why dont we collectively throw down for sphere data?

well at least the info is still there

seems like GG was over this place anyway, i dont think we would have seen the same level of contribution regardless of whether that thread stayed open or not
grow up dude, seriously. like i have time for that shit. thats your evidence? were both one of over a dozen posters that think A19s are great off the shelf solutions, its called common sense. there are whole threads about it.

photonfud and GG were going at it in other threads long before he made that post.i stay away from that petty BS.

our posts are literally nothing alike. i sure as shit dont thing 400 umol is useful for anything past seedlings

you might as well say i am welight, or robin, or that guy psuagro who posts on an LED board

im sure the mods track all IPs and could easily clear my name if they gave even the slightest shit about this juvenile bullshit

and yes, i had another account... and when i started this one i was sure to tell every single person on the board that it was me, i have nothing to hide. everybody here knows im bobbyG.

ive got nothing against GG and have never spoken badly about him (despite the fact he apparently didnt feel the same about me, for whatever reason ive never been able to pin down), he was a good contributor and i will be the first to admit i learned a lot from the guy and his passion for the craft was very inspiring. its a damn shame his threads went from a super informative roundtable to what they became, but i have nothing at all to do with the cause and/or end result of that. Even if i didnt like the guy i wouldnt go fucking with somebodys livelyhood.

Fair enough but I still have my doubts.

I am grown and I asked if you had the same IP from the mods===no answer

You seem to forget how you acted under bobbyg account when you got here.

Your a sponsor, Get a mod to tell me otherwise in a pm
You seem to forget how you acted under bobbyg account when you got here.
i talked some shit once with no experience. GG put me in my place. everybody moved on and a lesson was learned. we went on to do business together.

Your a sponsor, Get a mod to tell me otherwise in a pm
contrary to popular belief sponsors dont have magical powers or pull with the mods (you should have learned that from GG's thread). If those guys feel like speaking on my behalf they have my permission but really ive got nothing to gain from proving anything to you so im not going out of my way to bug anyone, they clearly want nothing to do with that shitshow (nor do i)
I found a DIY tutorial for building one with a beach ball and paper mache. http://budgetlightforum.com/node/2156

Yoga balls would work as well and come in 20-30" varieties. Instead of plastic as a first layer I would probably try using stretch wrap. It might result in a smoother inner surface.

Find a baseline with a known source and use to calibrate. It won't look professional but for $100 it might be worth doing. If nothing else, it would remove optical characteristics from relative comparisons, but I think it would also be pretty accurate if properly calibrated.
ive got a mecha giga. if you want raw chip output im not sure passive is the best as it will lose at high currents

OTOH,if we have a mfr curve for it its same same. waterblock FTW but it might be a pain to have the techs operate a setup like that, incurring extra cost
Hey bro it's Jay can you set me up with a high lumen package. like 25,000 lummen.
FHOTONFUD is a trolling idiot that has not one pictures, nor any proper information, has invested nothing into nothing, and always pops up with an opinion that is always negative, never even a props . I have lights , chips , bud grown under led lighting, and HPS but only post LED bud. I can wire buildings so these lights are nothing. I design 100,000 dollar jobs then do them so building the light is easy to. I am a licensed Refrigeration Contractor in Massachusetts USA which is the most strict state in the country which means the most strict in the world. which means the smartest come from here fact. You keep saying that the data is on here from Joe smo, or you tube videos and it's a joke. But If you go to Cree or even Mouser there are data sheets on everything from chips to drivers and if you are really making an investment than that's the data you read and learn, know exactly what you are reading. then as a grower and investor you can make an educated purchace. So stop acting like this is a joke when the only joke is you. every thread I hit the there you are running your mouth babbling bullshit. I got nothing against you but what's the problem with everything. you don't do light, or grow, mabee you make baskets I don't know but stop crushing peoples hopes. and if anyone has any questions, I can most likely give you a professional answer and if by chance I can't I'll tell you but I will find out what it is.Thanks to all the DIY LED builders i love you and we wouldn't be here today if people like us didn't take chances. But the bigger the risk the higher the rewards.
If she was the last led slut around, would you fucker her though?
I keep in mind that this Web site started the whole DIY LEDS. Without them we wouldn't have been here today
can you set me up with a high lumen package. like 25,000 lumen

