gets reported.and to say this section is bad lol,do you not read toke n talk or any post in politics section lmao.we are pretty mellow compared to them imo.
Thanks for your time sunni