here you go:


option 1 22000 lumens/150W:

use code RIU for 10% off. it will want to charge $20 for shipping but thats $13 flat rate

if you dont have a good active heatsink you prob want the assembly instead:


option 2 (41000 lm/310W) looks similar but the 3618 chip is $15 more and special order. it uses this 2800ma high voltage driver instead:

anyway, back on topic, rahz that sphere idea is dope and i think it would be more than adequate for integrating light from chips like were trying to do. if im gonna do that ill probably lay it up in fiberglass instead of paper mache.

a yoga-ball sphere could literally test fixtures
i talked some shit once with no experience. GG put me in my place. everybody moved on and a lesson was learned. we went on to do business together.

contrary to popular belief sponsors dont have magical powers or pull with the mods (you should have learned that from GG's thread). If those guys feel like speaking on my behalf they have my permission but really ive got nothing to gain from proving anything to you so im not going out of my way to bug anyone, they clearly want nothing to do with that shitshow (nor do i)

Still nothing on the IP match, the mods always get back to me when I ask..........strange , photonfud seems to have gone quiet all of a sudden; wasn't banned either. hmmmmmm

talking about that troll, YOU never even posted ONCE in his thread, not normal behavior for you, VERY active in this forum throughout and said earlier "400umol isn't useful for anything past seedlings"==== usually your very adamant about your opinion, not ONE POST in a 12 page thread.......

http://rollitup.org/t/par-measurement-thread.921489/ still find major similarities IMO

bait and catch, guerrilla marketing? idk

I just want a yes or no answer.........and I'll let it go
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Still nothing on the IP match, the mods always get back to me when I ask..........strange , photonfud seems to have gone quiet all of a sudden; wasn't banned either. hmmmmmm

talking about that troll, YOU never even posted ONCE in his thread, not normal behavior for you, VERY active in this forum throughout and said earlier "400umol isn't useful for anything past seedlings"==== usually your very adamant about your opinion, not ONE POST in a 12 page thread.......

http://rollitup.org/t/par-measurement-thread.921489/ still find major similarities IMO
And The Plot Thickens For RIU's Own Non Growing Cob Calculator Boy From E-Bay :finger:
I thought FUD was Dutch? Or at least I know one who is also into mono's, far red, PPFD measuring, aquariums, posting presumptions as facts, posting random links to research papers as "proof" (when nothing of what he claims is actually discussed in it) and thinks he's providing "science" while in reality everyone thinks he's an idiot.

He's a troll in the sense that he keeps posting his bullshit, but he actually has it in his head that he's correct.

I haven't seen him this vindictive, but then I've never seen a forum this poorly moderated. Mods complaining about too much reporting when one user is at the base of all of them seems like an easy fix
ill just leave it at the fact that i am incredibly insulted that you would accuse me of that. i didnt post at all in that thread for obvious reasons

-i went to bed on wed or thurs morning and woke up and there was like 7 pages of shitshow
-GG told me to GTFO of his thread and i did
-what is there to say? it was the fools who participated in that thread and made it go 20 pages in a half an hour that caused it to get closed

i have absolutely zero to gain by that thread being closed. nothing at all. and you cant even see that youre being a photon fud in this very thread... im nottaking the bait.

ill say it once - i have no other accounts other than the idle Bobby_G. I have not, do not, and will not troll this site.

@sunni please back me up on this. I cant even believe that i am asking for that to prove your ridiculous assertions wrong. And if she doesnt respond- i dont even care- im not taking your bait, sorry.
talking about that troll, YOU never even posted ONCE in his thread, not normal behavior for you, VERY active in this forum throughout and said earlier "400umol isn't useful for anything past seedlings"==== usually your very adamant about your opinion, not ONE POST in a 12 page thread.......
thats beause the argument was retarded to begin with. 400 umol GTFO. what am i gonna contribute (against an obvious troll) that hadnt been said 50 times over. your deductive logic is literally right up there with photonfud.